Tuesday, February 6, 2024

United States (US) and Allies' Failures, 2023-2024

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February 5, 2024: HMS Queen Elizabeth Aircraft Carrier of the RN sidelined due to a Propeller Problem
The HMS Queen Elizabeth (R08) Aircraft Carrier of the Royal Navy (RN) of the United Kingdom (UK) was supposed to join a major Exercise of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) when it suffered a major Mechanical Fault and had to cancel its Participation. 

A significant Issue was found with the Ship's Starboard (Right Side) Propeller and repairs could take up several Months. Its Sister Ship, the HMS Prince of Wales (R09) will instead take its Place on the NATO Exercise.

December 11, 2023: A Panel fell off a Seahawk Helicopter of the USN while it was flight over Japan
This would've funny if it wasn't in Real Life, but a Panel measuring 0.6 by 0.1 m and weighing 7 kg fell of a Helicopter of the United States Navy (USN) while it was in Flight in Japan recently. 

The Helicopter was an MH-60S Seahawk which was conducting an Extended Training off the Coast of Tokyo when the Part just fell of the Aircraft while it was flying over Sagami Bay. The Incident is now ongoing Investigation.

Here is the Link to the Article over at the Stars and Stripes Website: https://www.stripes.com/branches/navy/2023-12-11/navy-helicopter-falling-part-japan-12321937.html

September 26, 2023: US again having a Financial Crisis, after escaping one just Months ago
Just MONTHS after the United States (US) was forced to raise its Debt Ceiling to stop it from defaulting its Debts, it is AGAIN in having a Crisis about its Finances as the Democratic and Republican Parties argue about how the Government's Money should be spent.

If the two Sides can't come to an agreement by September 30, 2023 (US Time), then the US Government will have to shut down because it simply won't have the Money to spend anymore. 

Clearly you have to be a special kind of id**t if you keep insisting on siding with an “Ally” like this who keeps having Financial Problems so frequently now, and this Government of Weakling Junior seems to be exactly that kind of an id**T

September 18, 2023: F-35 so “Stealthy” even the US Government can’t find it now, LOL
The United States (US)-made F-35 Stealth Fighter Aircraft has proven to be so “Stealthy” that even the US Government now itself is unable to find it, LMAO. 

What happened was that an F-35B Lightning II (or Battle Penguin) belonging to the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing of the United States Marine Corps (USMC) suffered an unknown Accident while in Flight over South Carolina, causing its Pilot to eject from it.  

The Pilot is safe, but the F-35B could still not be found up to now, causing the US Armed Forces to ask the help of the Public to find it. The Incident has now come under intense ridicule, with Jokes and Memes about putting Apple Air Tags on all F-35 Aircraft, or how an Ad for a used F-35 Aircraft has suddenly come up on Ebay

September 15, 2023: US Navy decommissions Littoral Combat Ship after only 7 Years in Service
The United States Navy (USN) just officially decommissioned the USS Milwaukee (LCS-5) Freedom-class Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) after only seven Years in Service. It was commissioned in November 2015, just two months shy of what would’ve been its eighth Year of Service. 

The Ship has had numerous Problems, including its Propulsion System which caused it to break down at Sea just less than three Weeks after being commissioned and had to be towed back to Port for 74 km for Repairs. The Freedom-class Vessels also had persistent Defects with their Combining Gears

September 6, 2023: Delivery of F-35 Stealth Fighter Aircraft delayed more by at least four Months
The delivery of the United States (US)-made F-35 Lightning II (or Battle Penguin) will be delayed even more by at least four Months due to Problems related to the Hardware of its Tech Refresh-3 (TR-3) update which was supposed to have been done by the end of this Year of 2023, but now is delayed until at least April of 2024. 

The Delays were specifically due to the development of the Core Processor of its Computer System and its Electro Optical Digital Aperture System (EODAS)

August 16, 2023: US-made Patriot Missile explodes before hitting its Target during test in Taiwan
A United States (US)-made MIM-104 Patriot Surface to Air Missile (SAM) exploded in mid-air before it could hit its Target during a Live-Fire Test in Taiwan recently, this was according to the Republic of China Air Force (ROCAF). An Investigation is now being made to determine the cause of the Failure

August 15, 2023: Taiwanese F-16V Fighter misses Target, nearly hits Coast Guard Ship
A two-seat Version of the F-16V Viper Fighter Aircraft of the Republic of China Air Force (ROCAF) completely missed its Target during a Bombing Run when on a Training Mission recently, causing its 907 kg Mk 84 Bomb to fall into the Waters off the Jioupeng Military Base. 

