Saturday, November 18, 2023

Philippine-United States (US) Relations, 2023

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November 15, 2023: US only gives “Moral Support” to the Philippines up to now 
Sim-ple lang ang Tanong: Bakit ngayon e hindi pa rin mahila-hila dun sa Ayungin Shoal ang Estados Unidos, sa kabila ng napakarami ng Ba-se Militar na binigay ni Bobong Bong sa Kanila? Bakit sa sobrang Kababawan ng mga Pilipinong nagpapaka Doggie sa mga Kano e natutuwa na sila sa “Moral Support” lang ng mga Amerikano?

(The Question in simple: Why up to now the United States (US) can’t still be dragged to Ayungin Shoal, despite them being given so many Military Bases by Bobong Bong? Are the Filipino Doggies of the US so shallow that they are happy already by the “Moral Support” that the US is giving them?)

Here is the Link to the original Post by Pusang Gala on Instagram:
SOURCE: Pusang Gala Instagram Post, 11/15/23 {Archived Link}

October 29, 2023: US now waging an Information War to suppress Voices of those who don’t want to be their Vassals
A good Article by the Asian Century Journal (ACJ) about how the United States (US) is waging an Information War all over the World, and particularly now in the Philippines where they are trying to silence Voices who does not want accept being their Vassals. Here are some Quotes from the Article, you can read the Link to it itself in the Comments: 

* “The U.S. controls Philippine Mainstream Media through its control of the Economic Levers of Power of the Philippine Economy. This Control emanates from the Global Finance Cabal that controls the Philippine Oligarchy, which, in turn, controls Philippine Mainstream Media.

* “This ”Transparency Campaign” I theorize is part of a Plan to create a “China Supporters” Hate Crusade that began with the Tarriela “Traitors” broadside. It’s now shifting to target “Pro-Beijing” Think Tanks. It is not far-fetched to think that the Americans are plotting an Anti-Chinese Pogrom a la the Indonesian-Chinese Massacre of 1965. This is heightened by Babes Romualdez’s comment in so many Words that he expects physical attacks on Filipino-Chinese in the Streets to ensue.

October 31, 2023: US shouldn’t go to War with China over largely uninhabited and Strategically Irrelevant Rocks and Reefs in the South China Sea – Asia Times Article
Here is an AMAZING Article from the Asia Times Website which somehow managed to encapsulate all that needs to be said about the Geopolitical Relations between China, Philippines and the United States (US). I will put the most important Parts of the Articles here, you can look at the Comments to see the Link to the actual Article: 

However, the US pledge to go to War with a nuclear-armed China over largely uninhabited Rocks and Reefs – stemming from post-Colonial Disputes – is not credible, harms US Interests and creates unnecessary Regional Tensions.

The United States going to War with China to defend the Philippines’ claims to Rocks and Reefs in the South China Sea is not credible. These Islets are largely Uninhabited – save for a grounded Ship Manila uses to press its claims – and strategically irrelevant.

Although trillions of Dollars in global trade traverse these waters annually, an overwhelming majority goes to China. Additionally, Ships are moving Objects, they can change their Course. Though more expensive, Merchant Ships can often go around the South China Sea to reach Destinations in Southeast and Northeast Asia, as well as the United States.

Strategically, controlling the small bits of Territory makes little difference. While they can serve as Military Outposts and Bases, these Locations are highly vulnerable to Missile bombardments. Resupplying these Military Installations would be difficult, as supply Vessels would have to worry about Missile and Submarine attacks.

Their size also makes them poor Staging Grounds for wider invasions. If China were to invade the Philippines, it would unlikely be able to muster enough Troops on the rocks for a successful landing.

More importantly, the risks to US survival are too high and opportunity for tangible gains too little for Washington to be serious about its threat to defend disputed Rocks and Reefs.

America is highly unlikely to risk Nuclear War or an equally deadly conventional War over a single Filipino Ship or Plane – let alone a small Group.

The United States did not declare war on North Korea when it sank a South Korean Ship and bombarded an island, nor did Washington mobilize when a Chinese Boat – likely linked to China’s Government – collided with two Japanese Coast Guard Vessels in 2010.

Such moves would set negative precedents for US Allies, signaling that Washington is willing to back their Territorial Claims – even potentially Irredentist and Imperialist ones – and disproportionality at the expense of US Interests.

Just like the Philippines, China cares far more about its South China Sea claims than the United States for nationalist and territorial integrity reasons. The Islets are also an essential Pillar of China’s Century of Humiliation narrative and factor into the Chinese Communist Party’s legitimacy.

As such, the disputed Territory is part of Beijing’s “Core Interests” – National Interests in which China will use force to defend. Moreover, China’s Geographic Proximity – despite the US Military presence in the Philippines – gives it the edge.

Instead of focusing on defending Rocks and Reefs in the Western Pacific, Washington should reorient its alliance with Manilla to be purely defensive and aimed at protecting the Philippines’ home Islands. The new Policy could enhance military training, defensive planning and coordination, and defensive arms sales centered on the Filipino Homeland.

At the same time, Washington should publicly and privately signal that America would only come to the Philippines’ aid if one of its main Islands is attacked unprovoked. This would likely restrain the Philippines from risking activities that could embroil it in a conflict with China and, therefore, reduce regional tensions.

Further underscoring the purely defensive nature of the Alliance, Washington should also rule out using its Bases in the Philippines as a Staging Ground to defend Taiwan. Manilla would not only agree with this, but it would be in the Philippines’ interest. It could help protect them from becoming collateral damage from a Chinese invasion of Taiwan.

