Friday, October 20, 2023

OUR SEA NEIGHBORS: Vietnam, 2023

The Flag of Vietnam from the Wikimedia Commons
The Flag of Vietnam from the Wikimedia Commons

October 18, 2023: Putin invited to visit Vietnam, accepts it just a Month after Biden’s Visit
In a very hard Slap to the United States’ (US) thick and callous Face, Russian President Vladimir Putin was not only invited by Vietnamese President Vo Van Thuong to visit his Country, but Putin himself has now reportedly ACCEPTED the Invitation and will make his visit “soon”. 

This comes after US President Joe Biden’s visit to Vietnam last Month of September 2023 where he was hoping to establish stronger Ties with them. This very smart and wise Geopolitical Move by Vietnam shows that they will not accept being the US’ Vassal State, unlike the Philippines under the Administration of Bobong Bong Marcos (BBM)

This again shows that the Philippines is really the only Country in South East Asia (SEA) they can treat as Doggies, all the other Countries are much, much smarter than that. That is why the US is so desperate to keep the Philippines under their Influence …

October 12, 2023: Chinese Navy Corvette rescued wounded Vietnamese Fisherman in the SCS 
The Type 056 classQujing” (508) Corvette of the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) of China recently rescued a Vietnamese Fisherman who had a Life-threatening Accident in the South China Sea (SCS)

The Qujing responded to the Distress Call from the Vietnamese Vessel then which dispatched its Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat (RHIB) to transport the Fisherman to the Ship. The Fisherman was then evacuated to Hainan in China to undergo Surgery and is now doing fine. He will be returned back to his Vessel as soon as he gets better

September 25, 2023: US desperately HYPES supposed sale of F-16s to Vietnam
It’s amusing that the United States (US) is now trying to HYPE as much as possible the supposed sale of their F-16 Fighter Aircraft to Vietnam, probably in a desperate Attempt to show off to their Doggies like in the Philippines that they still have some sort of “Clout” left in South East Asia (SEA)

You know it’s only “Hype” when first, it is only the US side that keeps talking about it, you actually don’t read or hear the Vietnamese side talking about it. Second is that if you read most of the Articles, they themselves admit that the Negotiations are still in their “Early Stages” and that it may in fact, “Not come Together”.

What is sure is that there is an OFFER from their US to Vietnam for their F-16s, I doubt if Vietnam will bite it. And even if they do, expect the “Human Rights Champions” in the US itself to try to shoot the Deal down immediately, LMAO 

September 4, 2023: US to transfer Chip Manufacturing Technology to Communist Vietnam instead of Philippines
The United States (US) is currently wooing Vietnam against China, and among the Things they are offering to that COMMUNIST Country to do so is the Transfer of Chip Manufacturing Technology to them. 

So the Question here now is, what about the Philippines, the US’ supposed Ally who gave NINE Military Bases to the US for FREE, and not getting anything substantial back. No RENT, only old, well-used, second-hand Vessels. So why aren’t they at least offering it to us, hmm? 

Hell, we couldn’t even drag them to help our Forces out to Ayungin Shoal in the South China Sea (SCS). ‘Ayon nga sa Kasabihan, walang mauuto kung walang nagpapauto ...’(There will be no Scammers if nobody allows themselves to be scammed …)

August 1, 2023: DFA amusingly wants to have “Strategic Partnership” with Vietnam who occupies most of the Features claimed by the Philippines in the SCS
I just find it highly amusing that the Deparment of Foreign Affairs (DFA) Secretary Enrique Manalo now wants to establish “Strategic Partnership” and “Maritime Cooperation” with Vietnam, the very same Country which occupies MOST of the Features that are being claimed by the Philippines, and who STOLE Pugad Island from the Philippines.

This is exactly the type of HYPOCRISY we see with these Pro-American People in our Government. Imagine that, the DFA constantly makes noise about “China”, and yet here is Vietnam who we also have Territorial Disputes with, but they insist on making “Friends” with Vietnam while constantly DEMONIZING China. 

Now if their excuse is that China is more “Aggressive” than Vietnam, that is because the PROPAGANDA of the Americans and their Filipino Dogs is to CONSTANTLY GOAD China into Action while keeping away from Vietnam’s occupied Territories. That is how they MANIPULATE the Perception of the Filipino People against China but not against Vietnam

July 27, 2023: The AFP can follow Vietnam’s Example which is now enhancing its Defence Cooperation with China
As the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) is considering China’s suggestion for Joint Military Drills, they can follow the Example of Vietnam which discussed such Activities with China recently. 

