Monday, December 11, 2023

The President Bong Bong Marcos (PBBM) Presidency, 2023

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December 10, 2023: Philippine Leftists trade silence against EDCA Bases in exchange for Peace Talks
This Article from the Manila Times thinks that the Reason why the Philippine Leftist Groups have been silent against the United States' (US) Military Bases in the Philippines recently is because they have done so in exchange for a Ceasefire and Negotiations with the Bobong Bong Marcos (BBM) Administration. 

If I may add, the Ceasefire and Negotiations have no Timetable or Limit, and not only have the Leftists been silent against the US lately, they have also become quite Anti-China. Here are some Quotes from the Article: 

* “For Decades, Rebels and Leftists routinely denounced US Military Facilities and labeled several Presidents, including Marcos' late Father Ferdinand Sr., "Tuta" or "Dogs" of Uncle Sam for hosting its Troops and Weaponry and conducting Military Exercises. So, how come the longtime Anti-US Insurgents, Affiliate Organizations and their Party-List Legislators in the House of Representatives have clammed up about allowing American Military deployment here, which US Leaders, Generals, Think Tanks and Media see as a crucial Advantage in a possible Taiwan Conflict between America and China? Now we know the reason: Peace Talks.

* “If restarting Negotiations again allows the Communists to Regroup, Rearm and Fight for a stronger Position on the Ground at a huge Cost to our Troops while falsely blaming the AFP, then America's Scheme of silencing opposition to and Information about EDCA Bases has further compromised our National Security and Democracy. Did the Leftist Bloc really rein in its longstanding Criticism of US Military deployment in exchange for Peace Talks and maybe even Part of the PR Largesse silencing nearly all Coverage of grave War risk facing Luzon, Cebu, Palawan and Northern Mindanao? Peace Adviser Galvez may know.

December 8, 2023: Tambaloslos sucking up to the AFP with Pro-US, Anti-China Stance to likely cover up his Alliance with the Philippine Communists
I find it highly amusing that the Tambaloslos Balasubas Herrero is now constantly trumpeting his Pro-United States (US), Anti-China Stance to the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP). From the Looks of it, it seems he is doing this to make up for his now De Facto Alliance with the Leftists in the Philippines, or so the AFP won’t be angry with him.

To the AFP: ‘Hinihila lang yata ang mga Ilong at binibilog lang ang mga Ulo ninyo ng mga iyan, hindi pa rin ba kayo nakakahalata? Tandaan ninyo itong sasabihin ko – Pagdating ng 2028, malamang hindi lang sa hindi pa rin sumusuko ang New People’s Army kung hindi babalik ulit sila sa dati nilang Lakas ang mga iyon dahil malamang sa Tulong ng mga Politiko ni Tambaloslos at ng mga Pinklawan

(It looks like they are just pulling your Noses and fooling you with Praise, you still haven’t noticed? Remember this – By 2028, it is likely that not only will the New People’s Army still not have laid down their Arms, but will return to their previous Strength likely thanks to the help of Tambaloslos’ Politicians and the Pinklawans)

Here is the Link to the Article at the Malaya Website:

December 7, 2023: Former Alex Boncayao Brigade Commander responsible for Badoy and Almendras’ Detention
The Person mainly responsible for the Detention of Eric Almendras and Lorraine Badoy is Representative Joseph Stephen Paduano of the Abang Lingkod Partylist. He is the former Commander “Carpali Lualhati” of the Alex Boncayao Brigade (ABB) of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP)

He is also working for the return of the Franchise of the ABS-CBN Network. The big Question for me here is why is the Tambaloslos Balasubas Herrero working with these Leftist Groups who may or may not still have ties to the CPP? If he's not working with them, how come is it that he is allowing the Duterte's closest Allies to be persecuted like this now? 

