Saturday, January 6, 2024

Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) News, 2023

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December 2, 2023: FA-50PH Aircraft dropped eight Bombs on Terrorist Lair in Maguindanao 
Two FA-50PH Fighting Eagle Combat Aircraft of the Philippine Air Force (PAF) provided Ground Support to Philippine Army (PA) Troops during an Assault on a Temporary Encampment that resulted in the Deaths of eleven Terrorists in Maguindanao del Sur recently. 

Troops belonging to the 6th Infantry Division (6ID) spotted the Encampment and called in the FA-50PH Air Strike and additional Artillery Bombardment. The Troops then started the Ground Assault against an estimated total of 15 Dawlah Islamiyah (DI) Terrorists. The FA-50PH Aircraft dropped eight 227 kg Bombs during the Operation.

November 28, 2022: Just some nice Pictures of the A-29B Super Tucano Aircraft of the Philippine Air Force (PAF) conducting Maritime Air Patrol over the West Philippine Sea (WPS) recently. In two of the Pictures, you can see the Forward Looking Infra-Red (FLIR) Ball attached on the Aircraft
October 29, 2023: PN does another Live-Firing of its Spike-ER Missiles
The Philippine Navy (PN) did another Live-firing of its Spike-Extended Range (ER) Missile on board its Multi-Purpose Attack Craft (MPAC) Mk III Vessels off the Coast of Zambales recently. They’ve been doing these live-firings around once a Year for several Years now. 

That’s the advantage of buying small and relatively cheap Missiles, you can buy a lot and can afford to fire them every now and then. Notice that in one of the Pictures, it says on the Green Box, “SPIKE ER ROUND – PBF”. “PBF” means “Penetrating, Blast Fragmentation”, this refers to its Warhead which can penetrate Bunkers, Structures or Ship Hulls before exploding, thereby maximizing its Lethality

Remember that just a Decade ago, we could only dream about doing Things like this. But now we are actually living the Dream already. Notice though that we haven’t done a live-firing of the much bigger and more expensive C-Star Anti-Ship Missiles yet. Hopefully we can do at least one soon

Here are the Links to the original Posts: 

October 26, 2023: PAF Black Hawk Helicopter deployed in Quezon for a Landslide Incident
An S-70i Black Hawk Helicopter of the Philippine Air Force (PAF) was deployed to Quezon recently to do Damage Assessment, conduct Search and Rescue (SAR) Operations and transport four of the Fatalities that was the result of the Landslide Incident. Here is the Link to the original Post:
SOURCE: Philippine Air Force Facebook Page Post, 10/26/23 – 0919H {Archived Link}

October 9, 2023: Just a nice look at the Interior and Consoles of one of the most Advanced and Capable Ships of the Philippine Navy (PN) right now, the BRP Antonio Luna (FF-151), a Jose-Rizal class Guided Missile Frigate

SOURCE: NAVFORSOL – Philippine Navy Facebook Page Post, 10/09/23 - 0555H {Archived Link}

September 27, 2023: A look at the Control Console of the RCWS for the .50 cal. HMG of a PA M113A2 APC
Here is a nice look at the Control Console of the Remote Controlled Weapons Station (RCWS) for the 12.7 mm caliber Heavy Machine Gun (HMG) onboard an M113A2 Armored Personnel Carrier (APC). The Commander of the Northern Luzon Command (NOLCOM), Lieutenant General Fenryl Buca got to Test Fire the System during his visit to the Armored “Pambato” Division of the Philippine Army (PA) recently

SOURCE: Armor Pambato Division Facebook Page Post, 09/27/23 – 1535H {Archived Link}

September 27, 2023: Sabrah ASCOD 2 Light Tank highlighted during NOLCOM Commander’s Visit
Just a nice look at the brand new Sabrah ASCOD 2 Light Tank during the recent visit of Lieutenant General Fernyl Buca, the Commander of the Northern Luzon Command (NOLCOM) to the Headquarters of the Armor "Pambato" Division of the Philippine Army (PA)

One thing noticeable from this Picture are what looks like Composite Rubber Inserts on the Tracks of the Light Tank. These are meant to reduce Noise, reduce Vibration resulting in a more comfortable Ride for the Crew. They also provide more “Grip” on Wet and Muddy Surfaces, and provide less Damage to the Surface the Tank runs on.