Vietnam’s Deputy Defence Minister met with China’s Defense Attache to Vietnam, and they discussed Activities like Delegation Exchanges, Defence Strategic Dialogue, Cooperation in Border Management and Protection and promotion of the signing of Naval and Border Guard Cooperation Documents.

They also closely discussed the upcoming eighth Vietnam-China Border Defence Friendship Exchange which is set to be made in September of this Year of 2023

July 27, 2023: Vietnam expanding and building more Facilities on Reefs in the Spratlys also claimed by the Philippines, why no noise from the Pinklawan Press, DFA, PCG and AFP?
According to Vietnamese Military Documents obtained by “The Manila Times”, Vietnam is now expanding and building more Facilities in two of the Reefs in the South China Sea (SCS) that are also claimed by the Philippines, namely Hizon Reef (Bahura ng Hizon in Filipino) and Pigeon Reef (Bahura ng Lopez-Jaena). 

The Budget for the expansion and Facilities of the two Reefs reportedly will be around Php 15 million, and the Works are quite detailed so I suggest you all go and read the Article itself to know the specifics. 

My Question now is why NO NOISE from the Pinklawan Press, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA), the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) and the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) about this? Is it because they allowed themselves to be willingly brainwashed by the Americans to hate everything that China does, but not other Countries which stole Philippine Territories like Vietnam? That is the Question …

July 24, 2023: Despite their Territorial Disputes with China, Vietnam arrests Anti-China Protester for his online Posts
Despite having Territorial Disputes with China, Vietnamese Police arrested an Anti-China Protester in Ho Chi Minh City for criticizing Vietnam’s supposedly soft response against China. The Protester was named as Phan Tat Thanh, also known as “Black Aaron”. 

This rarely happens in the Philippines where almost all of the Main Stream Press (MSM) itself constantly spews out Anti-China, Pro-United States (US) Propaganda Day In and Day Out. No wonder that China keeps favoring Vietnam with Investments and Grants. Meanwhile, SHALLOW Filipino Kissers of American A$$es are already overjoyed with the Americans letting Filipino Air Force Pilots pet and caress their F-22 Raptor Stealth Fighter Aircraft

July 1, 2023: India gifts Vietnam Corvette heavily armed with Russian Weapons
India just gave Vietnam a heavily-armed Corvette, the Khukri-class INS Kirpan (P44) while none to the Philippines, their first export Customer for their PJ-10 BrahMos Anti-Ship Missiles (AShM). So what gives, India? Well in fairness, the INS Kirpan is indeed heavily-armed, but with Russian-made Weapons, so I doubt if our Pro-American Military will be interested in it. 

For me, even though it is a much smaller Vessel at only 91 m long and 1,350 tons displacement compared to our Jose Rizal-class Frigates, the Kirpan is a bit better armed with its four P-20M AshMs, Strela-2M Surface to Air Missiles (SAM), one AK–176 76 mm caliber Main Gun and two AK-630 Close In Weapons Systems (CIWS).

Vietnam is rumored to be also buying the BrahMos, but with a bigger Budget than the Philippines, so that is probably another reason for them to give this “Gift” to Vietnam

June 13, 2023: Vietnam sends Delegation to ask for more Railroad Cooperation with China as China and seven SEA Countries seek to complete the Pan-Asia Railway Link
Impressed with the result of the China-Laos Railway Link which was opened in 2021, Vietnam sent a Delegation to China headed by their Minister of Transportation to look and ask for more Cooperation on Railroads. 

This comes as China and seven South East Asian (SEA) Countries (namely Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia and Singapore) are looking to complete the Pan-Asia Railway Link which will vastly improve Trade and Tourism between all these Countries

June 5, 2023: Vietnam planning to add two more Railway Services to China to further improve Trade
Vietnam is planning to add two more Railway Services from its City of Ho Chi Minh to the Yunnan and Guangxi Provinces of China, which will further improve Trade not only between Vietnam and China but ultimately also between Vietnam and Europe since the Goods can travel that far from China. Travel time from Ho Chi Minh to Guangxi will take five Days and to Yunnan six Days

June 3, 2023: Vietnam is the Chinese Province of Chongquing’s primary Trading Partner, details in the Comments
The Chinese Province of Chongquing recently cited about how Vietnam has been their Primary Trading Partner since 2020, accounting for 40% of the Province’s Total Trade in South East Asia (SEA).