Why is he not helping the Dutertes now who are supposed to be their "Allies"? You all KNOW the Answer. As for Tamba working with these Leftists, is he taking a Pro-United States (US), Anti-China Stance just to placate the Philippine Military to sort of offset his allying himself now with these Leftists? That is the Question …

SOURCE: Jay Sonza Facebook Page Post, 12/07/23 – 1532H {Archived Link}

October 29, 2023: The Chinese Edition of AsiaWeek makes BBM and his Anti-China Policy their Cover and Main Feature
The latest Issue of the Chinese Edition of AsiaWeek [October 30 – November 5, 2023 (Issue 44, 2023)] put Bobong Bong Marcos (BBM) and his deteriorating relationship with China as their Cover and Main Feature. 

They put out at least five Articles about him and China, most of it are available only partially free to view, with the rest of the Articles under a Pay Wall (meaning you have to pay to read the entire Article). I wish they would come up with an English version of it, I am willing to pay to read them. 

Anyway here are the Previews of the Articles, these were translated from Chinese to English using Google Translate. I think Filipinos should get to read them so they will at least know what China thinks now of Weakling Junior.

You can also download the PDF Version of these collected Previews here:

October 26, 2023: ING Senior Economist expect Inflation Rate to remain High and GDP Growth low for 2023
The Senior Economist for the Philippines of the Dutch Banking and Financial Company ING Group Nicholas Antonio Mapa expects the Inflation Rate to continue to remain high and the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Growth continue to remain low for the Philippines for the rest of this Year of 2023 under the Administration of Bobong Bong Marcos (BBM)

This was after the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) announced another increase in it Policy Rate recently. Mapa expects the Inflation Rate to average around 6% by the end of 2023, and expects the GDP Growth rate to only be around 4.7%, way below the 6-7% target of the Government. 

'Nawala lang si Digong, nagka letse-letse na ang Pilipinas' (Just because Duterte left Office, the Country is now in Shambles). Aside from the Economic Problems, there is the brewing possible War with China, (shaking my head) …

October 19, 2023: From Duterte’s “Build, Build, Build” to BBM’s “Base, Base, Base
I like what the Asian Century Journal (ACJ) wrote here, about how Rodrigo Duterte promised Economic Progress for all with his “Build, Build, Build” Program, but now we are down to the “Base, Base, Base” st*p*dity of Bobong Bong Marcos (BBM) which promises nothing but turn the Philippines into the United States’ (US) Proxy Battleground in their War against China.

Quoting from the Article: “Today, with PBBM’s Pivot to the U.S., no Major new Economic or Infrastructure Project has been started, China funded Projects such as revival of the Bicol Express are moribund, while the U.S. brings in for the PBBM Administration new Military Bases, Troops, Military Exercises, along with its destruction of Reefs and Livelihoods, Weaponry for the U.S. Bases, and not an inch of Territory gained but only investment-discouraging Geopolitical Tensions and Crises after Crises.

October 12, 2023: BBM’s “Diversionary Diplomacy” and that Tambaloslos Balasubas Herrero Pig
I agree with what this Article by the Asian Century Journal (ACJ) says about the Bobong Bong Administration (BBM) engaging in what it calls as “Diversionary Diplomacy”. Quoting from the Article

What gains have been made have been for: 1) Politicians to grandstand in aid of publicity and elections highlighted now by Defense Secretary Gibo Teodoro’s laughably premature giant campaign billboard that “calls out China’s creeping occupation”; 2) Diversionary Diplomacy of PBBM away from rice, fuel, transport, debt, illegal Drugs crises; 3) The PCG and DND Bureaucrats getting additional budgetary, confidential and intelligence Funds; 4) The U.S. and Western Defense Industries Arms deployment in new U.S. Bases in the Philippines and Military Sales.

As for the Bobong Bong Marcos’ Allies attacking Sara Duterte, particularly the Tambaloslos Balasubas Herrero, I think that Fat Fakk should have his Head examined if he thinks that he can become the next President of the Philippines. He even had a hard time wining a National Election like the Senate because he looks like a Rich, Fat, Conyo Pig, which he totally is

October 11, 2023: Malaysian Writer on the EurAsia Review Website called out BBM’s Pro-US, Anti-China Policy 
A Malaysian Writer writing for the Independent News Website  “EurAsia Review” recently called out Bobong Bong Marcos (BBM) for his Anti-China, Pro-United States (US) Foreign Policy, citing Things like how it has turned the Philippines unofficially into a Colony again of the US, and how Bobong Bong’s “Hidden Wealth” in the US might’ve been a big Factor in him ending up being a Puppet of them. 