Here is the Link to the original Post containing the Picture:
SOURCE: Armor Pambato Division Facebook Page Post, 09/27/23 – 1535H {Archived Link}

September 22, 2023: Six NPA Terrorists were exterminated by Philippine Army Troops in Negros Occidental recently
Almost an entire Squad of New People's Army (NPA) Terrorist Animals were exterminated by Philippine Army (PA) Troops belonging to the 47th Infantry Battalion of the 3rd Infantry Division in Tabugon, Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental recently.

This happened during an Encounter when the PA Troops were responding to the reported presence of Armed Men demanding Food and Money from the People in the Area

September 13, 2023: Philippine Army activates a new Artillery Battalion to be stationed in Western Mindanao
The Philippine Army (PA) has activated recently a new Artillery Battalion called the 11th Field Artillery “Bullseye” Battalion (11FAB) which will be assigned in Western Mindanao. The new Battalion will lessen the Load of existing Artillery Units and also evenly distribute Troops within the Organization 

September 12, 2023: Taojo Family donates Land to be used as Base by the Philippine Navy in Eastern Mindanao
The Taojo Family recently donated a Parcel of Land in the Coastal City of Mati, Davao Oriental in Eastern Mindanao that will be the Site of a new Forward Operating Base (FOB) of the Philippine Navy (PN). Once the construction of a Base is completed there, it will greatly improve the Security Situation in that Area

August 26, 2023: PAF W-3 Sokol transports an Outreach Mission to a Remote Tribe in Palawan
Just a nice Picture of a W-3 Sokol Combat Utility Helicopter (CUH) of the Philippine Air Force (PAF) when it transported an Outreach Mission to an isolated and remote Tau't Bato Tribe in Palawan last Month of August 2023
SOURCE: Western Command Armed Forces of the Philippines, 08/26/23 - 0908H {Archived Link}

August 16, 2023: Construction of the new PMC HQ in Bataan going along nicely
A Groundbreaking Ceremony was held recently for the construction of the Roads, Utilities, Preparatory Works and Grandstand for the new Headquarters (HQ) of the Philippine Marine Corps (PMC) in Bataan. This is just part to move the PMC HQ from Taguig City to the Bataan Technology Park in Morong and will increase the overall size of the PMC HQ from the current 12 hectares to 100 hectares

Original Photos are from the BCDA Group Facebook Page here: 

August 13, 2023: AFP should not talk about Foreign Policy, it creates Confusion and inflames Tension – Sen. Escudero
I am not a big Fan of Senator Chiz Escudero, I didn’t like some of Things he said before, but in this Particular Instance I agree with him when he says that the Top Officials of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) should not be talking to the Press about Foreign Policy as it creates Confusion and escalates the Tension with China. Quoting directly from the Senator: 

* “It creates confusion when any General is interviewed as saying that [the Water Cannonade Incident] is an Act of War

* “The Philippines should always keep the Doors open to talks with China and we should not let inflammatory Statements in the Political Debate, which may only heighten the tension on either Side and may not bring positive results toward the Resolution of this Dispute.

August 9, 2023:Wag OA’, many Vietnamese died against China, and yet they have Military Exercises with them up to now. And where are your US Allies?
AFP Chief: China's use of Water Cannon on PH Boats 'Short of declaring War'”, says the Headline. All I can say is, time for STRAIGHT TALK with the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP): ‘Wag OA’ (don’t be OA or Over Acting), many Vietnamese died during the Battle of Paracel Islands with China, and they used to have regular Water Cannon and Bump-Vessel Battles in the South China Sea (SCS), and yet the Vietnamese Military continues to have regular Joint Exercises with the Chinese Military.

If you want to have Peace, then be ready to COMPROMISE with China. But if you don’t want to, then up to you, but then prepare for WAR. But let me ask you, WHERE are your Unted States (US) Allies that you constantly boast and so proud about, ‘aber’? How come you haven’t received any direct help from them up to now? 