This would also help reduce tensions in the South China Sea – as closer US-Philippines defense Ties are likely contributing to increased Chinese assertiveness. Southeast Asian Nations would also appreciate reduced regional tensions to focus on improving their People’s livelihoods, which would also improve America’s standing in the economically important Region.

Washington’s commitment to go to war over some Rocks and Reefs in the South China Sea lacks credibility. The area is simply not economically or strategically important enough to risk US survival.

Transforming the Philippines alliance into a purely defensive one would better secure American interests, improve its credibility, and reduce regional tensions. America should act now before it’s too late.

Here is the Link to the original Article at the Asia Times Website:

October 28, 2023: US reportedly tells their Filipino Dogs to stop goading China 
Ha-ha-ha ... 'Tutuo ba ito? Kung oo, e di ibig e nilalaglag na ng United States (US) ang mga Pilipinong Doggies nila rito sa Pilipinas?' (Is this true? If so, then it means that the United States is now throwing their Filipino Doggies under the Bus)

For those who can't read Filipino, it seems that the US reportedly told some People to stop goading China because they have so many other Problems around the World right now. 

For me, to know if there is some truth in this or not, let's just wait for the next Resupply Missions, see how much "Drama" they will come out with. If they hold back on that, then it means some Dogs were told by their Owners to tone it down ...

Here is the Link to the original Post:  
SOURCE: Adrian Pascual Facebook Page Post, 10/28/23 – 0548H {Archived Link}

August 13, 2023:Mga Ape-22 Rape-tors ng US, PINAHIMAS sa mga Pilipinong Piloto!!! O, ano na, me silbi ba ang mga Rape-tors na mga iyan? Naging “Deterrrence” ba sa Tsina? Bakit na Water Cannon pa rin ang mga Pinoy sa Ayungin? LOL

ENGLISH TRANSLATION:United States (US) Ape-22 Rape-tors, allowed to be caressed by Filipino Pilots!!! So, did these Rape-tors have any use at all? Were these really “Deterrence” to China? How come Filipinos still end up being Water Cannoned at Ayungin? LOL”

July 20, 2023: Like many Philippine Military Officers, the new AFP Chief earned a Degree from a US Military Institution
Like many of the Officers in the Philippine Military, the new Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), Lieutenant General Romeo Brawner Jr., earned a Degree from an American Military Institution, specifically in his case he earned a Master’s Degree in Strategic Studies from the United States Army War College

And not only that, he also earned another Master’s Degree in Business Administration from another Western Military Institution, the European School of Management in the United Kingdom (UK). So no wonder why our Military is so Pro-US or Pro-West, and this also one way for the Americans to maintain their strong Influence in the Philippine Military

July 17, 2023: American Propaganda hard at work again, likely influenced naming of Fil-Am as Gerber Baby to keep their Filipino Dogs happy
It looks like American Propaganda is very hard at work again, now that Baby M is busy being extra-friendly to the Americans, suddenly out of the blue (supposedly), a Filipino-American Baby is named as the new “Gerber Baby” for 2023. 

This latest, seemingly Public Relations (PR) Stunt-slash-Propaganda by the Americans is likely designed to generate ‘kilig’ (exhilaration, excitement) among the SHALLOW Filipino Kissers of American A$$es. Never mind paying “Rent” for the many Military Bases Baby-M gave to the Americans, the United States (US) will just use PR Stunts like these as “Payment” instead. 

This is likely just an EXAMPLE of how the subtle Ways the Americans use Propaganda even thru Private Companies to influence Filipinos into adoring them and giving them Things for free …

June 18, 2023: Article shows the Racism and Brutality of the Americans against Filipinos during the Philippine-US War. “The Filipino as such was little better than a Dog” – The Philadelphia Ledger
Here is a great, MUST-READ Article remembering the Racism and Brutality that the Americans did against Filipinos during the Philippine-American War from 1899 to 1902, where the American News Publication “The Philadelphia Ledger” said that, “the Filipino as such was little better than a Dog”.

And here is another important Quote from the Article: “Since the Americans couldn’t tell which Filipinos were friendly and which were Rebels, they turned to torture to make People identify the Guerillas. The favorite American Techniques included: Dragging People behind Horses; Hanging them until they passed out, reviving them, and then hanging them again; Tying People to a Tree, shooting them in the Leg and then returning the next day to see if they would talk; Inserting a Hose into a Person’s Mouth and then forcing in Water until the Body was distended. People often died during the torture sessions

June 8, 2023: New Defense Secretary denies Philippines is a Puppet of the US despite being the Obvious
The new Secretary of Defense recently denied in an Interview that the Philippines is a “Puppet” of the United States (US). However, action speaks louder than Words and clearly based on its Actions, the Philippines is being subservient to the US now. 

Why else would it give so many Military Bases to the Americans without any Rent? The Philippines couldn’t even make the US recognize its claimed Territories, nor ask them to confront China with us in the South China Sea (SCS)

In Hindsight, Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) doesn’t really have any choice but to give in to the Americans since he just doesn’t have the Personality and Leadership to impose his Will on the Filipino Kissers of American A$$es within his own Government itself, unlike former President Digong Duterte

Despite the constant sabotaging of the Philippine-China Relations by the Pinoy Dogs of the Americans, Duterte was still able to mostly stamp it out and impose his Orders to the Government. BBM doesn’t have what it takes to do that

June 4, 2023: US TALKS more against China, hoping to fool the Philippines again into giving them more Military Bases
The United States (US) again went on to give Soundbites against China, saying they “won’t stand against China’s bullying”. I think that they are doing that in the hopes of FOOLING the Philippines AGAIN into giving them more Military Bases. 