Quoting from the Article: “A key source of the Marcos Wealth is likely to have come from US Military Aid and huge discretionary Funds as a “Reward” for sending Filipino Troops to Vietnam and permitting Bases to operate from the Philippines. 

Since the greater part of the Marcos Fortune being disputed is currently stashed away in the US, it is easy to understand why Marcos Jr. is totally under the Thumb of the US in his Anti-China Policy.

October 7, 2023: Bobong Bong Marcos’ Foreign Trips have so far resulted in utter Failure
Bobong Bong Marcos' (BBM) 14 International Trips to 11 Countries since 2022 has resulted in utter FAILURE, with the Philippines still having the least Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) among its Peers in South East Asia (SEA) in 2022, and for this Year of 2023, the FDI's have gone down even further by 20% so far while in other SEA Countries, it has increased. 

And here are some of the other Important Takeaways from the Article: 

* “First, Philippine Prices are rising the fastest. Our 5.8 percent average Inflation Rate in the Second Quarter outpaced Singapore’s 4.1, Indonesia’s 3.2, Vietnam’s 2.5, Malaysia’s 1.8, and Thailand’s 0.6 percent.

* “Second, we persistently have the highest Unemployment Rate (currently at 4.8 percent), except for Indonesia at this time (5.5 percent). While it’s good news that our Unemployment Rate has returned to Pre-Pandemic Levels, it remains significantly higher than Malaysia’s 3.5, Vietnam’s 2.3, Singapore’s 1.6, and Thailand’s 1.0 percent.

October 6, 2023: Instead of Improving, Philippine Inflation even WORSENED in September 2023
The Inflation Rate in the Philippines not only did not improve, it even worsened from 5.3% in August 2023 to 6.1% in September 2023. This is way above the Target of the Government of 2-4%. Naturally these higher Prices means much more hardships for the Citizens of this Country, and ESPECIALLY for the ordinary Man on the Street.

To make matters worse, expect this Inflation Rate to even worsen as we are approaching the Christmas Season where Inflation tends to be high historically, so there is no rest from the High Prices for the Filipino People.

And once again, the Incompetence of Bong Bong Marcos’ (BBM) Administration continues to be exposed. Instead of finding Effective Ways and making difficult Decisions to beat Inflation, Junior Weakling is just quarreling with “China” and hoping that will DEODORIZE or cover up his Incompetence ...
SOURCE: Presidential Communication Office Facebook Page Post, 10/06/23 - 1102H {Archived Link}

September 23, 2023: Price of Rice in Philippines reasonable, some id**t just insisted on making it Cheaper 
If you compare the Price of Rice in the Philippines to that of in other Countries in South East Asia (SEA), it’s not actually that bad, sort of just in the middle with five Countries being more expensive than it and only four Countries less expensive than it. 

E sinong g*g* ba kasi yung nangako nuong Kampanya sa Eleksyon na gawing Php 20 per Kilo ang Bigas na hindi man lang pala nag research muna ng maayos, ha?’ (Who was the fool who promised during the Election Campaign to make it Php 20 per Kilo for the Price of Rice without even doing proper research first?) 

SOURCE: Seasia Stats Facebook Page Post, 09/23/23 - 2131H {Archived Link}

September 18, 2023: What does “19 in exchange for 17” mean, hmm? :D
A Cryptic Post by Sass Rogando Sassot saying something about, “19 in exchange for 17” … It could mean anything, like maybe for example, Usd 19 billion for 17 Military Bases under the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA). Or maybe 19 Bank Accounts for 17 EDCA Bases, who knows. 