You got what you wanted, Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) gave them so many Military Bases here, for free, and yet all the US gives you now are DELAYING TACTICS even for just Joint Patrols in the SCS

July 28, 2023: Despite BBM’s closeness with the US, an American Website is still calling for the suspension of US Funding and Sales to the AFP, also opposing the Sale of Military Items by Elbit to the Philippines
Despite Bong Bong Marcos’ (BBM) recent closeness with the United States (US), the American Website “Cambridge Day” still published an Article calling for support for the Laws that are currently pending in the US Legislature that want to suspend all American Aid and Sales to the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP)

The Website is also opposing the recent and further Sale of Military Weapons and Equipment by the Israeli Company “Elbit Systems” to the Philippines which has been considerable, consisting of Light Tanks, Drones, Artillery Systems, Armored Personnel Carriers (APC) and Surveillance Aircraft

July 21, 2023: BRP Andres Bonifacio celebrates seventh Year of Service with the PN
Nice Pictures of the BRP Andres Bonifacio (PS-17) Vessel as it recently celebrated its seventh Year of Service with the Philippine Navy (PN).

SOURCE: BRP Andres Bonifacio PS17 – PF Facebook Page Post, 07/21/23 – 2036H {Archived Link}

July 28, 2023: Philippine Navy to build a Base in Samal Island soon
Mayor Al David Uy recently told the Press that the Philippine Navy (PN) will be building a Naval Base in the Tagpopongan Area of the Island Garden City of Samal as soon as next Year (2024), with the Funds reportedly provided by Former President Rodrigo Roa Duterte (FPRRD)

This is Part of the effort to improve the Security of the Island after the opening of a new five-star Luxury Resort, “Discovery Samal

July 27, 2023: The AFP really should have Joint Military Drills with China to prove BBM’s Independent Foreign Policy, among other Reasons
The new American Military-schooled Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) recently revealed to the Philippine Press that China has informally proposed thru White Papers that they conduct Joint Military Drills with them, and I for one agree with this Proposal a thousand Percent, for a number of Reasons.

For one, it will prove that Baby M’s Foreign Policy is truly Independent and that it is not beholden to the Americans. A true Independent Policy for me means that you do the same as much as possible with the two Superpowers, meaning if you do Military Exercises with the United States (US), then you do the same with China. 

Another reason is that it will help assuage any feeling of Antagonism towards China with all these Military Exercises by the Philippines and which the AFP keeps saying is, “… not directed at any Country (their Words)”. A third Reason is that it will hopefully help lessen the Culture of Idolism towards the US which is so common in the AFP, thanks in part to the American’s constant offers of “Scholarships” to Officers of the Philippine Military.

Remember that Countries in South East Asia (SEA) like Vietnam and Indonesia with Territorial Disputes with China have no Problems engaging the Chinese Military on a Regular Basis, it is only the “Amboy (American Boy) Culture” within the AFP that is keeping it from happening with the Philippines, along with the constant goading by the US against China. 

And please, for the AFP, no Tantrums when doing it with China, do it with a Smile and true Intentions of Friendliness. None of that B.S. like what a Philippine Navy (PN) Official did of anonymously and cowardly badmouthing China’s donation of Patrol Boats to the Philippine Daily Inquirer (PDI) many Years ago during the Administration of Rodrigo Duterte

July 25, 2023: Just a nice, new Picture of the BRP Conrado Yap (PS-39) Corvette somewhere off the Coast of Luzon during a recent Exercise, which for me is the most heavily armed Gunboat of the Philippine Navy (PN), and one of its most capable Ships so far
SOURCE: BRP Conrado Yap PS39 – PF Facebook Page Post, 07/25/23 – 0837H {Archived Link}

June 12, 2023: BRP Andres Bonifacio back from Komodo Exercise in Indonesia
The BRP Andres Bonifacio (PS-17), the third Ship in the Del Pilar-class Vessels, is now back in the Philippines after participating in the Multilateral Naval Exercise Komodo 2023 in Makassar, Sulawesi, Indonesia just in time for the 125th Philippine Independence Day Celebrations
SOURCE: BRP Andres Bonifacio (PS-17) Facebook Page Post, 06/12/23 – 1558H {Archived Link}

June 11, 2023: AFP to showcase its latest Assets in Independence Day Parade at the Luneta Park
The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) will be showing their latest Assets during the Independence Day Celebrations tomorrow, Monday, June 12, 2028. So if you want to see these new Assets in Person and up close, you may want to go to the Celebrations tomorrow at the Luneta Park. As per the National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP), the Parade will start at 9:00 am so if you want to catch that then you will have to go early. 