As I had reported earlier, the US is reportedly asking for at least two more Military Bases to be given to them for FREE in the Philippines thru the Enhanced Defense Cooperation for America :D (EDCA) Agreement. 

If the US is really serious in terms of confronting China, China is waiting for them right now at Ayungin Shoal where the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) cried to the Press that they were “Lasered” by China. So why won’t the US go there now, aber? I thought the Filipino Kissers of American A$$es said they would “Protect” us against China?

May 26, 2023: US set to pass Bill allowing the spending of Usd 500 million to spread Anti-China, Pro-US Propaganda, America’s Filipino Dogs now salivating
The United States (US) is set pass a Bill called the “America Competes Act” which includes a budget of Usd 500 million to promote Anti-China, Pro-US Propaganda. That’s Php 28 billion, assuming an Exchange Rate of Php 56 per Dollar. 

This is probably what is driving the Filipino Kissers of American A$$es to work hard in terms of Blocking, Maligning and Sabotaging Pro-Chinese Sentiment, the promise of being paid Big Time by their “Uncle Sam”. 

So if you are an American A$$ Kisser, next time you see your favorite Social Media Influencers getting a lot of Views and Engagements, ask them for ‘pa-Burger’ (free Burgers), that’s the least you can do for allowing them to earn a lot soon from the US, LOL 

May 26, 2023: NSA Adviser Ano cries to the Press about China’s Laser instead of the Americans they said will protect the Philippines from China
I found it amusing that the National Security Adviser (NSA) Adviser Eduardo Ano cried to the Philippine Press against China’s Laser Pointing Incident instead of the Americans which he and other Pro-United States (US) People in Bong Bong Marcos’ (BBM) Government said would “Protect” the Philippines from China. 

Why did he do that, aber? Is it because he doesn’t want to admit that the US won’t help the Philippines in its Territorial Disputes, and that they in fact made a stup1d Decision to reactivate and expand the Enhanced Defense Cooperation for America :D (EDCA) Agreement? 

It is now obvious that these Pro-US People are just PRETENDING to be “Nationalistic”, only going after China because that’s what the US wants and not the other Countries with which the Philippines has Territorial Disputes with like Taiwan and Vietnam because the Americans won’t help us against those

May 23, 2023: Philippines should now ask the US to accompany its Troops in the SCS to confront China
The Deputy Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) told the Commission on Appointments (COA) recently that the Philippine Military Troops continue to face harassment by the China Coast Guard (CCG) in the South China Sea (SCS)

I don’t know if he was goaded by the Pro-United States (US) Senators like Joseph Victor (JV) Ejercito into making such Remarks, but at any rate, I challenge Senator Ejercito to now call for the US to accompany Philippine Troops in SCS to confront China. 

What are they waiting for, that was supposed to be the Reason why the US were given so many Military Bases here in the Philippines, for “Protection” against China. So where is this “Protection” now, why isn’t it still being done up now? 

The Reason of course is because the US refuses to interfere with the Territorial Disputes of the Philippines, but the American A$$ Kissers don’t want to say it because it puts the US and their Decision to give the Americans many Military Bases look stup1d

May 20, 2023: Is the US abandoning the Pinklawans in favor of Pro-US Politicians in BBM’s Camp?
Here is another interesting Observation, is the United States (US) finally abandoning the Pinklawan Politicians like Lenidoro Robredo after their dismal performances in the last three Elections here in the Philippines, and is the US going instead with the Pro-American Politicians in Bong Bong Marcos’ (BBM) Camp like House Speaker Martin Romualdez

Personally right now I think the US is, at the very least, seriously considering supporting the Pro-US BBM Politicians, but they might not abandon the Pinklawans altogether unless the Pro-US BBM Politicians can prove that they are more winnable in Elections. So the Election Results in 2025 will be very important for the Philippines’ Pro-US Politicians, whoever will win most convincingly will likely be the ones who will get the American’s support for Presidency in 2028
SOURCE: Jun Abines Facebook Account Post, 05/20/23 – 2052H {Archived Link}

May 19, 2023: SaraD might have kept the US from Sabotaging her Candidacy thru Lakas-CMD
Interesting Points here raised by Sass Rogando Sasot about how Sara Duterte (SaraD) might have eliminated a possible way for the Americans to sabotage her future Candidacy in an Elected Position by resigning from the Lakas-Christian Muslims Democrats (CMD) Political Party well before any Election Schedule. 

But SaraD should keep being vigilant as the United States (US) likely won’t stop finding many other Ways to stop her from being elected as much as possible. That is just what they do, they want and need to keep Politicians who are willing to be their Puppets to be in Power in the Philippines
SOURCE: Sass Rogando Sasot Facebook Account Post, 05/19/23 – 1102H {Archived Link}

May 18, 2023: US interference causes split in BBM Camp, Martin Romualdez reportedly being groomed to be the American’s bet after BBM’s Term
Massive Developments are now being evident in Philippine Politics after the Demotion of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (GMA) in the House of Representatives (HOR) after she reportedly tried to replace Martin Romualdez as the Speaker of the HOR. GMA is said to be allied with Imee Marcos, and both are reportedly against the growing influence of the United States (US) in the Administration of Bong Bong Marcos (BBM)

Martin on the other hand is said to be allied with BBM and Liza Araneta Marcos (LAM) who are on the side of the Americans, with the US reportedly grooming Martin to possibly succeed BBM in 2028. Martin seems to be a legit Amboy, having taken his College Degree and Special Studies in the US. 

