Saturday, January 13, 2024

The South China Sea (SCS), 2023-2024

September 16, 2024: Washington Examiner calls out their own Government for abandoning the Philippines at Sabina Shoal
Even the United States (US) News Publication the "Washington Examiner" admits that the Philippines had, indeed, just lost Sabina Shoal (Philippine Name is "Escoda Shoal", Chinese Name is "Xianbin Jiao", Vietnamese Name is "Bai Sa Bin") to China in an Article they published recently due to the lack of support from their Government to the Philippines. Here are some selected Excerpts from that Article:  

* “The Chinese Coast Guard had been actively harassing the Teresa Magbanua, preventing her resupply and leading to her Crew’s declining health. That left President Ferdinand Marcos’s Government with a choice between using force to break the de facto Chinese Blockade or withdraw its Ship. Absent U.S. Military Support, Marcos had little choice but to order withdrawal. While the Philippines says it will send another Vessel to the Shoal, the Chinese Coast Guard will do everything possible to obstruct that Ship.

* “Yet whether it’s the Sabina Shoal, the Scarborough Shoal or any other Area of the Philippines’s Exclusive Economic Zone, President Joe Biden has been unwilling to take robust action. While he needs to send Navy Destroyers to escort the Philippines’s Vessels, Biden settles for Statements condemning China. How this comports with Biden’s Inaugural Address Pledge to be a “strong and trusted Partner for Peace, Progress, and Security” is left unexplained.

August 15, 2024: The US is the Real Winner in PBBM’s current Foreign Policy 
A good Article titled, “Who's Winning in the South China Sea? Not Us” correctly states that the real “Winner” of the current Pro-United States (US), Anti-China Foreign Policy of President Bong Bong Marcos (PBBM) is not really the Philippines, but none other than the US. Here are some selected Excerpts from the Article: 

* “China's third Objective is to deter other Asian Nations from letting US Forces use their Territory for War against China, as President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has done. Beijing's Message: bringing in Washington would worsen, not resolve Frictions and Disputes. And our Neighbors in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) get the Point.

* “None (referring to other South East Asian Nations) are anywhere close to letting American Forces come in, nor have any expressed support for us in our China Frictions. Not even Vietnam, despite its past Hostilities with China and US President Joe Biden's visit last Year and offer of US Weaponry.

* “Intensifying Incidents between us and China, including rough Chinese actions causing physical injury, scare and anger Filipinos — and make us seek US and other allied military support against China, as recent Surveys show.

Here is the Link to the Article at “The Manila Times (TMT)” Website:

June 27, 2024: China reveals Philippine Personnel secretly resupplying BRP Sierra Madre by posing as Fishermen
The Chinese Press recently revealed the clandestine Operations being done by Philippine Personnel, likely to be belonging to Special Forces Units, who are posing as Fishermen to secretly bring Supplies to the BRP Sierra Madre (LT-57) Vessel at Ayungin Shoal.

January 4, 2024: Al Mayadeen and ASEAN Economist Articles express alarm on growing Tensions between China and the Philippines
And here are more International Observers that are expressing their Concerns that the growing Tensions in the South China Sea (SCS) between China and the Philippines will lead to a WAR between the two Sides, like these Articles from the Al Mayadeen and ASEAN Economist News Organizations. Here are some select Excerpts from both Articles: 

* “The Philippines has also expanded US access to its Military Bases close to Taiwan, with Philippine Officials acknowledging in Private that the Bases would become the Staging Ground for any Conflict over Taiwan. Aligning with the US on the Taiwan Question, in Particular, is a dangerous Provocation of China.

* “… However, the fact that the Philippines is a Treaty Ally of the US means that any friction between Manila and Beijing could be easily taken advantage of by Washington to serve US Strategic Goals. Frankly, this is the Reality the Philippines is living with.

* “He (meaning China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi) warned that if the Philippines underrates the Circumstances, chooses to do what it wants, or even conspires with vindictive External Rorces to create Provocations, China will protect its Rights based on the Law and would act purposely. Beijing also accused the US of allegedly influencing the Philippines to stimulate China for its own purposes.

* “China advised the Philippines to “act with caution” in debatable Waters as the bond between the Asian Countries now faces serious Exigency. Wang conveyed the Warning to Foreign Affairs Secretary Enrique Manalo in a Phone Call conversation, citing that Bilateral Relations are at Crossroads.

December 28, 2023: US Presence and Policies pushing Philippines into a Conflict with China
More and more International Observers including Americans are getting concerned about the increasing Tensions between our Country and China over the South China Sea (SCS), and more and more of them are voicing out against a possible War that would drag the United States (US) into it, like this Article, for example. I am posting some of the most important Excerpts from it: 

* “There are Fishing and Maritime Disputes across the World, even including between Allies, noted Lyle Goldstein, Director of Asia Engagement at Defense Priorities. “We have a major Maritime Territorial dispute with Canada… France and Britain go at it all the time over Fisheries. It’s fairly normal Activity even among Friends,” Lyle told RS.