June 4, 2023: PAF C295 participated in the Brunei Armed Forces Anniversary as Static Display
A C295 Transport Aircraft of the Philippine Air Force (PAF) recently participated in the 62nd Anniversary of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces (RBAF) as one of the Assets that went on a Capability Static Display there from May 28 to June 1, 2023. The other Countries that also participated in the Celebration were Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States (US)
SOURCE: Philippine Air Force Facebook Page Post, 06/04/23 – 2047H {Archived Link}

May 25, 2023: PAF Black Hawk and AW109 Helicopters supported the PA in Negros Island
The Philippine Air Force (PAF) recently used it S-70i Black Hawk and AW109 Helicopters to provide Aerial Reconnaissance for the 62nd Infantry Battalion of the Philippine Army (PA) in Negros against the New People’s Army (NPA) Terrorist Animals

May 3, 2023: Two FA-50PH of the PAF with Sidewinder Missiles in Clark Air Base
Just a nice Picture of two FA-50PH Fighting Eagle Aircraft of the Philippine Air Force (PAF) conducting Training at the Clark Air Base in Pampanga recently. Note that they are both armed with AIM-9L Sidewinder Missiles on one Wingtip Rail
SOURCE: 5th Fighter Wing Facebook Page Post, 05/04/23 – 1819H {Archived Link}

May 2, 2023: Nigerian Army to send a Delegation of Top-ranking Officers to do a Study Tour with the Philippine Army
The Nigerian Army (NA) is sending a Delegation composed of Generals, Colonels and Majors to do a Study Tour of the Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) of the Philippine Army (PA) this Month of May 2023. Always good to see the Philippines acting as a Mentor for once for other Countries out there

April 18, 2023: BRP Laguna delivers a KM450 Truck to the Marines in Palawan
The BRP Laguna (LS-501) Vessel of the Philippine Navy (PN) recently delivered a KM450 Truck to the Philippine Marine Corps (PMC) in Coron, Palawan from Sangley Point in Cavite recently. The Truck will provide Mobility and support to the Administrative and Operational Requirements in the Area
SOURCE: Western Command Armed Forces of the Philippines Facebook Page Post 04/18/23 – 1134H {Archived Link}

April 15, 2023: The BRP Luna and BRP Acero conducted an Interoperability Exercise off the Coast of Zamboanga
Just a look at two of the newest Assets of the Philippine Navy (PN), the Jose Rizal-class Guided Missile Frigate BRP Antonio Luna (FF-151) and the Lead Ship of the Acero-class Fast Attack Interdiction Craft (FAIC), the BRP Nestor Acero (PG-901) conducting an Interoperability Exercise off the Coast of Zamboanga City last Month of April 2023 
SOURCE: Naval Forces Western Mindanao (NFWM) Facebook Page Post, 04/16/23 – 1821H {Archived Link}

April 15, 2023: A look at the M71 Howitzers of the PA during a Tour for Students
Just a look at the M71 155 mm caliber Howitzers of the Philippine Army (PA) as shown during a Work Immersion Program for High School Students in Cotabato 
SOURCE: 7th Field Artillery "Steel Rain" Battalion Facebook Page Post, 04/15/23 – 2113H {Archived Link}

March 27, 2023: Philippines switching to External Defense even if its Local Insurgency hasn’t been totally wiped out yet
Frankly I don’t understand why we are already switching our focus to “External Defense” when we haven’t even totally eradicated our armed local Insurgency, which is already one of the longest in the World? If we couldn’t eradicate them when it had our main focus, why do we think we can solve it when we turn it on our secondary focus only? 

Is it because the Americans want us to switch to “External Defense” so we can be their Proxy Battleground when they fight China over Taiwan? Why should we help save Taiwan in the first Place when they stole Itu Aba from us? And why aren’t we fighting for Itu Aba against Taiwan, is it because the United States (US) doesn’t want us to? 

