Thursday, November 23, 2023

The Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA), 2023

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November 21, 2023: The Impact of EDCA on the Peace, Security and Sovereignty of the Philippines
Here is a nice Article about the Impact of the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) on the Peace and Security, and of the Sovereignty of the Philippines. Quoting from the Article: 

* "The presence of foreign Military Installations on Philippine Soil is a contentious Topic that harks back to the Era of U.S. Bases, which were expunged in the 1990s following a surge of Nationalist Sentiment. Adding four new EDCA Bases could reverse these Gains, suggesting a Re-Colonization of Philippine Territory. Sovereignty is not merely Territorial; it encompasses the capacity of the State to exercise unimpeded jurisdiction and control within its Domain

* “… the overt presence of U.S. Military might on Philippine Soil could render the Philippines a Strategic Target in the event of escalated Conflicts, thus jeopardizing rather than safeguarding National and Regional Security.

Here is the Link to the Article at the Asian Century Journal (ACJ) Website:

October 30, 2023: Duterte on EDCA: Philippines will be the US’ Tripwire, this will be their first Battleground against China
Great Interview of our Former President Rodrigo Roa Duterte (FPRRD) by Anna Malindog-Uy on various Geopolitical Topics. Here are some Quotes from Duterte himself: 

* “It (meaning the South China Sea or SCS Issue) cannot be solved by just publishing every Incident every Day or shouting to the World that there is something wrong every time that there is a near-collision or a collision or something that is a source of trouble.

* So, if you say you will increase the (EDCA) Bases as a deterrence, you must be joking. America is making the Philippines a Garrison. We are like a Detachment ahead of Guam, Hawaii and the mainland (USA). They will fight here first in the Philippines. The Filipinos will help, including CAFGU and the Police. In fairness, they also have Soldiers who are willing to die for America. But we will all suffer because we would be the first line of defense. Before they can move on to Guam, Hawaii and America, they will try to stop it here. This is the Tripwire. They are training the Filipinos, so we can go there first. The Filipinos will be the first Defenders. I do not believe in that deterrence. How can Missiles be a deterrence? How can the Philippines deter China through these EDCA sites?… Let’s not fool each other. Do not be naive. It can bring you down.

October 8, 2023: The REAL Patriot Gov. Mamba being PERSECUTED under the BBM Administration
Governor Manuel Mamba of Cagayan is a TRUE Patriot of the Philippines, not like these Filipino Canines of the United States (US) who do nothing but kiss the US’ A**es and then have the gall to call themselves as “Patriots” (maybe “Patriots” for the US instead). 

Now he is being persecuted under the Pro-US, Anti-China Administration of Bobong Bong Marcos (BBM) because of his strong opposition to the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA). Trumped-up Charges are being made against him about the supposed misuse of Government Funds during the May 2022 Election Campaign. 

The aim here by the US and their Filipino Canines is to try to remove him from Power, and scare all of the other Filipinos who are against the US and their EDCA Bullsh*t. Let us all provide our support to Gov. Mamba in whatever way we can. You can count on this Page’s support for you, Gov. Mamba, and I will try to contribute in any humble way I can in your fight against the US and their Pinoy Canines. 'Mabuhay po kayo!!!' (Long live to you!!!)

August 8, 2023:Yun bang PINANGAKUAN kayo na “DETERRENCE” daw ang mga EDCA Bases laban sa Tsina …
… Pero yun pala hanggang ngayon e na wa-WATERCANNON pa rin pala kayo, LOL
English Translation: “When you were promised that EDCA would be a DETERRENCE to China …”
“… But it turns out that you still end up being WATERCANNONED, LOL”

August 7, 2023: “EDCA will be a DETERRENCE to China!!!
Di kaya ang ibig sabihon pala nila e si “DE TERRENCE” Romeo? LOL
English Translation (2nd Line): “Maybe what they really meant was “DE TERRENCE” Romeo? LOL”

July 3, 2023: EDCA Bases makes Philippines among China’s TOP TARGETS if a War occurs between them and the US
The Military Bases in the Philippines that were given for Free to the United States (US) under the Enhanced Defense Cooperation for America :D (EDCA) has reportedly raised the Philippines a one of China’s TOP TARGETS if War breaks out between them and the US, along with the US Bases in Guam and Japan