In 2022, more than 30 Companies from Chongqing in 21 Manufacturing Projects in Vietnam worth over Usd 569 million. The Projects consisted of investments in the manufacture of Agricultural Machinery, and Automotive and Motorcycle Parts

May 25, 2023: Vietnam assembling China’s Wuling HongGuang Mini EV and to start sale soon
The Vietnamese Company TMT Motors is assembling the Wuling HongGuang Mini Electric Vehicle (EV) courtesy of its Joint Venture with the Chinese Car Manufacturer SAIC-GM-Wuling Automobile. TMT Motors will start sale of the HongGuang Mini EV soon, and it only cost Usd 4,200 in Vietnam, or around Php 235,200 assuming an Exchange Rate of Php 56 per United States (US) Dollar

May 23, 2023: China’s largest Naval Training Ship arrives in Vietnam to conduct Naval Drills with the Vietnamese Navy
The largest and most modern Training Vessel of China’s People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN), the Qi Jiguang (83) recently arrived in Da Nang, Vietnam with 476 Officers and Personnel onboard to conduct a Joint Naval Drill with the Vietnam People’s Navy (VPN)

Other Activities the Ship will participate in includes Sightseeing, visiting Businesses and Organizations and playing Football Matches. 

This goes to show that while Vietnam has Territorial Disputes with China, they still actively engage the Chinese Armed Forces, unlike the Philippines who seem to be intent on being a shameless Vassal to the Americans and shun the Chinese Military altogether on orders of their American Masters

May 22, 2023: While American A$$ Kissers are trying to push China out of the Philippines’ Power Sector, a Province in Vietnam is buying its Electricity from China
While Filipino Kissers of American A$$es are trying to push China out of the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP), the Province of Quang Ninh in Vietnam is buying its Electricity from the China’s Guangxi Power Grid Company Limited from this Month of May to July 2023. 

The Setup is only temporary due to the lower than expected Output from Vietnam’s Hydropower Plants due to the ongoing Hot, Dry Weather 

May 18, 2023: Vietnam hoping to further strengthen their Trade with China’s Guangdong Province which reached Usd 47 billion in 2022 alone
Vietnam recently said that they are hoping to strengthen even further their Trade with China’s Guangdong Province which reached at total of Usd 47 billlion in 2022 which was equal to 20% of Vietnam’s total Trade with China. The Vietnam-Guangdong special Trade relations started in 2009, and for the first three Months of this Year of 2023, the Trade between the two has already reached Usd 10.2 billion

May 18, 2023: Well, the Headline says it all: “Vietnam rejects Philippines' Buoys at Spratly Islands”. What say you, PCG?
Vietnam’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) flatly REJECTED the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) placed at Whitsun Reef (called the Julian Felipe Reef by the Philippines) recently, saying that it violated their Country’s Sovereignty over the East Sea Waters surrounding the Spratly Islands. The Vietnam MFA added, “Vietnam resolutely opposes all Activities that violate its Sovereignty and Relevant Rights overs the Spratly Islands”. So what say you now, hmm, PCG? 

The Placement of these Buoys were obviously targeted at China, they were meant to Bait and Goad China, some “Anonymouse” Officials even told the Press that there would be “Consequences” if China removed those Buoys. But it was Vietnam instead who spoke out against it first. Geopolitics really such a b1tch, huh?

May 10, 2023: Vietnam beats the Philippines and Indonesia for Chinese Co. BYD’s new EV Factory, but Philippines not worried as US could provide more AFAMs and Ukay-Ukays to help with its Economy :D
Well, it seems final now, Vietnam has beaten both Indonesia and the Philippines as the Site for the new Electric Vehice (EV) Factory of the Chinese Carmaker Build Your Dreams (BYD) Company Limited. BYD is one of the biggest Carmaking Companies in China, and is now an internationally known Brand. 

