Saturday, September 2, 2023

Positive News about the Rest of South East Asia’s Relations with China, September 2, 2023

A Montage of Positive News of other SEA Countries with China
A Montage of Positive News of other SEA Countries with China

Malaysians will be given more Scholarship Opportunities by China and the Railway that China is building in Malaysia is now almost halfway complete; A Chinese Nickel Company has started Production in Indonesia; A Chinese Automotive Company is investing Usd 285 million to build a Factory in Thailand and a Chinese Display Panel Company is expanding its Factory in Vietnam in this Edition of the South East Asia (SEA) and China Series, “Positive News about the Rest of South East Asia’s Relations with China, September 2, 2023

* August 22, 2023: China’s Ambassador to Malaysia Ouyang Yujing said that more Scholarships will be given by both the Central and Local Chinese Governments to Malaysian Students who intend to further their College or University Education in China. The Ambassador also noted the high Quality of Students from Malaysia, citing Data from the Shanghai Jiao Tong University which showed how six out of ten of their Top Students were Malaysian:

* August 22, 2023: The Chinese Company “Tsingshan Group” has started Refined Nickel Production at its Plant in Morowali, Indonesia which has a maximum annual Production Capacity of 50,000 MT:

* August 25, 2023: 25 Tunnels along the Route of the East Coast Rail Link (ECRL) in Malaysia have already achieved “Breakthrough”, meaning the Tunnel Holes have already been completed. The ECRL is being made by the China Communications Construction Company (CCCC), the same Chinese Company that was doing the Reclamation Projects in Manila Bay before the United States (US) and their Pinoy Slaves blocked it. The ECRL now is around 49% complete with only 15 more Tunnels to be completed:

* August 25, 2023: The Chinese Company “Changan Auto” has finished the registration of its Subsidiary in Thailand, and is now intensifying its recruitme to establish a Sales and Service Network there as it plans to start selling its Units in Thailand by the end of this Year of 2023. They will also be constructing a Usd 285 million Factory there which will serve the entire SEA Region. The Factory will have a Capacity of producing up to 100,000 Electric Vehicles per Year:

* August 30, 2023: The Chinese Company BOE Technology Group, one of the largest Makers of Display Panels for Smartphones, Computer Monitors, Televisions, etc. recently said that they will be spending Usd 274 million to expand its Factory in the Ba Ria Vung Tao Province of Vietnam. The expansion is expected to be completed by late next Year of 2024:


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