The Bomb caused Shockwaves which affected a nearby Vessel of Taiwan’s Coast Guard Administration (CGA), causing some of its Crew to seek Medical Attention. The ROCAF said that they will punish the Pilot and the Instructor of the Aircraft. 

Remember that the F-16V Viper is one of the Aircraft being considered by the Philippine Air Force (PAF) for its Multi-Role Fighter (MRF) Aircraft Program

August 2, 2023: Fitch Ratings downgrades US Credit Rating due to “Deterioration in Standards of Governance
The American Credit Rating Company “Fitch Ratings” recently downgraded the Credit Rating of the United States (US) from the highest possible AAA Rating to the next lower Rating of AA+ due to what it said was the “Deterioration in the Standards of Government” in Terms of Fiscal and Debt Matters. 

These Credit Ratings reflect the Company’s Impression in Terms of a Country’s ability to repay its Debts, so this Downgrade means that they think the US’ ability to pay its Debts are not as good as it used to before.

This is only the second time in the History of the US that its Credit Rating was downgraded, the first was back in 2011

June 1, 2023: American F-35 Aircraft 10 Years Late and Usd 183 billion over Budget; ‘Mahal na nga, Palpak pa' (Already Expensive, but still a Failure)
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) of the United States (US) itself said that the American-made F-35 Lightning II Stealth Aircraft Program is now 10 Years behind Schedule and around Usd 183 billion over its original Budget. 

The Aircraft’s latest Problem includes delays in its Flight Simulator Program and also the Engines are overheating, reducing the Life of the Aircraft and increasing its Maintenance Costs. The Aircraft now turned out to be, ‘Mahal na, Palpak pa' (Already Expensive, but still a Failure)

May 13, 2023: Senile Biden’s lack of Foresight is bringing the US further into Chaos
Americans continue to worry about an impending default of its Debt by their United States (US) Government, but really its more of a “Lose-Lose” Situation for the US now. Even if they do raise their Debt Limit, that just means they will only end up borrowing even more Money than they already owe now. 

And all of this is happening simply because of the lack of Foresight of Senile Joe Biden in terms of steering his Country. The US Economy was already weakened by the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) Pandemic, and yet he still insisted on waging a Proxy and Economic War with Russia. 

The Proxy War meant the US had to spend more Money for the Defense of Ukraine, they were forced to giving them at least Usd 196 billion so far in Military, Humanitarian and Financial Aid. The Economic War on the other meant that US Companies had to write off Assets and lose Income which meant less Taxes for the US Government. 

The Economic War also meant disruptions in the Supply Line and ultimately led to higher Prices and Inflation. The US is becoming more and more desperate as time goes by, and desperate Countries tend to make desperate Decisions, like ultimately going to War

May 2, 2023: American Soldiers also used “Comfort Women” in South Korea well after WW2
It turns out that it wasn’t only the Japanese Imperial Army in World War Two (WW2) that used “Comfort Women” (Women sold into Sexual Slavery to serve Soldiers), but also the Americans in South Korea who had done so as late as the 2000s. 

Quoting from the Article: “Last September, 100 such Women won a Landmark Victory when the South Korean Supreme Court ordered compensation for the sexual trauma they endured. It found the Government guilty of “justifying and encouraging” Prostitution in Camp Towns to help South Korea maintain its Military Alliance with the United States and earn American Dollars.

American Soldiers also killed almost a dozen South Korean Prostitutes from 1960 to 2004. With the reactivation and expansion of the Enhanced Defense Cooperation for America, :D (EDCA), we can expect to see more Prostitution and Crime to make a comeback around the American Military Bases in the Philippines if not sooner then definitely later …

May 2, 2023: Treasury Secretary warns Biden that if the US isn’t allowed to borrow more Money soon, the Government could run out of Cash by June 2023
No less than the Secretary of the United States (US) Treasury Department Janet Yellen warned the US Senile President Joe Biden that unless the Debt Ceiling (or Debt Limit) of their Country is raised and they are allowed to borrow more Money soon, then the Government could run out of Cash by as early as June 1, 2023. 