If so, with that kind of Money, that somebody could easily give all of his major Social Media Supporters with Cars, LOL. If they aren’t getting that amount of Money from him, they should demand it, then, because if not, he’s just shortchanging them … LMAO 
SOURCE: Sass Rogando Sassot Facebook Page Post, 09/18/23 - 1124H {Archived Link}

September 15, 2023: The Philippines under the BBM Administration is now the World’s Top Importer of Rice
The Philippines under the Administration of Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) is now the Top Importer of Rice in the entire World, even ahead of China. The Philippines is expected to import 3.8 MT of Rice for the Years 2023 to 2024 while China will only be importing 3.5 MT of Rice in the same time Period.

Pinoy Pride!!! See, we are even beating China now. ‘Bagoong Pilipinas, Bagoong Mukha!!!’ (Fermented Seafoof Philippines, Fermented Seafood Face!!!), wa-ha-ha-ha-ha … :D

September 5, 2023: Philippine Government not only unable to bring down the Inflation Rate, it even rose to 5.3% in August 2023
Not only is the Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) Administration not able to lower the Inflation Rate in the Philippines, it even WENT UP from 4.7% in July 2023 to 5.3% in August 2023. This is the reason why his Administration want to keep quarreling with China as much as possible, to distract People at how incompetently he is running the Government. 

However, he is giving up Medium to Long Term Gains for Short Term Gains by doing this as China now is clearly slowly backing out of providing Loans and Grants to the Philippines which the United States (US) is unable and unwilling to make up for 
SOURCE: Presidential Communications Office Facebook Page Post, 09/05/23 – 1045H {Archived Link}

September 1, 2023:BBM made some arrangements with the U.S. regarding his Family’s Frozen Assets there” – Dr. Oualaalou
According to Dr. David Oualaalou, a Geopolitical Consultant, during an Episode of the “The Geopolitics In Conflict Show”,  Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) made a Deal with the United States (US) regarding the Assets of his Family that were frozen there, that’s the Reason why he is now siding with them

You can watch the whole, original Video where I got this Clip from here:

August 5, 2023: More Security Features introduced by BDO likely due to more frequent Hacking Attempts; GCash seems to be experiencing more Downtimes

Electronic Banking in the Philippines seems to be slowly getting worse, what with Banco De Oro (BDO) now requiring One Time PINs (OTP) thru Short Messaging Service (SMS) for Transactions from them to GCash. They are implementing this likely because of the constant hacks they are encountering on their App. 

The Problem is that there are times when the SMS OTPs take a long time to come, I suspect because of the large number of People using it. And since BDO's OTPs are under time Pressure also, sometimes by the time they arrive they are invalidated already. 

I have no problems with extra Security Measures as long as they don't affect the convenience too much in terms of using the App, but in this Case they are making it less easier to use the App.

GCash is also now seems to be encountering a lot of downtimes recently, around every couple of Days there are times when I find that it is down for around at least half an Hour. Several times also I found that I am unable to use it at the SM Supermarket because they said, “it was down”. 

I suspect that because of the more "relaxed" Security Situation in our Country lately has resulted in the Syndicates going after the Electronic Banking and Payment Systems to become bolder and more frequent with their attacks on the Private Companies. 

If so, then this is an example of how lax Security directly affects the every day Lives of ordinary Filipinos

July 27, 2023: BBM is correct, bringing our Territorial Dispute to the UN won’t accomplish anything but antagonize China, Pretend Nationalist Risa Hontiveros should bring the Sabah Issue to the UN instead, aber?
President Bong Bong Marcos (PBBM) is CORRECT when he pointed out that bringing our Territorial Dispute with China to the United Nations (UN) won’t accomplish anything except antagonize and further demonize China. 

We already supposedly “won” the 2016 Arbitral Ruling, and yet up to now it is just a piece of Paper, we can’t even use it to force our supposed “Ally” the United States (US) to drive China out of the South China Sea (SCS)

This RISA HONTIVEROS is just again seems to be using China for Publicity Purposes, to put her Name in the News and keep herself popular for whatever Elections she decides to run in the near future. She is very likely just a FAKE and PRETEND “Nationalist”, if she weren’t so then why is she consistently SILENT on the Issue of SABAH, ‘aber’? 