The US might also have a solid hold on his Family’s Hidden Wealth, his Father was Ferdinand Marcos Sr.’s Crony and was once listed as one of the richest Men in the Philippines. If so, then the Americans are likely to have a “Special” hold on him just like they have with Weak Junior. 

So again, the US is interfering with the Philippines’ Affairs and have managed to “Divide and Conquer” the BBM Camp. These are all speculations as of now of course, but it all seems to make perfect sense. I am again inviting everyone to join my Twitter Account

May 15, 2023: Some Americans already getting wary of the Philippines dragging their Country into a War with China
Some Americans like the one who made this Article are starting to get wary that the Philippines might pull their Country into a War with China. The way I see it, it is now a “Lose-Lose” Situation for the United States (US)

If they refuse to help protect the Philippines in its Territorial Disputes with China, then they will be exposed of not being sincere in Terms of defending the Philippines. But on the other Hand, if they do try to help, then that will bring them closer and faster towards a full confrontation with China. So it is up to them to pick their Poison, then. 

May 12, 2023: BBM praised the American Company that required the Philippine Navy to pay them Php 1 billion per Year to use Subic Property
Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) recently said that he was “excited” about the commitment of the American Company Cerberus Global Investment Incorporated to pursue more Investments in the Philippines. It seems that BBM didn’t know that this is the very same Company that required the Philippine Navy (PN) to pay them Usd 1 billion per Year to use the Property that they acquired in Subic Bay

This American Company was reportedly allowed to acquire the Property of the Hanjin Shipyard to keep China out since they were also interested in the Property, but the Americans turned around and charged us instead to use our own Property. How can anybody trust these Americans after doing such a Thing? ‘Pero wala lang, Patay-Malisya lang?’ (But they will just ignore it?)

May 10, 2023: 71 year old American arrested after Police found the Body of her Filipina GF in a Drum in Cavite
A 71 year old American was arrested by the Philippine National Police (PNP) after the Body of his 48 year old Girlfriend was found inside a Drum in the Couple’s House in Bacoor, Cavite. The Woman had been missing for four Days and when her Son visited the Couple’s House earlier, he smelled some Foul Odor which led him to immediately inform the PNP about it. Let’s hope in Cases like these, Americans if convicted will stay in Philippine Jails instead of being sent back into an American Prison

May 9, 2023: Joint US-Philippine Patrols should be in Areas where there will be confrontations with China and not somewhere far away and safe
So it looks like the United States (US) has finally agreed to do Joint Patrols with Philippine Forces, this is according to one of the US’ main Supporters in the Administration of Bong Bong Marcos (BBM), the Philippines’ Ambassador to the US who also just happens to be a Relative of BBM himself on his Mother’s side.

The Patrols will reportedly happen on the third Quarter of this Year of 2023. If so, just make sure it will be made on the actual Areas where China is confronting the Philippines, like at Ayungin Shoal and not somewhere far and safe, because then those Patrols will be nothing but just for SHOW.

The big question here is what will China do? Will they fight, or back down? I guess we will just have to wait and see ...

May 2, 2023: Biden dangles “Trade and Investments Mission” as ‘Consuelo de Bobo’ for not agreeing to a Free Trade Agreement with the Philippines despite being gifted many Military Bases to defend Taiwan
The United States’ (US) Senile President Joe Biden recently dangled to what it says was a “First of a Kind” Trade and Investments Mission to the Philippines. This is clearly what Filipinos would call as just ‘Consuelo de Bobo’ (Consolation for the 1d10t) by the Americans after they refused to agree to the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) that the Philippines was asking from them. 

A Trade and Investments Mission may or may not result in more Trade or Investments in the Philippines, hence it is clearly inferior to an FTA. But, as some Writers pointed out, “Vassals” like the Philippines cannot demand from its Master that is the US, it can only accept what the Americans want them to have

April 29, 2023: US’ Statement on the recent Coast Guards Incident again exposes their HALF-BAKED Commitment to the Defense to the Philippines
The United States (US) officially issued a Statement about the recent Incident between the Coast Guards of the Philippines and China, and it again clearly shows their HALF-BAKED Commitment to the Defense of the Philippines. 

First, it only again mentioned how an an “Armed Attack in the Pacific, which includes the South China Sea, on Philippine Armed Forces, Public Vessels, or Aircraft, including those of the Coast Guard, would invoke US Mutual Defense Commitments under Article IV of the 1951 US Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty”.

There was NO MENTION that they recognized the Philippines’ Claimed Territories in the Areas, particularly in the South China Sea (SCS). Vessels and Aircraft can be RECALLED or FORBIDDEN to go to those Areas so there will nothing for China to Attack, and if the Philippines disobey then the US can play the Card that since we disobeyed their “Orders”, then they are in no Obligation to help us. 

Second, it gave NO COMMITMENT to DIRECTLY ASSIST the Philippine Forces like the Coast Guard in their ongoing Confrontation with China. If the US really wanted to help, then they would’ve committed to sending their US Coast Guard (USCG) Vessels to accompany the PCG Vessels to confront China. 

They won’t do that because they don’t want to get involved with our Territorial Claims and they don’t want us to DRAG them into a War with China. ‘Magpa BUDOL pa more sa Amerika, Pilipinas’ (Be scammed more by the Americans, Philippines)

April 28, 2023: Philippine Coast Guard stages Confrontation with China, but accidentally reveals the US’ lack of Commitment to the Defense of the Philippines’ claimed Territories
The Spokesperson of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mao Ning said recently that the Incident involving the Coast Guards of China and the Philippines was a, “… premeditated and provocative action for the Philippine Vessels to barge into the Waters off the Ren'ai Reef with Journalists on board. It aimed to deliberately find fault with China and hype a potential Incident”.

