Thursday, September 14, 2023

CIA interferring in Indonesia’s upcoming Elections to install Pro-US Politicians there


Documents were recently anonymously leaked to the MintPress News Organization about how the United States (US) is already working now to try interfere in the upcoming Elections in Indonesia to install in Power there Politicians that are Pro-US. 

I suggest everybody read the Article in its entirety, it is a bit of a long read but very much worth it. You can access it here: Nevertheless, let me do a Summary of some of its most important Points: 

* Indonesia’s next Presidential Elections will happen in February 2024, and the current sitting President Joko Widodo is no longer eligible to run for a third Term in Office

* The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) plans to interfere in the Elections thru their Front, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) which in turn works thru a number of its Sub-Organizations like the International Republican Institute (IRI)

* The Documents that were leaked that were featured in the Article are from the IRI 

* Indonesia’s own State Intelligence Agency (BIN) already knows about the Plan and has already warned the US not to do it

* The IRI provides Training to various Indonesian Politicians and Political Parties on Aspects such as Campaigning, Voter Engagement Strategies and to challenge Election Results. Many Graduates from this Trainings are set to participate as Candidates in the upcoming Elections

* The US is now targeting to remove an Indonesian Law that requires only Parties with 20% Seats in Parliament are allowed to field Candidates in the Elections. Removing that Law will allow the US to have more Options of Pro-US Politicians that can be chosen by the Voters

* The IRI is paying off Organizations to stage Protests against certain Topics that they choose, and is spending around Usd 2 million per Year for these and other Activities

‘My Thoughts’
The Article is right in saying that if it was China or Russia that was caught doing these Things on other Countries, the Western Main Stream Media (MSM) would be constantly be talking about it and demonizing both Countries. 

But since it is the US caught doing so, then the MSM puts a News Blackout on it, except for some Independent Press like the MintPress. This is just another Example of how MSM MANIPULATES the News to the advantage of one Side and disadvantage of another. 

Also take note that the NED is also funding Rappler and Vera Files here in the Philippines, so you know that those two are indeed, part of the US Propaganda Network. 

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