I challenge her to file a Resolution to bring the Issue of Sabah against Malaysia to the UN. She likely won’t do that, and continue to keep silent about Sabah and pretend it doesn’t exist

July 4, 2023: The Headline speaks for itself, “Marcos Jr’s Coalition ripping apart on US-China Lines
Well, at least Javad got it right this one time. Bong Bong Marcos’ (BBM) Coalition is indeed starting to fall apart between those who are Pro-United States (US) and Pro-China. It doesn’t help that Junior has allowed himself to be pushed closer to the US by the two Romualdez Relatives in his Government, namely Speaker of the House Tambaloslos Balasubas Herrero and the US’ Ambassador to the Philippines (yes, I wrote that INTENTIONALLY) Babes Romualdez

I also won’t be surprised if the US CONTRIBUTED greatly to this Division as part of their “Divide and Conquer” Strategy by supporting and constantly goading their Filipino Dogs against China. 

The US brings nothing but WAR, while China promises ECONOMIC PROGRESS, so you really have to be extra stup1d to side with the Americans. As for our Territories in the South China Sea (SCS) that we have disputes with China, as I have been saying, China NEEDS the SCS to keep the Americans from blocking their Trade Routes there in case they need to go to War with the US

July 2, 2023: DDB Philippines Planner for the DOT’s new Campaign was a Robredo Supporter, so was the whole Stock Footage Scandal Intentional, or not?
It has now been revealed on Social Media that Marie Adriano, the Brand and Strategic Planner of the DDB Group Philippines that handled the Department of Tourism’s (DOT) new “Love the Philippines” Campaign was (and probably still) a Leni Robredo Supporter, so the Question now is, was the use of Stock Footage from other Countries for the Campaign Intentional, or not? 

If not, then such an Incompetent move from an experienced Ad Agency Planner. If it was, then was Sabotage worth besmirching Reputation of her and her Ad Agency? The Pinklawans now are busy trying very hard to protect DDB Philippines and Ms. Adriano and trying to deflect the blame to the DOT and even Paul Soriano

My guess is that the Plan was to have the Video circulate a bit longer and let the Foreigners find the Issues, but Sass Sassot pulled the Plug early in their Plan by revealing it right away, thus limiting the damage to the Philippines’ reputation. 

After thinking it over, I think what Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) should now do is give Secretary Christina Frasco a Graceful Exit. He should go out in Public soon and say that he still support her, blah-blah-blah, and then two to three Months later accept her “Resignation”. 

This will give him time to find a suitable replacement and for Sec. Frasco to “Clean House” among her Underlings who allowed this Scandal to happen in the first Place

April 12, 2023: BBM’s Approval and Trust Ratings dips down slightly due to Inflation concerns
President Bong Bong Marcos’ (BBM) Approval Rating dropped down slightly to 78% in March 2023 compared to the 82% he got back in November 2022. His Trust Rating also went down slightly to 80% from 83% in the same Period

The Reason given is due to the high Inflation Rate the Philippines has been suffering recently. But some Reports I read said that the Government doesn’t expect the Inflation Rate to go down until later this Year of 2023, and if that happens then we could see BBM’s Approval and Trust Ratings go down even more

March 20, 2023: The "Yearbook Issue" at Immigrations really seems to be doing a lot of damage to the Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) Administration, I keep seeing it on Social Media up to now, and they are always making fun of it. 

Personally, I have been out of the Country around thrice during the last Decade, or since 2013, and the last two times I went out I always ended up with a second Interview at Immigrations. 

Luckily they always let me thru and I didn't miss my Flights during those two times. It is a bit irritating and humiliating though, being treated like you've already done something wrong. 

Immigration says it is because they get blamed for Human Trafficking Cases, but I don't understand who would blame them if they are being intentionally mislead in the first Place? 

I mean, no one will go out and say, "Oh, I will go out and be Human Trafficked". The Victims themselves are being mislead, I don't think they wanted to intentionally end up in that Situation. 

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