And I agree with that Observation. Not only did the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG), intentionally bring Journalists on board but they also timed it to be made just after the Joint Military Exercise between the United States (US) and the Philippines and before the scheduled Trip of President Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) to the US. 

However, the PCG also accidentally ended up revealing the US’ lack of commitment to the Defense of the Philippines’ claimed Territories like Ayungin Shoal because they did not provide their promised Protection to the PCG during that confrontation. Where was the United States Coast Guard (USCG) then, aber? ‘Ano pa ang inaantay nila, Pasko?’ (What are they waiting for, Christmas?) The Philippines already gave their Country nine FREE Military Bases, time for them to pay up with their commitments or get out of our Country

April 26, 2023: America’s “Ironclad” Propaganda”: The US’ defense of the Philippines will never be “Ironclad” until they recognize our claimed Territories
Ever since I think the Administration of former President Barrack Obama, the United States (US) keep using the Word “Ironclad” to describe their commitments to the Defense of the Philippines. But this is just American PROPAGANDA, their Defense Commitments to us will never be “Ironclad” until they officially recognize our claimed Territories like Sabah, the Kalayaan Island Group (KIG), etc. 

They say they will defend Philippine Troops, Vessels, Aircraft, etc., but those can be RECALLED or FORBIDDEN to go to our Territories, so there is nothing to defend in the first place then. Worse is that if we defy them and send our Troops, Vessels, etc. to our Claimed Territories, they can just say we forbade you to do it but you still went so they will have no Commitments to defend us anymore. That is the “Ironclad” SCAM that the US is running on the Philippines

April 21, 2023: Philippines asked for Free Trade Agreement with the US as Reward for giving them nine Military Bases, but was refused. ‘Pilipinas, nabudol!!!’ (Philippines Scammed!!!)
It turns out that the Philippines had asked for a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the United States (US) as a “Reward” for gifting them nine Military Bases in the Philippines which they will use to defend Taiwan with, but it was strongly rejected.

An FTA as defined by Encyclopedia Britannica means, “a Policy by which a Government does not discriminate against Imports or interfere with Exports by applying Tariffs or Subsidies” which means it would’ve at least improved trade between the two Countries.

The US right now has an FTA with around 20 Countries, and the only Country in South East Asia (SEA) that they have that with is Singapore which they don’t have as many Military Bases in and doesn’t have as generous in terms as they were given here in the Philippines. So, ‘Pilipinas, nabudol ng mga Kano!!!’ (the Philippines was SCAMMED by the Americans!!!)

April 18, 2022: Philippines should also commemorate the sacrifices of Filipinos massacred by Americans in Bud Dajo, Balangiga, etc.
Why is the Philippines only commemorating Events when we fought for and with the Americans like during World War Two (WW2) and the Korean War? Why aren’t we remembering when it was the American’s turn to butcher Filipinos like they did in Bud Dajo, Balangiga, etc.? 

In Bud Dajo for example, in March 8, 1906 on Jolo, the Americans fought and then massacred at least 600 Filipinos consisting of not only of Men but also Women and Children during a Battle there. Enough of the constant Pro-US Propaganda that is being imposed on all Filipinos, tell it as it is and remember also Bud Dajo, Balangiga, etc. 

April 13, 2023: US allows Filipino Soldiers to just touch and watch their Javelin Missiles, couldn’t even give them despite not paying rent for their Military Bases and giving other Countries like Pakistan Usd 900 million per Year in Military Aid
The United States (US) allowed Filipino Soldiers to “Touch and Watch only” (‘Hawak lang, Nuod lang’, LOL) their Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles during the ongoing Balikatan Exercise. I think it is a bit funny and tragic at the same time that they don’t pay for the Military Bases they got here recently and yet can’t even give a substantial number of these Missiles to us. And this all the while when they are giving Countries like Pakistan around Usd 900 million worth of Military Aid, PER YEAR

April 11, 2023: Zambales Fisherfolks complain of the disruption in their Livelihood during the US-Philippine Military Exercise
The Fisherfolks in Zambales are complaining that the ongoing Joint Military Exercise by the United States (US) and Philippine Forces are disrupting their Livelihoods, especially since the Peak Period for Fishing in the Area lasts only from February to May and Exercise will last for 18 Days. They also said that the presence of the Ships are already driving away the Sea Life and they aren’t able to catch anything anymore as of now. 

Hindi na nga nagbabayad yang mga Kano ng Renta sa napakaraming mga Ba-se Militar nila dito sa Pilipinas e nanggugulo pa sa Kabuhayan ng mga Pilipino’ (The Americans aren’t paying any Rent for the so many Military Bases they have here now, and they also are disrupting the Livelihood of the Filipino People) 

March 28, 2023: Biden’s Political Party still wants to block Military Aid to the AFP despite the US already being given nine Military Bases
The Democratic Party of the United States’ (US) President Joe Biden still wants to block Military Aid to the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) due to supposed Human Rights Violations after US Congresswoman Susan Wild again refiled a Bill to do so. 

This despite the fact that the Americans were already given nine Military Bases by the Administration of President Bong Bong Marcos (BBM). This should be particularly hurtful for the AFP which has never hidden their Admiration of the US Military Forces and in fact are even proud of it

March 27, 2023: EDCA just starting, and US already rumored to be interfering with Philippine Affairs
The Americans and their Military Bases are just starting to come back into the Philippines and they are already starting to interfere in our Local Affairs, as per an Article by the “Eurasian Review, News and Analysis” Website. Quoting from the Article: "There are also talks from the Grapevine that American Officials are lobbying to Secretary Galvez to silence local Chief Executives on EDCA issues.  Rumors also circulate on the efforts of some US Embassy Officials to assist a prominent local Official in Cagayan in settling an Election case in exchange for EDCA Support."

