Sunday, October 1, 2023

Jay Tarriela caught making False Statements about the Barriers at Scarborough Shoal

Asian Century Journal: Investigate Tarriela’s Moro-Moro
Asian Century Journal: Investigate Tarriela’s Moro-Moro

The Spokesperson of the National Task Force-West Philippine Sea (NTF-SEA) Commodore Jay Tarriela of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) was caught red-handed making False Statements about the nature of the removal of the Floating Barriers at Scarborough Shoal

Tarriela initially boasted that the Barrier was removed during a “Special Operation” even though he couldn’t show Physical Evidences of its total removal. The China Coast Guard (CCG) said the Barrier was only temporary and that they have now totally removed it. 

The PCG later admitted that they indeed were not able to totally remove the Barrier but only a small Part of it. 

Note that Tarriella was also caught telling the Press how Filipino Fishermen aren’t able to fish in the Lagoon of Scarborough Shoal, apparently he was totally unaware that the Lagoon was declared as a “Fish Sanctuary” by the Philippine Government itself and therefore Fishermen aren’t really allowed to fish there in the first Place. 

For me, this is one Reason why Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) and the Filipino People should be careful about what Filipino Doggies of the United States (US) say about the Situation in the South China Sea (SCS), it could very well be that they are just FABRICATING or EXAGGERATING Stuff against China to protect US Interests in the Philippines


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