China could launch Missiles from the Hidden Facilities of the Artificial Islands they constructed in the South China Sea (SCS) against these EDCA Bases, and hopefully they will not be armed with Nuclear Warheads. Remember that some of these EDCA Bases are located in major Philippine Places like Puerto Princesa in Palawan, Mactan in Cebu and Cagayan De Oro City in Mindanao, so good luck to those Areas in case War does break out

June 27, 2023: Chinese Ambassador says Philippines will be a Target if US launches attacks on Chinese Forces from Philippine Bases
The Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Huang Xilian told former President Rodrigo Duterte that the Philippines will be a Target by China if the United States (US) launches attacks on Chinese Forces from the Bases in the Philippines which were given to the Americans by Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) under the Enhanced Defense Cooperation for America :D (EDCA)

Duterte tried to remind China that the Philippines have not quarrel with them, and also revealed that an additional eight more Philippine Bases are being considered to be under EDCA aside from the nine that has already been revealed to the Public

June 2, 2023: US reportedly asking BBM for another two Military Bases under EDCA while still refusing to confront China with the Philippines in the SCS
The United States (US) is reportedly asking Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) to give them two more Military Bases under the Enhanced Defense Cooperation for America :D (EDCA) Agreement, this despite the Fact that up to now they are still refusing to confront China with the Philippines in the South China Sea (SCS)

And of course, the Americans those Bases to be given to them for FREE. The two additional Bases they are said to be asking for are the Naval Operation Base Subic in Subic Bay and the Forward Operation Base Ulugan Bay in Palawan. When approved, this will raise the number of Military Bases given by BBM to the Americans from the current nine to eleven

May 18, 2023:The Philippines in danger of being sucked into US-China conflict over Taiwan”, but Filipino Kissers of American A$$es don’t care and would gladly make the Philippines the US’ Proxy Battleground against China
Here is a nice Article from the Indian Website “Frontline” which is warning that the Phiippines is in danger of sucked into a War between the United States (US) and China over Taiwan due to the reactivation and expansion of the Enhanced Defense Cooperation for America :D (EDCA)

The Article is a pretty good read with a number of Highlights, let me just quote of them here: “Philippine Foreign Policy veered back to its traditional Pro-US Positions after Marcos Jr became President … He did not talk much about Foreign Policy and Security-related issues as a Candidate. The general impression he gave was that he would continue with the policies of his predecessor and keep the strong relationship with China intact. He had in fact said that if the US was allowed to once again establish Military Bases in the Country, “then you make China your Enemy” …

May 11, 2023: Why did BBM change his Mind about EDCA? No firm Answers, only Rumors as of now
One thing very clear about this whole Enhanced Defense Cooperation FOR AMERICA :D (EDCA) Episode is that Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) did change his Mind about it. He had a lot of Reservations about it which he stated publicly before he became President, but then agreed and even expanded it after he became President.

So everybody is asking the same Question: Why did he changed his Mind? There are no straight Answers to this for now as BBM himself refuse to acknowledge that he changed his mind about the Bases, let alone offer explanations. Right now there are only Rumors, the first version I read was that his Family’s access to their so-called “Hidden Wealth” was threatened by the United States (US).

Another version I read recently said that he was allowed access to his Family’s Assets that were frozen by the US, and that he even got to bring back some or most of it. IMHO, it may even be possible that the US did both, offer their “Carrot (Rewards) and Stick (Threats)” Policy. We won’t truly know though the Reason/s until it is somehow publicly revealed, with Proof

May 7, 2023: BBM is the only one saying EDCA will not be used for Offensive Purposes, US refused to support his Statement
This Article by The Manila Times is correct on so many Things, including where it is only Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) who is saying that the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) Bases “will not be used for Offensive Actions”. 

The Americans never gave any supporting Statements to what Junior said, they just kept quiet and hoped nobody will notice. Quoting from the Article itself: “Clearly, Washington gives zero assent to our no-no's on EDCA as espoused by no less than our President. His Stance that the Bases are not for Taiwan conflict or offensive action is nowhere in joint Statements from the White House and the Pentagon announced Worldwide.” 

How can our Foreign Affairs and Defense Chiefs and our Ambassador to Washington let our President's express Policies be ignored? This is the biggest danger in the Agreement and indeed our whole alliance. The US does what it wants, disregarding our nation's life-and-death concerns about the bases.

