Tuesday, August 22, 2023

CONFUSION on AFP’s Participation in Multi-Nation Naval Drills, US may be SHAMING the AFP into joining it

There is some CONFUSION about the Armed Forces of the Philippines’ (AFP) Participation in the United States (US)-Japan-Australia Joint Naval Drills in the SCS, US could be trying to SHAME the AFP into joining it
There is some CONFUSION about the Armed Forces of the Philippines’ (AFP) Participation in the United States (US)-Japan-Australia Joint Naval Drills in the SCS, US could be trying to SHAME the AFP into joining it

There is some CONFUSION about the participation of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) in the upcoming Joint Naval Drills of the United States (US), Japan and Australia in the South China Sea (SCS), so let me try to recreate the Sequence of Events on this one: 

* August 18, 2023: The “Kyodo News+ Agency” of Japan published an Article about the Drills, and said that the AFP had CANCELLED its Participation in the Drills. Quoting from the Article itself: “The Philippine Forces have "canceled" their participation in the Joint Drill since the three other Nations' Aircraft are too large to land on the Decks of Philippine Warships, according to the Sources.”: https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2023/08/046698ac3b98-japan-us-australia-eye-ship-deployment-to-philippines-for-drill.html

Take note that the News Agency mentioned “Sources”, or ANONYMOUS SOURCES about the matter. We shall come back to this later. 

* August 21, 2023: This prompted “The Global Times”, the Flagship Newspaper of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to publish an Article about it, saying that the cancellation could be a sign of the Philippines trying to balance things between the US and China: https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202308/1296684.shtml

* August 22, 2023: In response to the above piece of News, the Chief of the Staff of the AFP, General Romeo Brawner Junior DENIED that they declined to join the Drills. HOWEVER, in a surprising Twist, the AFP Chief said that they were “not informed” about the Event, and that they are still “verifying” with the Countries involved about it: https://www.philstar.com/headlines/2023/08/22/2290430/afp-not-informed-us-japan-australia-south-china-sea-drills

By the way, based on the News Reports, the Joint Drills are going to be made by the USS America (LHA-6) Amphibious Assault Ship of the United States Navy (USN), the JS Izumo (DDH-183) Helicopter Carrier of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) and the HMAS Canberra (L02) Landing Helicopter Dock of the Royal Australian Navy (RAN).

‘Initial Thoughts’
It is quite hard to determine exactly what happened and/or is happening, but this SMELLS of an INTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS GAME between China, the Philippines and US to me. I think what may have happened, and again I am just SPECULATING here, is this: 

In light of the very high tensions between the Philippines and China due to the Water Cannoning Incident, Intelligence Forces between the Philippines and China might be trying to diffuse the Tensions by negotiating for the Philippines to not participate in the US-Japan-Australia Drills, maybe in exchange for a free passage of Construction Materials to Ayungin Shoal

However, Intelligence Forces of the US and their Pinoy Dogs got wind of the Deal, and LEAKED the non-participation of the Philippines to the Japanese Press, intending to PROVOKE and SHAME the Philippines into joining the Drill. 

Once the Leak was made, China is trying to hold the Philippines on this deal to counter the Leak. As of now, the AFP’s participation in the Drill is still up in the Air, they may or may not participate in it so “Stay Tuned”.

‘Final Thoughts’
This what I am talking about, how the US and their Pinoy Dogs are constantly trying to MANIPULATE the Philippines’ Foreign Policy for their own Interests which will NOT be the same as the Philippines’ Interest. They don’t want the Philippines to deal in any way with China, they just want to continue to FREE RIDE on the Philippines’ back like what they have been doing for so long now. 

The AFP joining the Drills will NOT accomplish anything, those Drills are going to be held AWAY from Ayungin Shoal and you can bet your A** that the US, Japan and Australia will NOT interfere DIRECTLY if the AFP is Water Cannoned out there at Ayungin, they will just keep making “Statements of Support”, blah-blah-blah. 

To summarize: The Philippines and China may be trying to make an unofficial deal to ease tension in Ayungin Shoal, but the US and their Pinoy Dogs are sabotaging it. The US and their Dogs are offering no viable Solution though as they continue to refuse to accompany Philippine Forces to Ayungin Shoal. 

Walang Solusyon, basta walang deal with China at maka US lagi ang Pilipinas’ (no solution, no deal with China and the Philippines should always be Pro-US)


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