The loss of Business doesn’t worry the Filipino Kissers of American A$$es though as they expect their Idols to send more “A Foreigner Assigned in Manila (AFAM)” to rescue Filipinas out of Poverty, and also to generate more Business for the local “Ukay-Ukay” secondhand Thrift Shops to help the Philippine Economy, LMAO.  

April 27, 2023: "Vietnam attaches importance and gives priority to relations with China" - Communist Party of Vietnam Leader. "Vietnam standing up to China" Narrative ... 'Patay' ... 😄 
Truong Thi Mai, a Top-ranking Leader of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) recently stated that, "Vietnam attaches importance and gives priority to the development of multi-faceted cooperative relations with China"

Patay na naman ang Naratiba ng mga Pilipinong nagpapaka Aso sa America na' (Dead again is the Narrative of the Filipino Dogs of the Americans that), “Vietnam is standing up to China”, LMAO

April 19, 2023: Vietnam just reclaimed Land and installed Harbors on five Features claimed by the Philippines in the South China Sea. Why no noise from the DFA, PCG and Philippine Press?
Vietnam has reportedly just reclaimed more Land and installed Harbors on five Features in the South China Sea (SCS) that being claimed by the Philippines. So my question is, why do we not see any vehement Protests from the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA), Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) and the Private Philippine Press? 

They would all be protesting loudly and constantly by now had it been China who is doing this, but since it is Vietnam then they try to just ignore and hope nobody else will notice. The five Features that were developed recently by the way are: 
- Pulo ng Bailan (Sand Cay)
- Bahura ng Mascarado/Magsaysay (Barque Canada Reef)
- Pulo ng Binago (Namyit Island)
- Bahura ng Hizon (Pearson Reef)
- Bahura ng Lopez-Jaena (Tennent Reef)

April 15, 2023: US spends Usd 1.2 billion for a new Embassy in Vietnam but couldn’t give Filipino Soldiers Javelin Missiles, this despite the Philippines giving them nine Military Bases
The United States (US) is spending Usd 1.2 billion for a new Embassy in the City of Hanoi in the Communist Country of Vietnam, and this all the while that they couldn’t even give Filipino Soldiers Javelin Missiles, just letting them touch and watch it. This despite the Philippines giving the US nine Military Bases recently, for free. Wake up, Junior 

April 14, 2023: US tries to interfere with Vietnam’s Affairs by demanding release of jailed Blogger before Blinken’s Visit
Hindi kayo uubra sa Vietnam’ (you have no Power in Vietnam), the United States (US) tried to interfere with Vietnam’s Internal Affairs by demanding the release of the Vietnamese Blogger Nguyen Lan Thang who was recently sentenced to six Years in Prison for conducting “Anti-State Activities” before the visit of US’ Secretary of State Antony Blinken

However, the US’ demands fell on Deaf Ears as Thang stayed in Jail while Blinken pushed thru with his visit. Again, ‘sa Pilipinas lang me nauuto sa South East Asia ng mga Kano’ (it is only in the Philippines in South East Asia where the Americans are able to fool People)

April 9, 2023: Vietnam Coast Guard Ships to do a Joint Patrol with the China Coast Guard
Two Vessels of the Vietnam Coast Guard, vessels 8003 and 8004, will do a Joint Patrol with the China Coast Guard in the Gulf of Tonkin soon. The Joint Patrol will last for three days and cover a Distance of over 470 km. American A$$ Kissers will now say again, “Vietnam, Province of China”, LMAO

March 28, 2023: Well, the Headline says it all: “Vietnam wishes to increase Defense Cooperation with China
No less than the Deputy Minister of National Defence of Vietnam, General Hoang Xuan Chien told Chinese Defense Attaché to Vietnam Pan Tao that they would like to increase their Defense Cooperation with the Chinese Armed Forces thru Activities like the exchange of Delegations and the signing of Agreements between their Navies and Border Guards. So what happened to the Narrative that, “Vietnam stands up to China that is why they respect them”? Down to the Garbage Bin, as usual. The real reason why China highly respects Vietnam is because they highly respect them back, it’s as simple as that

March 23, 2023: Vietnam resisting upgrade of Diplomatic Ties with US as it might offend China while Philippines gives away many Military Bases to the US
Vietnam is resisting the upgrading of its Diplomatic Ties with the United States (US) to a higher Level because it might anger CHINA. US-Vietnam Diplomatic Relations are currently only on the THIRD TIER while China-Vietnam Diplomatic Relations are on the FIRST TIER. Despite that, American Businesses still want to go to Communist Vietnam rather than non-Communist Philippines. Meanwhile, the Philippines is naively giving away Military Bases in its Territory, FOR FREE. Also, “Vietnam Standing Up to China” ‘daw’ Narrative 'pa more!!!