March 27, 2023: BBM had many, many concerns about EDCA back in 2023, and yet fully implemented it as President
It turns out that President Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) had a lot of reservations about the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) back in 2016 when he was still a Senator as revealed by an Article, and yet he still ended up fully enforcing and even expanding EDCA without addressing most of those Concerns. 

Among his reservations was that first, he feels the Philippines did not get the “Best Terms” with the Americans under the Agreement. Then he questioned one Provision in the Agreement where Filipinos were not allowed in the Bases. He also questioned the Type of Equipment and the Facilities that the Americans were allowed to use and build in the Bases.

So what changed for BBM when he expressed so many Issues about it before, but now just ignored those Issues and went ahead to implement it anyway, and even expanded it? That is the Question ...

March 26, 2023: Was BBM Blackmailed by the US into accepting all their Demands including EDCA? 
At last, another Article that is saying that President Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) might have been Blackmailed by the Americans into doing whatever it is that they want. Quoting from the Article itself: "One Tycoon shared the Buzz in Business Circles about what may be behind Marcos' About-Face: A purported Threat to expose Family Wealth abroad, igniting Public clamor for his ouster and the seizing of Family Assets. Facing the risk of losing both Money and Power, it is supposed, Marcos caved in"

I am inclined to believe this because first, that could be the Reason why the United States (US) wasn’t particularly worried about him winning, they know they have something they can use against him.

And second, why else would BBM so willingly allow so many Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) on his Area? Remember that they are THREE US Military Bases there now in the Ilocos and Isabela Regions to defend Taiwan from China

March 20, 2023: Rent-free EDCA Philippines = Unlimited US Troops allowed; Rent-free EDCA Romania/Bulgaria = Only 5,000 US Troops allowed for 3 Months
Just more important Details about the RENT-FREE Military Bases of the United States (US) here in the Philippines compared to the similar Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreements (EDCA) that the US has with Romania and Bulgaria, and that is ours allows for UNLIMITED number of US Troops into our Country while those of Romania and Bulgaria only allows a maximum of 5,000, and only for three Months. 

Quoting from the Article, “The Treaties of the two Balkan Countries specify that only 2,500 US Military Personnel may be deployed in each of their Countries at any time. In case of an overlap of two deployments, a maximum of 5,000 US Troops may stay in their Countries, but only for three Months. In our case, there is no such limit on how many US troops the treaty allows to be deployed in 'agreed locations' in our Military Camps.

As I keep saying, ‘Walang mauuto kung walang magpapauto’ (Nobody will be Scammed if they don’t allow themselves to be Scammed), ‘lalo na sa mga Kano’ (especially by the Americans)

March 18, 2023: US Businesses could stop expansions in the Philippines, or worse move to Vietnam
More details have come out on upcoming Business Mission of American Companies to Vietnam, reportedly the biggest so far. More than 50 Companies are joining the Mission, and among them are: 
- Netflix, Apple, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, SpaceX, Johnson and Johnson, Pfizer, Abbot, Visa, Citibank, Amazon, etc.

Some of these Companies like Pfizer, Abbot and Johnson and Johnson I know already have Operations or Manufacturing Plants here in the Philippines. The danger here is that these American Companies in the Philippines could stop any planned Expansions here in the Philippines if they open up Operations in Vietnam. 

Worst case is that they end up closing their Operations here and MOVING to Vietnam instead, which is what the American Company Intel Corporation did. Remember when they were one of the biggest Companies here in the Philippines? Well not only did they close Operations here and moved to Vietnam, but are even expanding there now. 

CHINESE Companies are planning to invest here in the Philippines, particularly at least two Electric Vehicle (EV) Companies and one Steel making Company, but with American Bases here in the Philippines those are now in doubt. 

So American Companies prefer Communist Vietnam instead of their Military Ally, the non-Communist Philippines, and yet we are also trying to antagonize China. So what will happen to us then, hmm? China is the second biggest Economy in the World, South Korea and Japan will NOT be able to take China’s capabilities, even if they combine. 

Besides, South Korea and Japan ALSO PREFER Vietnam over the Philippines in terms of Investments and Trade, those two Countries AFAIK have bigger Trade Volumes with Vietnam than they do with the Philippines ...

March 17, 2023: Cry, cry, cry, Pilipinas!!! American Companies Netflix, Boeing, SpaceX going on a Business Mission to Communist Vietnam, but none to the Philippines, not even Rent for US Military Bases?
In another major blow to Philippine Pride, some of the biggest American Companies like Netflix, Boeing, SpaceX, etc. are joining a Delegation on a Business Mission to explore Business Opportunities in COMMUNIST Vietnam next Week. The Question is, what about the United States’ (US) supposed “Ally”, the NON-COMMUNIST Philippines? None, no “Business Missions”? Not even an annual RENT for the MANY Military Bases that were basically given to them recently here? As the Filipino saying goes, ‘Walang mauuto kung walang magpapauto’ (Nobody will be scammed if they don’t allow themselves to be scammed). China wants to invest in the Philippines and yet they are labeled as the “Enemy

March 16, 2023: U.S. brings 2 F-22 Raptor Aircraft to the Philippines so Filipino Pilots can smell and caress them
So the United States (US) finally bought over their F-22 Raptor Stealth Aircraft to the Philippines recently. Note that the Raptor first entered service with the Americans way back in 2005, and only after 17 Years did they finally bring it here so our Pilots can smell and caress it. ‘Dalawang singhot lang daw kada Pilipinong Piloto sa Raptor nila’ (only two Sniffs for the Raptor allowed per Filipino Pilot), LOL