March 19, 2023: BRP Luna celebrated its 2nd Commissioning Anniversary recently
The BRP Antonio Luna (FF-151), the second of two Jose Rizal class Guided Missile Frigates of the Philippine Navy (PN) celebrated its 2nd Commissioning Anniversary last March 19, 2023. Despite being very new to the PN, the Ship had already given the Country distinction by winning third Place during the Naval Surface Fire Support (NSFS) Rodeo of the Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) Exercise last Year in 2022
SOURCE: BRP Antonio Luna FF151 – PF Facebook Page Post, 03/19/23 - 1259H {Archived Link}

March 7, 2023: Here are Pictures of President Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) onboard the FA-50PH Fighting Eagle Aircraft of the Philippine Air Force (PAF). IIRC, he is the first Philippine President to fly on Aircraft, which were bought during the time of the Administration of AbNoy Panot Aquino, but for some reason he never seem to have flown on it. And of course Digong Duterte never liked much Military Equipment made by the West and it Allies
SOURCE: The Manila Times Facebook Page Post, 03/07/23 – 2044H {Archived Link}

March 6, 2023: 3 Suspects arrested for the Murder of Gov. Degamo were discharged from the Military long ago
The three Suspects that were arrested for the Murder of Governor Roel Degamo in Negros Oriental recently were Dishonorably Discharged from the Philippine Army (PA) long ago due to their involvement in Activities like Illegal Drugs, etc., as per a Statement from the PA itself. The Suspects, named Joric Labrado, Joven Aver and Benjie Rodriguez held the Ranks of Corporal before they were removed. The PA though did not reveal when were the Suspects discharged, and in what Units they served in the Military

February 22, 2023: Black Hawk Helicopter used during Retrieval Operations for the crashed Cessna 340 Plane on Mount Mayon
An S-70i Black Hawk Helicopter of the Philippine Air Force (PAF) was used for Aerial Reconnaissance and insertion of the Search and Rescue Region (SRR) Teams for the Cessna 340 Aircraft that crashed on Mount Mayon recently 
SOURCE: Tactical Operations Group 5 (TOG5) Facebook Page Post, 02/22/23 – 1513H {Archived Link}

February 28, 2023: Americans still busy courting the Philippine Military, welcomes Philippine Marines Chief in visit to U.S.
Despite being gifted four additional Bases almost for Free thru the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA), the Americans are still busy courting the Philippine Military as they are now hosting the Chief of the Philippine Marine Corps (PMC) for a visit to the United States (US). No details were provided on how long the PMC Chief will stay there, but it is well known that the PMC does idolize very much their American Counterparts, the United States Marine Corps (USMC)

February 26, 2023: BA Mk 2 Vessel of the PN gives Ship and Sea Tour to Preschoolers in Zamboanga
The Boat Attack Mk 2 Vessel with the Hull Number BA-485 of the Philippine Navy (PN) gave Preschool Learners a Ship Tour and a Tour of the Seawaters around the Vicinity of Zamboanga recently
SOURCE: Naval Forces Western Mindanao Facebook Page Post, 02/26/23 - 1317H {Archived Link}

February 23, 2023: U.S. continues to be allowed to corrupt Philippine Military with Scholarships to U.S. Institutions
If you’re wondering why our Armed Forces are so Pro-United States (US), then wonder no more as one reason for that is because the US has been allowed to corrupt them with Scholarships in their Institutions. The Chief of the Philippine Navy (PN) even went on to thank the Americans recently in a Speech for allowing many PN to study in the US. Quoting from an Article about PN Chief’s Speech, “He also expressed gratitude for accommodating PN Students at various Naval Schools in the United States.

February 20, 2023: Elite Scout Ranger Unit transferred from Davao to Samar to help fight Terrorism
The 4th Scout Ranger Battalion of the Philippine Army (PA) was transferred recently from Davao to Northern Samar to help fight the New People’s Army (NPA) Forces there. The Battalion has seen significant Combat Action not only in Davao but also during the 2017 Battle of Marawi

February 18, 2023: WESCOM Chief lands PN AW109 Helicopter on the BRP Bonifacio off the Coast of Palawan
An AW109E Helicopter of the Philippine Navy (PN) conducted a Deck Landing Practice (DLP) on the BRP Andres Bonifacio (PS-17) Vessel off the Coast of Palawan recently. The Helicopter was piloted by the Chief of the Western Command (WESCOM) of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) 
SOURCE: Western Command Armed Forces of the Philippines Facebook Page Post, 02/18/23 – 1939H {Archived Link}