EDCA is undeniably Enhanced Defense Cooperation for America.

May 6, 2023: IMHO, no amount of “Guidelines” will keep the US from using the EDCA Bases to help their Forces during their War against China over Taiwan
Clarita Carlos with her “I hate the United States (US), I also hate China, ‘Galit sa Mundo’ (Angry at the World)” Foreign Policy seems to be trying to make the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) Bases a bit more “acceptable” by saying there should be additional “Guidelines”. 

But for me, no amount of such “Guidelines” will keep the US from using those Bases to help their Forces in Taiwan during a War against China when American Servicemen start dying a lot. The US can simply hide such Activities and deny it if China calls them out, and the Filipino Dogs of the Americans will likely even help them do it. 

Besides, what can the Philippines do against a Superpower Country like the US even we catch them in the act? Complain? Demand that they stop and leave? Really? And we think that will make them stop? There should be NO EDCA Bases, period, it’s as simple as that

April 28, 2023: Philippine Coast Guard reports near-collision, 100 Chinese Vessels, “Shadowing”, etc., so where is the promised Protection of the US in exchange for the many EDCA Bases?
So the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) is again making a lot of noise, this time complaining about a near-collision with a China Coast Guard (CCG) in the vicinity of Ayungin Shoal

Then they say that there are now a hundred Chinese Fishing Vessels within the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the Philippines. On top of that, they are also complaining of Chinese Vessels “Shadowing” or closely following their Vessels. 

Well in that case, where is the promised “Protection” of the Americans for the Philippines, aber? What are they waiting for, the nine Military Bases were already gifted to them under the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) in exchange for supposed “Protection” from China? 

The Truth of the Matter is that the United States (US) REFUSE to be involved in the Philippines’ Maritime Disputes, that is the reason why up to now they have not recognized any of the Philippines’ claimed Territories like Sabah or the Kalayaan Island Group (KIG)

So let’s see if we can drag them into our Territorial Disputes, aber. I will give them the Benefit of the Doubt, I will wait if they really will wade in and act as our “Bodyguards” against China in our Territorial Disputes.

April 23, 2023: AFP Spokesperson seems to think the Philippines can turn the US into its Bodyguard or Guard Dog, but it is likelier that the US will turn the AFP into its Bodyguard or Guard Dog instead during their War against China over Taiwan
I found it highly amusing that the Spokesperson of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) seems to think that our Country can turn the United States (US) into its Bodyguard or Guard Dog by allowing more Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) Bases that will supposedly provide a “360 degree Protection” for the Philippines. 

First of all, isn’t that supposed to be their Job? So why are they trying to outsource it to the US? In that case let’s just dissolve the AFP and become at State of the US, assuming they will accept us, which is unlikely looking at the Economic Issues they are now slowly experiencing. 

Second, how can the US help protect all of our Territories when they won’t even recognize any of our claimed Territories like Sabah or the Kalayaan Island Group (KIG)? Also didn’t they already abandoned us in Panatag Shoal back in 2012?  

The likelier Scenario is that having more EDCA Bases in the Philippines will instead make the AFP and our Country become the Bodyguard or Guard Dog by the US during their upcoming War with China over Taiwan, that is what will likely happen instead of us “Outsourcing” our Defense to the Americans. 

This just shows the level of Infatuation our Armed Forces has with the Americans because they allowed themselves to be brainwashed by them with their constant Trainings with or in the US, Scholarships to the US, Visits to the US, etc.  

April 23, 2023: EDCA allows US to do whatever they want with the nine Military Bases that were gifted to them like defend Taiwan
An Article from The Manila Times says that as per the Article VI, Paragraph 3 of the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA), the United States (US) Armed Forces are basically free to do whatever they want with respect to the nine Military Bases that were given to them. This means that if the US wishes to use them to defend Taiwan, then they will be free to do so. Quoting from the Article

"United States Forces are authorized to exercise all rights and authorities within Agreed Locations that are necessary for their Operational Control or Defense, including taking appropriate measures to protect United States Forces and United States Contractors. The United States should coordinate such Measures with appropriate Authorities of the Philippines." Plainly, "all rights and authorities" are unlimited, with no permission required from us, just coordination.