March 15, 2023: Minor Victory for Gov. Mamba as Joint US-Philippine Military Exercise moved out of Ilocos Norte
A Minor Victory for Governor Manuel Mamba as the Joint United States (US) and Philippine Military Exercise had been moved from his Province of Ilocos Norte to Zambales. I say only “Minor” as the Exercise will still happen in Philippine Territory, the US Bases are still here and some other US Exercise could still happen in Ilocos later. Gov. Mamba had long been against US Military presence in his Province and was even harassed by US Embassy Officials because of it. The US Bases in the Philippines are still Magnets for Chinese Missile attacks, they and the surrounding Philippine Areas could still become “Dongfeng Barbeques” (referring to the Dong Feng Missiles by China)

March 13, 2023: American Official Victoria Nuland who visited the Philippines recently was an Architect of the U.S. Interference in Ukraine’s Government
The American Official Victoria Nuland who is currently an Undersecretary for Political Affairs in the current United States (US) Government is a Warmonger and one of the Architects of the US’ Manipulation and Interference in the Government of Ukraine

In 2014, somebody was able to record without her knowledge her Telephone Conversation with another US Government Official wherein they were planning on how to install an American Puppet Government in Ukraine. The Conversation was later anonymously leaked on YouTube and the US never denied the authenticity of the Recording.

So the Question is, what is Nuland doing here in the Philippines? Is the US trying to indirectly intimidate and warn President Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) on how they would deal with him if he refuses to allow the presence of American Bases in the Philippines, for free? That is the Question. 

March 5, 2023:We are going to fight for another Country, the US ... is that correct?" - Senator Imee Marcos
Some excellent Points raised by this Article of the “The Manila Times”, like this one from no less than Senator Imee Marcos herself: “WHAT is our fight with Taiwan? Why are these new Bases all in North Luzon, where we are doing all these Military Exercises a Stone's throw away from Taiwan, if the Purpose is really as stated, for Calamity and Humanitarian Assistance? We are going to fight for another Country, the US ... is that correct?

March 1, 2023: No amount of American Bases in the Philippines will make the U.S. help defend our Disputed Territories
Another good Article on the issue of the American Bases in the Philippines and our Disputed Territories with China. Quoting from the Article: “Would the nine Camps given to the Americans under the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) to transform anytime into their Military Camps ranged against China, force it to abandon its (Artificial) Islands and Scarborough Shoal? Not by any stretch of the imagination, or of wishful thinking. Even if we give the Americans 1,000 of our Camps to use, the Chinese won’t give up an inch of what they hold in the Spratlys.

February 15, 2023: Shallow Pro-US and Allies Fans so very happy already with just “Expressions of Support” for the Philippines against China
Just goes to show how SHALLOW these Pro-United States (US) Fans are to the point that they are already so grateful and happy with the “Show of Support” or “Show of Concern” from their Idol the US and its Allies. These are just WORDS, the Philippines shouldn’t be happy with them but instead demand ACTION if they are really sincere in terms supporting us. And they aren’t sincere, that is why their Propaganda wants to keep insisting that sending just “Thoughts and Prayers” and “Moral Support” should be enough already. In meantime, they want us to side with them and ostracize China based on that alone. Pure bullsh1t

February 14, 2023: Pro-US Carpio wants Philippines to trigger MDT against China when the US can’t even be asked to chase the Chinese Coast Guard with us
Umandar na naman itong si American Idolizer na si Carpio’ (Here come American Idolizer Carpio again). All I can say is, “Do it!!!” ‘Ni hindi nga mapahabol sa CCG 5205 na Barko ng Tsina ang mga Kano na kasama tayo, invoking the Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT) pa kaya? The usual PROPAGANDA, dinadaan sa LAWAY ang laban sa Tsina. And yet yang gunggong na iyan e ang TAHIMIK sa Isyu ng Sabah o Itu Aba.’ (They can’t even ask the Americans to chase after CCG 5205 with us, and now they are talking about the MDT? The usual PROPAGANDA, using their SALIVA only to fight China. And yet that id10t is SILENT bout Sabah or Itu Aba)

February 10, 2023: US Company “Intel Corp.” who left the non-Communist Philippines to go to Communist Vietnam is now ready to expand their Operations there by Usd 1 billion
The American CompanyIntel Corporation” who left the non-Communist and their Country’s Military Ally the Philippines to go to the Communist and Russian Ally Vietnam is now planning to expand their Operations there. Intel Corp. put up a Usd 1.5 billion Manufacturing Plant in Vietnam and is now planning to expand their Plant there by another Usd 1 billion. So the Americans don’t invest in us, they don’t pay rent for their Bases here, and were are still defending their actions? ‘Hay, naku, Pilipinas nga naman’ (Oh my, Philippines)

February 10, 2023: US General says they are ready to fight China on their Proxy Battlegrounds like the Philippines
The Commanding General of the United States (US) Army's 25th Infantry Division based in Hawaii, Major General Joseph Ryan said that they are ready to fight China on their Proxy Battleground in Asia like the Philippines. If so, then we should forcibly send all the Filipino Kissers of American A$$es to them so they can be used as Ammunition for their 155 mm cal. Howitzers and other Artillery Systems, LMAO, ROTF 