February 15, 2023: Missile-armed Boat Attack Mk 3 Vessels for Maintenance and Repairs in Subic
The Boat Attack Mk 3 Vessels of the Philippine Navy (PN) with Hull Numbers BA-488, BA-489 and BA-491 are set to undergo Maintenance and Repairs in Subic. These three Vessels are historic in that they are very first Missile-armed Vessels in service of the PN. Time flies so fast as it is now six Years since these were first commissioned into service 
SOURCE: Littoral Combat Force Facebook Page Post, 02/14/23 – 1030H {Archived Link}

February 17, 2023: A Town in Occidental Mindoro donated Land to the Philippines Marines for Training
The Local Government Unit (LGU) of the Town of Lubang in Occidental Mindoro donated a 4 hectare lot to the Philippine Marine Corps (PMC) recently which will be used as a Training Area. The Town hopes tha the presence of the Marines will help drive Economic Activity in the Area

February 11, 2023: An Article by the “Asian Century Journal” entitled, “Are the AFP and Americans Staging A Soft Coup Against Marcos Jr?” 
A great Article to read, I suggest everybody reads it in its entirety, and this is just the first Part. I agree that our Armed Forces are not only very Pro-United States (US), they are even very proud of it. However, I wouldn’t call them as already going for a “Soft Coup” against President Bong Bong Marcos (PBBM), at least not yet, for now

February 11, 2023: Soldier ran amok and killed five other Soldiers with his M-16 Rifle in Cagayan de Oro City recently
A Soldier with the Rank of Private belonging to the 4th Infantry Division of the Philippine Army (PA) recently used an M-16 Assault Rifle that was issued to him to shoot and kill five of his fellow Soldiers while they were sleeping at their Barracks at the Camp Evangelista in Cagayan De Oro City. The Soldier was subsequently overpowered by other Soldiers and also killed

February 6, 2023: President Bong Bong Marcos (PBBM) to the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP): “Be more agile in Diplomacy, Geopolitical Negotiations”. Details in the Comments
President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Monday urged the Military to ‘Keep up with the Times’ and be more agile in fostering Partnerships as the Global Situation becomes ‘more and more complicated’" – Well I hope the President meant that the Philippine Military should not be too loyal to the United States (US) which they have been brainwashed to idolize very much, but engage also with (for me) is the only RELEVANT Superpower in our Region, which is CHINA

January 29, 2023: AFP General reportedly married off his own Wife to a US Navy Officer just to get a US Citizenship, details in the Comments
An Article by the “Politiko” Website said in a “Blind Item” that not just any Soldier but in fact a GENERAL of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) arranged a False (?) Marriage of his very own Wife to an Officer of the United States Navy (USN) with Filipino Descent just so she could get an American Citizenship. The said Wife then petitioned the General and other Members of their Family to become United States (US) Citizens also, this while the General was still serving in the AFP. Of course right now this is just a Rumor or Unconfirmed, but if true then that is an Issue with the AFP when some of their Personnel end up being just a little bit too Pro-US, maybe too much

January 27, 2023: The two Pilots of the Philippine Air Force (PAF) that were killed during the recent crash of their SF260TP Aircraft were no ordinary Pilots, not only were they Veteran Pilots but also ones who saw action during the 2017 Battle of Marawi. And not only were they Combat proven Pilots, they were also Medal Awardees during the time that they saw actual Combat. Such a waste, maybe it is time to get more Aircraft with Ejection Seats for our Air Force

January 26, 2023: Christian Albert Gaza, or more popularly known as “Xian Gaza” recently revealed to the Public the Facebook Message Conversation he had with Yvonne Plaza Chua last May 2022 wherein she revealed that Brigadier General Jesus Durante III beat her up and threatened her life when she tried to break up with him. The Message included Pictures of her after Durante beat her up and sweet Photos of her and Durante proving that they indeed were a Couple. Durante is clearly a BAD EGG in the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), I’m just wondering how the hell did he end up a Chief of the Presidential Security Group (PSG) of Rodrigo Duterte? I don’t think it was Duterte’s fault, he was most likely deceived into accepting Durante to be that close to him 
SOURCE: Christian Albert Gaza Facebook Page Post, 01/26/23 – 1945H {Archived Link}

