Sunday, August 27, 2023

Pro-US Vietnamese in Singapore accuses China of possibly sabotaging Philippine-Vietnam Relations

Fulcrum: Troubled Waters ahead for Philippine-Vietnam Strategic Partnership on the South China Sea
Fulcrum: Troubled Waters ahead for Philippine-Vietnam Strategic Partnership on the South China Sea

A certain “Phan Xuan Dung” who is listed as a Research Officer at the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute in Singapore recently accused China of possibly sabotaging the Relations between the Philippines and Vietnam in an Article published in the Fulcrum Website.

This Dung is a Member of the United States (US)-Vietnam Next Generation Leaders Initiative as stated on his short Biography at the Website itself, so from there anybody can already see that this Person is already Pro-US. 

Dung himself went on to accuse the Philippine News Organization, “The Manila Times” of being “Pro-China” simply because they published a Leak about Vietnam’s expansion Plans in the South China Sea (SCS)

All I can say is that Anti-China “Leaks” are being published all the time, why isn’t he going after those also? Dung then cites the Philippine Daily Inquirer (PDI) who published an Article saying that they were being contacted to publish Anti-Vietnam Content. 

The PDI is unashamedly and very proud Pro-US, so hardly trustworthy when saying anything about the US or China. 

This Dung is either highly IGNORANT or just pretending to be so to push the NARRATIVE of the Philippines and Vietnamuniting” against China. How can the Philippines “unite” with Vietnam when they clearly STOLE Pugad Island from the Philippines in the 1970s? 

Or how about the Fact that Vietnam occupies the most number of Features in the Spratlys Islands that the Philippines are also claiming? Is he not aware of those Facts, or just ignoring them? There should be NO “unity” with Vietnam unless they give back Pugad Island and all the other Features that the stole and occupied. 

Unless of course the Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) Administration is just willing to give those up so it can “unite” with Vietnam. Even so, Vietnam itself has no intentions of breaking with China, as proven by the tons of News Items I have been posting here about their Relations with China

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