The China-Philippines Squall is far from the only Theater in Beijing’s ongoing Maritime Disputes, but it has escalated to a greater Degree than many of the others due to Manila’s readiness to push back against China’s pressure Tactics. Beijing has not engaged in an escalatory spiral with Malaysia and Brunei, despite their conflicting Maritime Claims, because these two States “are unlikely to make an issue of Chinese Incidents and they don’t really even talk about them,” said Shidore, adding that their desire to preserve Economic Ties with China makes them “willing to absorb some costs.”

The Philippines has taken a more Strident Approach vis-à-vis Beijing than others in the South China Sea, said Shidore, partly as a byproduct of American presence in the region. “I think U.S. involvement is a big Reason —the fact that the U.S. is present in the Theater, and there is an Alliance commitment, makes the Situation not just a China-Philippines Issue but a China-U.S. Issue, and that’s when everything changes from the Chinese Perspective,” he added.

* ““We shouldn’t be encouraging the Philippines to get into a fight with China — they are likely to lose that fight,” said Goldstein.

“We do have a Treaty with the Philippines… but that Treaty should be read very narrowly. It should be read as, we defend the main Islands of the Philippines — if they are threatened acutely, we will be there,” he added. “And if it means we need to put some Defensive Forces in those Areas to reassure the Philippines, I’m okay with that. But my View is that we should not even consider going to War over Rocks and Reefs or different interpretations of the Law of the Sea. That would be extremely foolish and reckless, and it would be very hard to explain to American Taxpayers.”

Here is the Link of the Article at the Responsible Statecraft Website:

November 26, 2023: On the SCS Issue, BBM’s Zero-Sum Position and China-SEA Joint Military Exercise
Just some of the latest Developments regarding the South China Sea (SCS) Issue involving the Philippines, China and the United States (US). Quoting from the Article: 

* “Our Problem is that we are so Zero-Sum about our Position, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., as Chief Architect of our Foreign Policy, has not explained where and how far he intends to pursue this Mentality, especially when our Treaty Ally is shaking Hands and mending Fences with China.

* “This is the first time an Exercise of this Nature, marked the participation of a record-high number of ASEAN Countries, has been held in China. It also exposes the st*p*dity our Government has shown in isolating itself from its ASEAN Neighbors with its Self-Defeating Posture in the Spratlys provoking an avoidable Conflict with China and a counterproductive distancing from its Economic Programs.

Here is the Link to the Article at the Asian Century Journal (ACJ) Website:

September 30, 2023: A Call for Peace and for forging a Regional Maritime Community in the South China Sea (SCS)
Here’s an Article from the Asian Century Journal (ACJ) calling for Peace and for a Regional Maritime Community in the South China Sea (SCS). Quoting from the Article

There’s a need for a shift in Mindset and Orientation in addressing the contentions in the SCS. There should be a shift in the Perspective from a “Winner-takes-All” Mentality and Attitude toward a more Collective Outlook. Likewise, there’s a need to move away from a Western-oriented direct confrontational Megaphone Diplomacy or way of resolving or settling Disputes toward a more Oriental or Asian Way of Dispute resolution, which puts a premium on the preservation of harmony, keeping frictions at a low-key and as much as possible at the minimum, and exchanges between parties pleasant and respectful”.

September 28, 2023: Sen. Robin Padilla fought by his lonesome against Filipino Doggies of the US 
A great account of how Senator Robin Padilla all by his lonesome fought against the Filipino Doggies of the United States (US) in the recent Budget Hearing in the Senate to insist on a Civilian approach in Ayungin Shoal as ordered by Bong Bong Marcos (BBM)

Padilla stood his Ground against Senators, self-proclaimed South China Sea (SCS)Experts” and even Members of BBM’s Government itself. I don’t understand why Defense Undersecretary Ignacio Madriaga and National Security Council (NSC) Undersecretary Jonathan Malaya are openly defying BBM’s order on using a Civilian Approach on Ayungin? 

It just shows BBM’s Weak Nature, if it was Digong he would’ve told off these two Clowns already, or worse, fired them outright. Also great to see Ado Paglinawan break down a lot of Details that were discussed during that Hearing

September 20, 2023: Coral Damage due to Illegal Fishing of some Local Fishermen and Climate Change, not “China
Great Point by this Article of the Asian Century Journal (ACJ), that the Coral Damage that the Philippine Government is blaming China for right now are actually because of Blast/Cyanide Fishing being done by SOME (not All or Most, just Some) Philippine Fishermen and because of Global Warming. 

Quoting from the Article: "Open the Google Search Engine on the Threats faced by Philippine Corals and you will find the prominent Answers of Environmental NGOS. We quote a Report from “Unsustainable practices such as Blast Fishing and Cyanide Fishing are thought to be the largest Contributors to reef degradation. Climate change is increasing both the Temperature and the Acidity of the Ocean. Rising Temperatures increase the risk of Coral Bleaching.”

For me, this Insistence on blaming China for the Coral Reef damage is just another PROPAGANDA to continue to DEMONIZE China and thus give the United States (US) more FREE Military Bases in the Philippines. Also ask these Pro-US Filipinos, where is the US, why aren't they helping you secure the South China Sea (SCS), ABER?!!

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