January 27, 2023: Yes, the SF260TP doesn’t have Ejection Seats, most simpler or Trainer Aircraft doesn’t, but the Occupants can manually bail out if needed, though of course that is less efficient than having Ejection Seats. I wonder if this means the Philippine Air Force (PAF) will now look at Aircraft with Ejection Seats for the eventual Successor of these SF260 Aircraft. Ejection Seats will definitely improve the chances of survival of an Aircraft’s Occupants, but they add more complicated Mechanism into the Aircraft also which translates to much higher Maintenance Costs

January 25, 2023: Tsk-tsk-tsk, an active Brigadier General of the Philippine Army (PA) named Jesus Durante was named as the Mastermind of the killing of his former Girlfriend Yvonette Chua Plaza in Davao. What is even worse is that the General reportedly ordered several Soldiers under his very own Command, the 1001st Infantry Brigade, to do the killing, and that a PA Service Pistol was even used in the Murder. 

This Durante was a former Head of the Presidential Security Group (PSG) during the Term of former President Rodrigo Duterte, and the Victim Yvonette complained in her Facebook Account last April 2022 that Durante was physically hurting her. ‘Inuna mo pa kasi ang libog mo, Heneral’ (you were just too horny, General). The id10t General probably thought he could get away with the Murder. The PA and Duterte should actively go out and disown this piece of sh1t.

January 25, 2023: Sad Day as an SF-260TP Aircraft of the 15th Strike Wing of the Philippine Air Force (PAF) crashed in Bataan this Morning while it was being used for “Recurrency Training”, killing its two Occupants. The rest of the SF-260 Aircraft of the PAF has now been grounded pending the result of the Investigation of the Incident

January 22, 2023: I agree that Clarita Carlos would’ve been a good National Security Adviser (NSA), as she said not all Security Issues can be solved using Militarist Solutions alone, but it seems that the Philippine Military and their Civilian Allies wanted one from the Military to hold that Cabinet Position. Eduardo Ano, the Person who replaced Carlos was a former Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) General, and so was Hermogenes Esperon, Rodrigo Duterte’s NSA. Also most of the Philippine Military is proudly Pro-United States (US), and Carlos was more Neutral when it came to Foreign Policy. So that’s probably why she was pressured out of the Job 
January 7, 2023: Tsk, tsk, tsk. Looks like something may really indeed be up as there are RUMORS seems to have started last Saturday, January 7, 2023 that all the Personnel at the Department of National Defense (DND) had resigned. 

Normally when Rumors like this appear, it would've been easy to dispel simply by the DND itself issuing a Public Statement that the Rumor is, indeed, not true. HOWEVER, notice that the DND has instead been SILENT about the entire Incident. By neither confirming or denying the Rumor, then that in itself means something is up. 

The supposed Reason for the resignation of the DND Officials seems to be related to the recent Appointment of Gen. Andres Centino as the new Chief of Staff of the AFP. 

Remember that Gen. will be the very first AFP Chief that will be serving for 3 Years under the new Law that has been enacted recently. 

January 7, 2023: "Destabilization"? Are the Pinklawans and their American Masters so desperate to keep the Philippines under the United States’ (US) influence only and renew the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) that they would resort to this bullsh1t, even after the Pinklawans lost badly in the last Elections? Really? 

What they're hoping for is to establish a "Self Fulfilling Prophecy" by spreading Rumors of Military Coups to make both the Local and Foreign Businessmen hesitant to invest in the Philippines. 

This creates less Jobs and Business Opportunities, which will create Discontent and therefore strengthen support for the Coup Plotters. With strengthened support, they will again broadcast the threat even more, and the cycle starts all over again. 

The reason why these Military Coup Plotters are so brave in doing this against the Government is because they know the Americans will help them if they get into trouble. 

That's what seems to have happened with Groups like the Reform the Armed-forces Movement (RAM) and Magdalo because when they got into trouble, the US could’ve helped them evade arrest so those Groups will owe them. 

That seems to be one reason why those Groups are so Pro-American, because they owed them.

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