Sunday, June 4, 2023

The Days (2023) Limited Series Review

The Days Poster by Netflix
The Days Poster by Netflix

This Series is a dramatization of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster that happened in Japan in 2011, and I found it to be quite riveting. You know that its a good Series when you don’t want to stop watching it, and for me it is one of the best Series on Netflix right now. 

The Cinematography, Camera Work, Music, etc., all conveyed a constant State of Tension throughout its eight Episodes, and provides a valuable Insight on what really happened during that Disaster, including the Bureaucracy, Cover Ups, etc. 

Basically what happened was that the Earthquake caused the Reactors to shut down, but then a Tsunami swamped a good Part of the Reactor Complex including the Back Up Generators, thereby causing losing all Power on the Nuclear Reactors. And without Power they had a hard time monitoring and cooling the Nuclear Power Plants. 

Based on the Series, I think one big Problem with what happened was that there was a constant need by Upper Management of the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) to hide everything from everybody as much as possible to save themselves from blame and losing their comfortable Jobs. 

This created an Outlook within the Plant itself to try and solve the Problems on their own, which they had a hard time doing. The Crisis was only finally averted when outside help arrived from the Japanese Armed Forces to drop Water on the Reactors and from other Japanese Companies which provided Fire Trucks that can reach high enough to spray Water over the Reactors. 

There is also the issue for me on why did they build six Nuclear Reactors by the Coast and not have a comprehensive Preparation for things like Tsunamis? A major Oversight by Japan, perhaps due to Hubris or Overconfidence. 

Lessons from this Event need to be considered by the Philippines as it goes on to build its own Nuclear Power Plants soon. Anyway, a Must-Watch Series for me, Five out of Five Stars.

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