Note that the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the US in 2022 was at Usd 25.4 trillion, but its current Debt is now at Usd 31.4 trillion, or 1.25x its GDP. If the US does not do any Drastic Measures to reduce its spending, then it will be forced to raise its Debt Limit every Year until its Economy eventually collapses

April 28, 2023: Chinese Social Media makes fun of HIMARS Miss thru a Meme
The misses of the American-made High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) during the recent Live-Fire Exercise is already being made fun of in Chinese Social Media thru a Meme that was uploaded to the Mandarin-language e-Nanyang Malaysia Website based on its Watermark. 

Not sure if the Meme really originated from there,  or how far in the Mandarin-speaking World it has already reached. Anyway, the Pictures are pretty explanatory, I uploaded the original Meme in Mandarin side by side with the English Translation by Google Images
SOURCE: 中国军情 China Military News Facebook Page Post, 08/28/23 - 1312H {Archived Link}

April 26, 2023: Expensive US-made HIMARS Rockets went 0 out of 6 against Floating Target
The expensive Rockets of the American-made High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) recently went 0 out 6 against the Floating Target that was the former BRP Pangasinan (PS-31) stationed approximately 22 km away. To be fair, the Ship wasn’t exactly Stationary, reports said it was drifting because it lost Anchor so it was a Moving Target. 

But a Slow Moving Target nevertheless and still the HIMARS Rockets missed, so how much more for faster moving Targets. This shows that unless the Target is completely fixed or stationary, then Guided Munitions should be used for these types of Weapons System, which may be even more expensive, but in the long run they are better because their accuracy means less or no Rockets will be wasted instead

March 30, 2023: F-35 Engines overheating due to increased load of cooling the Aircraft’s Systems, just another of its many ProblemsAnd yet another Problem has come up with the American-made F-35 Lightning II Stealth Fighter Aircraft, just one of the very long line of Issues with the Aircraft. The Problem this time is that its Engine is running too hot due to the increased load necessary to cool its different Systems. This means more Maintenance, Parts and Services is needed to keep the Aircraft safely in the Air. Its Engine now needs to be upgraded, leading to increased Costs

March 14, 2023: Three American Banks collapsed in just the last several Days, more to follow
Another big News recently is how three American Banks, the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), Silvergate Bank and Signature Bank, collapsed in the last several Days. One more will likely follow soon, and even more Banks are expected to go also within the next several Weeks or Months. 

Signature and Silvergate Banks relied to much on Cryptocurrency and were severely affected by the collapse of the FTX Cryptocurrency Exchange. SVB’s collapse was due to the higher Interest Rates made by the United States (US) Federal Government which it needed to do to combat rising Inflation Rates which in turn was worsened by Biden’s Economic War against Russia

February 15, 2023: PAF criticized for its FA-50PH having low Availability Rate last Year, turns out the American F-35 Aircraft had the same Problem
Our Philippine Air Force (PAF) got a lot of criticism when it was revealed last Year that a good number of their FA-50PH Fighting Eagle Aircraft were unavailable due to Supply Issues, but it turns out now that the F-35 Lighting II (also known as “Battle Penguin”) Stealth Fighter Aircraft of the United States (US) Armed Forces had the same Problem. The F-35A/B/C reportedly had an Availability Rate of only 53 to 58% in 2022

February 1, 2023: Western Propaganda: “Chinese Navy Submarines are of Low Quality!!!
Meanwhile, on a Western Sub: “The Nuclear Reactor of a UK Submarine was repaired with Super Glue”, LMAO, ROTF
The Broken Bolts of the Reactor Chamber of the HMS Vanguard (S28) was found to have been fixed back in place using Super Glue. Luckily, the Problem was found before the Reactor was made to do a Full Power Test and fixed properly. The HMS Vanguard is the Lead Ship of the Vanguard-class Nuclear-powered, Ballistic Missile Submarine of the Royal Navy (RN) 

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1 comment:

  1. Hey I give you a scope majority of the political leaders in mindanao are Chinese pilipino, unlike in Luzon. If pH government will side wd aukus probably Mindanao will disagree