March 17, 2023:Vietnam so eager to welcome Chinese Tourists, we are in a Festive Mood” – Vietnamese Tourism Official
Rest in Peace (RIP) now to the “Vietnam Standing Up to China” Narrative of the Filipino Kissers of American A$$es as Vietnamese are now expressing their great excitement at accepting Tourists again from China after the Corona Virus 2019 (Covid-19) Pandemic. Vietnamese Tourism Official Dinh Thi Kim Hong said, and I Quote, “TODAY is the first Day Chinese Tour Groups are returning to our Country after a three-Year Hiccup due to Covid-19 Travel Restrictions. We are so eager to welcome them and consider this a Festive Day

March 6, 2023: Vietnam also competing with the Philippines in exporting Durian to China
Vietnam is also competing with the Philippines in exporting the Durian Fruit to China, they started in September 2022 and has since shipped 40,800 tons worth Usd 188 million in Sales 

March 3, 2023: Pro-American Propaganda now back to “Chinese Boat Swarming” B.S. in the S.C.S. while completely ignoring “Vietnamese Boat Swarming
The Pro-American Propaganda Wheel is now back to complaining about “Chinese Boat Swarming” in the South China Sea (SCS), particularly in the Philippines’ Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and Kalayaan Island Group (KIG) but at the same time COMPLETELY ignoring the Vietnamese Boats which are doing the exact, same thing. The SCS Probing Initiative Twitter Account released recently how Vietnamese Boats have been “swarming” mostly in those Areas, 7,685 of them just for the Month of February 2023 alone

March 2, 2023: DFA wants Security Cooperation with Vietnam who stole Pugad Island from the Philippines
I just find it highly amusing that the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) Secretary Enrique Manalo insists on establishing a “Security Cooperation” with Vietnam but not with China when Vietnam is claiming all of our Territories in the Kalayaan Island Group (KIG), has the most number of occupied Territories there and in fact even stole Pugad Island from us in the 1970s. This is just the kind of shameless Hypocrisy that we find among the Pro-United States (US) People in Government right now who, for some reason, only wants to fight “China”

February 16, 2023: Apple set to produce Macbooks in Communist Vietnam, Filipino Worshipers of the Americans should ask their Masters to invest in the Philippines instead
Apple manufacturing in Vietnam expanding, likely including the 2023 Mac Pro” – Just a reminder to the Filipino Worshipers of the Americans of how Pathetic their Lives are in that no matter how hard it is they suck up to them, their American Masters still will prefer to invest in Communist Vietnam rather than in the Philippines. The United States (US) is the “Lesser of Two Evils” my A$$, the lesser of two Evils is the one where you GAIN the most, not the LEAST the most. ‘Utak, wag Emosyon’ (Brains, not Emotions)

February 14, 2023: American Companies are funding more Start Up Companies in Communist Vietnam rather than in non-Communist Philippines
Technology Companies from the Silicon Valley in the United States (US) are pouring large amounts of Money to fund Start Up Companies in Communist Vietnam rather than in the non-Communist Philippines who is also their Military Ally. So no Rent from the Americans for their Bases here and their Tech Companies don’t invest in us … What are we then getting from them? Deceptive “Peace of Mind” only? LOL ‘Hay naku, Pilipinas …’ (Oh my, Philippines ...)

January 13, 2023: Chinese Border Guards stationed in the Province of Yunnan and Vietnamese Border Guards stationed in the Province of Dien Bien conducted a Joint Patrol along their shared Border recently. So ‘ano na’ (what now) American A$$ Kissers? Is Vietnam now a “Province of China”? LOL 

January 2, 2023: China is set to reopen its Borders with Vietnam on January 8, 2023, and Vietnam is eager to start receiving Chinese Tourists again as China is their main Source of Tourists. So Rest In Peace (RIP) again to the Narrative of the Pro-Americans who kept saying that “Vietnam Standing Up to China”. Maybe now they will switch to their equally preposterous “Vietnam: Province of China” hallucination

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