April 21, 2023: US boasts of one-time Investment of Usd 200 million for EDCA Bases which is Peanuts compared to the Usd 1 billion in Military Aid they give to Egypt per Year
The United States (US) is already boasting about the Usd 100 million they are spending for the nine Military Bases they got thru the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) plus another Usd 100 million they are donating to us for the acquisition of Medium Lift Helicopters, for a total of Usd 200 million.

Usd 200 million for nine Bases is just Usd 22.22 million per Base, clearly this is just PEANUTS compared to the Usd 1 billion they are giving to Egypt in Military Aid, PER YEAR, so I don’t understand why they would even boast about it. And to think they don’t even have any Military Bases in Egypt. Maybe they thought they could fool the Ignorant Filipinos who don’t know how much they are spending for other Countries. 

April 10, 2023: EDCA Bases still valid as Chinese Targets even if they aren’t used for “Offensive Actions” if they are used to support US Forces in Taiwan
President Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) recently said in a Speech that he will not allow any of the Bases under the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) to be used for “Offensive Actions”. 

But I'm sorry, Mr. President, the way I see it, even if these EDCA Bases are not used for such types of Actions, if they are used to provide Troops, Weapons, Equipment and Ammunition to Taiwan, then they will still be very much valid Targets for China. In fact, it is often such LOGISTICAL Support that determines the Outcome of a War. So if an Enemy cuts support off, then they will have a better chance of winning the War. 

April 17, 2023: Pictures of the Anti-EDCA Rally held in Cagayan recently that was attended by around at least 5,000 People
A Prayer Rally against the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) recently at the Rizal Park in Tuguegarao City which was attended by at least 5,000 People from different Sectors of Society. Here’s to seeing more of these Rallies, and bigger ones as long as EDCA is in place
SOURCE: Cagayan Provincial Information Office Facebook Page Post, 04/18/23 - 1444H {Archived Link}

April 13, 2023: China says that the intention of the new EDCA Sites is “more than obvious”, and that there should be “no surprise” on China’s response
The Spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry Wang Wenbin said that the intentions of the new Sites for the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) is obvious, and that China will respond accordingly with it. Quoting from the Article: “… Judging from the Locations of the new Military Bases, the intention behind those Sites is more than obvious … It seems there is no need for China to provide any additional analysis or interpretation of that. So indeed there is nothing to be surprised about when it comes to China's response ...
SOURCE: Chinese Embassy Manila Facebook Page Post, 04/13/23 - 1611H {Archived Link}

April 11, 2023: Sen. Imee Marcos calls for Limitations to be put in place on EDCA Treaty
Buti pa si Imee’ (Imee is better). Senator Imee Marcos, a sibling of President Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) recently called for Limitations to be imposed on the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) in terms of the number of Troops allowed and the duration of their Stay to perhaps no more than 90 Days in the Philippines

There has been no such Limitations in the original Text of the EDCA Treaty, and I applaud Sen. Marcos on insisting on it. Personally I think EDCA should be done away altogether, but with BBM possibly being Blackmailed by the United States (US) over it then I guess it is here to stay until the end of his Term. 

I think though that any such Limitations on EDCA should be written down on Official Document somewhere because if not, it will just be forgotten or even ignored Years from now. I leave it up to the Philippine Government to determine how many US Troops they will allow at maximum with EDCA, and I think Sen. Marcos’ idea of three Month’s maximum Stay is pretty good

April 11, 2023: I agree, it is “Not our War, Mr. President”. No to EDCA, no to Filipinos fighting America’s Wars
A nice Article which I absolutely agree, we should say a big NO to the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA), and in my Opinion we should say no to Filipinos fighting America’s Wars. Quoting from the Article: “We cannot be a Staging Ground of another Country's War. We cannot. Our Economy can't take that shock and our Country is not ready to fight it out on the Issue of the West Philippine Sea and Taiwan

April 5, 2023: Digong Duterte has Spoken: “The EDCA Camps are the American’s Platforms for War, they are Targets for China’s Missiles
And Former President Rodrigo Roa Duterte (FPRRD) or “Digong” has just spoken out about the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA), and quoting what he said himself from the Article: “These (referring to the EDCA Camps) are platforms for War … Because of these EDCA Bases, we will be the multiple Targets of Chinese Missiles once War breaks out between China and the US”. So true, Digong, so very, very true 

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