Saturday, October 15, 2022

Marawi Exhibit Review - October 15, 2022

A Poster of the Marawi Exhibit by the AFP
A Poster of the Marawi Exhibit by the AFP

A couple of Days ago I saw a Post by the Kalinaw News on their Facebook Page about the Marawi Exhibit which was going to be held at the Philippine Army (PA) Headquarters (HQ) Grand Stand. They also referred there a Link to register for anybody who wanted to go to the Exhibit. 

So I filled up the Form on the Link, and this Morning when I checked Google Maps for Directions, it kept telling me to go to the Army Gate along Bayani Road, so that’s where I went. However, when I got there, the Guards referred me to go to the PA Gym which was at the corner of Lawton Avenue and Bayani Road. 

When I got there, a Team was there to check the People who registered at the Link mentioned above, they found my Name and gave me a Paper Wristband so I could attend the Event. Then somebody guided us to the Grand Stand which turns out to be just across the Road from the Gym. 

The Event was on open Ground, and it was particularly hot and humid this Afternoon even if its already October, so if you are planning to go then I suggest you dress comfortably. And by that I mean at least Pants, Shoes and T-Shirt and not Shorts, Sando and Slippers just to be on the safe side since it is, after all, inside a Military Camp. 

Also bring an Umbrella to protect yourself from the heat. I only brought along a Hat which was not very Satisfactory since I spent a lot of time at the Event. As for the Exhibit itself, it was very nice, they brought a lot of things there and I found it to be highly Educational. I guess five Years after the Siege our Armed Forces are now free and ready to show the Lessons they learned from that War. 

And I learned a lot. There were also many Veterans of the War there and they were willing to share their Stories about what happened. I took a number of Pictures, the highlights for me were the PA Vehicles with their now famous “Wooden Armor”, they bought a lot of them there. 

I also found the Improvised Grenades used by the ISIS Scumbags and the Explosives used by our Troops to create “Mouse Holes” (the man-sized holes created on the Walls to gain access to the other side) to be very interesting. There are also many other fascinating Things to see there about the War. 

‘Parting Shot’
I think this Event is a Must-See for Military Enthusiasts, it lasts until tomorrow, Sunday, October 16, 2022. I don’t know if they will still require the Registration since I saw many Posts this Afternoon among the Government Pages about the Event and they didn’t mention it anymore, but to be safe, you may want to do it if you plan on coming. 

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