Wednesday, February 14, 2024

OUR ASIAN NEIGHBOR: Japan, 2022-2024

The Flag of Japan from the Wikimedia Commons
The Flag of Japan from the Wikimedia Commons

February 12, 2024: JICA developing a Long Term Plan to help the Maritime Authorities in the Philippines 
The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) will be developing a 10 Year Plan to provide support to the Maritime Authorities in Philippines and three other South East Asian (SEA) Countries. 

An On-Site Survey was already made in the Philippines last Month of January 2024 and the detailed Plan will be released by March of next Year of 2025.  The Support could come in the Form of Drones, Radar Systems, Patrol Boats and Training. 

Here is the Link to the Article on the NHK World-Japan Website:

February 1, 2024: China dethrones Japan as the Top Vehicle Exporter in the World in 2023
Welcome to the new World Order as China recently surpassed Japan as the number one Vehicle Exporter in the World for the Year 2023. Japan last Year exported 4.42 million Vehicles while China exported 4.91 million Vehicles Worldwide. 

This is the first time in eight Years since 2016 that Japan was dislodged as the top Exporter of Vehicles in the World. China's Car Exports was mainly due to its sales of Electric Vehicles (EV), and sales to Russia after many Automakers from the United States (US) and Europe pulled out of that Market. 

January 19, 2024: Japan to donate Usd 4 million worth of Security Equipment to the Philippines
Japan will reportedly be donating Equipment to enhance the Philippines' Maritime Security worth Jpy 600 million, or around Usd 4 million assuming an Exchange Rate of Jpy 148 per United States (US) Dollar.

The Equipment could come in the Form of Coastal and Air Surveillance Radars. No other Details were given about this planned Donation though like the Specific Models, Timelines, etc. 

January 18, 2024: Japan signs Contract for 400 Tomahawk Cruise Missiles worth Usd 1.72 billion 
Japan's Ministry of Defense (MoD) announced recently that they have signed a Contract to acquire 400 Tomahawk Cruise Missiles and their related Equipment for Usd 1.72 billion which will be delivered starting from 2025 up to 2027. 

Out of the Usd 1.72 billion, Usd 1.15 billion will be for the Missiles itself while Usd 570 million will be for the related Equipment, which brings the Price of the Missiles to be at an average of Usd 2.875 million each. 

The Missiles will the Ship-launched Versions designated as the RGM-109E Tomahawk Cruise Missile and will equip the Destroyer Vessels of the Japan Maritime Self Defense Force (JMSDF)

Here is the Link to the Article at the NHK World – Japan Website:

December 16, 2023: USN Officer who killed two Japanese Citizens transferred to US Custody after serving only less than half his Prison Sentence in Japan
So this is the United States (US) for you: A United States Navy (USN) Officer who KILLED TWO Japanese Citizens in Japan has now been sent back to the US after only serving LESS THAN HALF of his Sentence in a Japanese Prison. 

Lieutenant Ridge Alkonis hit and killed two Japanese Citizens with his Car while he was on his way to Mount Fuji. He was sentenced to be imprisoned in Japan for three Years, but after serving only less than half of that, he was transferred to US Custody after pressure by the US Government. 

He will still be imprisoned in the US, but it is not sure if he will serve the remaining time of his Sentence there or if in fact it will be shortened. So imagine that, this is JAPAN already and the US still manages to treat them like Dirt when it come to US Citizens, even if that Citizen of theirs committed a Crime in Japan.

December 2, 2023: Visiting US Troops denies Host Country Japan’s request to ground all Osprey Flights over Japan
Japan, which like the Philippines is also hosting United States (US) Military Bases in their Country, recently got concerned about the safety of the US-made V-22 Osprey Tilt-Rotor Aircraft after another such Aircraft crashed recently, the third already within just the last two Years. 

Japan also owns such Aircraft and has now grounded theirs pending the result of the Investigation of the latest crash, and at the same time they asked the US to also suspend all Osprey Flights within Japan. But what did the US do? They simply IGNORED the Japanese, and continued to fly the Aircraft. 

Remember, the US are just VISITORS in Japan, and Japan itself is a pretty strong and progressive Country already and yet the US still have the ARROGANCE of ignoring them. If the US can do that to Japan, just imagine how they must REALLY be treating their Filipino Doggies here in the Philippines …

Here is the Link to the Article at the Independent Asia Edition Website:

August 28, 2023: Philippines one of the 6 Countries Japan will provide Security Aid in 2024
The Philippines will be one of the six Countries that Japan will provide Security Aid next Year in 2024. The amount isn’t substantial, though as the Budget will only be Jpy 5 billion or around Usd 34 million divided among the six Countries. 

This Year of 2023, the Philippines was among the four Countries that Japan will provide Security Aid to, the Budget though is set at only Jpy 2 billion or Usd 13.6 million. No Details yet has been provided though on what exactly will these Security Aid be that Japan will provide

December 30, 2022: More interesting Statistics from 2000 to 2018 showing how Japan funds a lot more Infrastructure Projects in Vietnam than in the Philippines, almost three times as much. I don’t think this is a question of us denying funding from Japan given how they are already funding many Projects here, I think it is more of Japan denying funding for more of our Projects. I am very thankful for Japan for their Projects here, but why do they give so much more to Vietnam? Do they trust or have more faith in Vietnam than in the Philippines? So sad to see this …

December 27, 2022: Just some interesting Statistics from 2000 to 2018 showing how Japan funds more Infrastructure Projects than China in Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore and Vietnam. China though funds more than Japan in Malaysia and Thailand. Both Countries funded more Projects in Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam than in the Philippines. Note also how China funded only five Projects in the Philippines, thanks to the Anti-China Hysteria Propaganda being constantly being promoted by the Americans and their Pinoy Dogs
SOURCE: Discover ASEAN Facebook Page Post, 12/27/22 – 1423H {Archived Link}

December 8, 2022: While our “Defense Treaty Ally” the United States (US) could only bring their F-16C/D Fighting Falcon Aircraft to train with our Air Force in recent times, Japan on their first try brought one of their main Fighter Aircraft, their F-15J Eagle right away. It just shows the level of RESPECT Japan has for our Country, and on top of that they already really helped us a lot, being our Country’s main Source of Official Development Assistance (ODA) Loans or Grants. They are very much worthy to be our Defense and Economic Partner  

June 21, 2022: So is “Japan, a Province of China” now that their Prime Minister Fumio Kishida himself said that maintaining stable and constructive relations with China are important to maintain Peace and Stability in Asia and the International Community unlike what American Propaganda is insisting on, hmm?

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