February 9, 2023: PBBM could’ve been misled by this P1nklawan-commissioned Survey about the WPS that was released recently
Looks like President Bong Bong Marcos (PBBM) might've been misled on his Decision about the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) because of a Survey about the West Philippine Sea (WPS) that was released early last Month of January 2023. That stup1d Survey was commissioned by none other than the ADR Institute of Pinklawan Albert Del Rosario (the “ADR” in the “ADR Institute”, get it?). The Survey lacked CONTEXT, and it’s possible the Questions themselves were rigged to push the People to answer towards being against China. Past Surveys have consistently shown that quarreling with China is the LEAST PRIORITY of Filipinos. They would rather do something else like have PROGRESS than fight with CHINA

February 6, 2023: Cagayan Governor heroically opposes the Establishment of an EDCA Site in his Province, may more LGU Officials follow his Example
I very highly applaud the Stance of the Governor Manuel Mamba of OPPOSING the establishment of an Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) Site in his Province of Cagayan. ‘Mabuhay po kayo’ (Long Live to you). I hope that there will be many, many more Local Government Officials like him will also do the same thing

February 5, 2023: I say AMEN to this, Fr. Shay Cullen, the Writer of this Article
AMEN, Fr. Shay Cullen!!! Not that I suddenly became “Religious”, I am still very much an Agnostic. Quoting from the Article itself, though: “The US Military presence in the West Philippine Sea has not deterred China from grabbing more Atolls and Islands from the Philippines and arming them with Missiles. The Mutual Defense Treaty between the US and the Philippines is of no help. There has to be an Act of War by China against the Philippines to trigger a US Military response. Any such response will need the approval of the US Congress. The presence of so many US Military Bases inside Philippine Bases is making the Philippines an open and vulnerable Target for retaliatory strikes by China.

February 2, 2023: Congratulations to the United States (US) for fooling the Philippines AGAIN to become their PROXY BATTLEGROUND!!! This is at least the SECOND time around, the first time was during World War Two (WW2). And all of it for FREE, with them not paying any sort of regular RENT. Yahoo!!! LMAO. I don’t blame President Bong Bong Marcos (PBBM) for this, I blame instead the Filipino Kissers of American A$$es in his Camp who has been constantly pushing for this. There should be a Law specifiying that these Pinoy Dogs of the US be the FIRST ones to be used as Ammunition by the Americans when they finally go to War with China over Taiwan

February 1, 2023:O, okay lang daw yang in expand ang Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) at dadami naman daw ang mga ibibigay na pinaglumaang Kagamitang Militar ng Amerika sa atin. Yung mga konti lang ang Kalawang ang ibibigay sa atin kaya okay na’ (The expansion of EDCA is supposed to be “okay” because America will now be giving us more of their used Military Equipment. They will give us only those with a few Rusts), LMAO

January 30, 2023: Well it is all over the News, the United States (US) is set to gain access to more Military Bases in the Philippines which is expected to be announced during the visit of US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin this Week. The American Press and the Filipinos Kissers of American A$$es of course are now celebrating, never mind that the US will not be paying any sort of RENT for this type of Military Access that nobody else in South East Asia (SEA) will ever give them. Never mind also that despite this new deal, the US will NEVER help directly in any way the Philippines if it gets into a fight with Malaysia over Sabah. They might even help Malaysia if it comes to that, like they did in the late 1960s …

January 22, 2023: An interesting Article about the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) and President Bong Bong Marcos (PBBM). Quoting from the Article: “Apparently referring to Bases of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) to be provided for use by the United States Military under the 2014 Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA), Undersecretary Lazaro said: ‘We have agreed to finalize the procedures for the additional agreed locations. In fact, it is a work in progress.’

Going by the President's Instructions last November, Washington's Request under EDCA for five more Bases to use on top of five it selected years ago is not agreed, but ‘under study’ by a Top-level Committee headed by the National Security Adviser, now Eduardo Año, formerly Interior and Local Government Secretary under then-President Rodrigo Duterte.”

January 23, 2023: The United States (US) is planning to invest Usd 55 billion (or Php 3 trillion assuming an Exchange Rate of Php 54.47 per Dollar) to the Continent of Africa in the next three Years, or Usd 18.3 billion (Php 1 trillion) per Year. So what about us, their supposed “Ally” the Philippines, what are they “Investing” in us? They don’t pay Rent for the kind of Military Access that nobody in South East Asia (SEA) will give them, they don’t put Investments in us, they don’t give us Loans … What are we getting from them? The “Opportunity” to ‘himod’ (lick) the ‘butas’ (holes) of their ‘Pw3ts’ (A$$es)? American A$$ Kissers … 'Pasok'!!! LOL

January 12, 2023: Instead of getting Investments and Infrastructure Loans like what China is providing to the Philippines, all we get from the United States (US) are things like having a Navy Ship named after an AMERICAN with Filipino Roots. ‘Matuwa na raw kayo sa ganyan, palakpak na ang mga Tenga ng mga Pilipinong nagpapaka Aso sa Amerika niyan’ (We are supposed to be just be happy with that, the Ears of the Pinoy Dogs of the Americans are already clapping with things like that)

January 10, 2023: The current sitting Lieutenant General of the United States Marine Corps (USMC) says that the Philippines is planning on allowing the prepositioning of Weapons in ten Military Bases in the Country. All I can say is that if we allow the United States (US) to preposition long range Cruise Missiles in the Philippines that can hit the Chinese Mainland, then China could likely start taking a more antagonistic Stance towards the Philippines. If that happens, then say goodbye to all the Trade and Businesses they can bring. While the US only brings War in other Countries outside of their own Borders, China promises Progress. And to think that our Philippine Marine Corps (PMC) tends to idolize the USMC a bit too much

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