Thursday, November 30, 2023

Gov. Mamba asking for China’s Help to turn Cagayan into an International Gateway

Gov. Manuel Mamba meeting China's Ambassador to the Philippines Huang Xilian in Cagayan, 11/29/23
China’s Ambassador to the Philippines Huang Xilian is leading a Chinese Delegation that is visiting the Province of Cagayan for several Days and was of course welcomed by the Province’s Governor Manuel Mamba

During the Visit, Ambassador Xilian will be going to several Sites around the Province and has already given Php 2 million worth of Christmas Gift Packs to the People of Cagayan. Gov. Mamba also revealed his Vision of turning his Province into an International Gateway, and is asking China’s Help to achieve it. 

In order to achieve this Vision, Gov. Mamba needs three major Infrastructure Projects: An International Standard Seaport in Aparri, an International Airport in Piat and a Railway System to connect the two Locations. 

I highly applaud Gov. Mamba for his great Vision of turning his Province into a Progressive one, but as of now I am not sure how this be made under the Pro-United States (US), Anti-China Foreign Policy of the current Administration Bobong Bong Marcos (BBM)

I hope it will push thru, but I am not very Optimistic about it. Also after seeing how the US and their Traitorous Filipino Doggies SABOTAGED China’s involvement at the Sangley Point International Airport (SPIA) in Cavite and the Reclamation Projects at Roxas Boulevard in Manila, I am sure that this will be their NEXT TARGET to SABOTAGE. 

To the US and their shameless Pinoy Doggies, ‘mga Pautang Ina ninyo!!! Kayo ang mga TUNAY na mga SALOT sa Piipinas!!! (you Sons of B*tch*s!!! You are the REAL SCOURGES of the Philippines!!!)

Will you see the US make an Offer to do it themselves instead of China? No, because, “China Builds, the US Destroys”. They don’t care if the Philippines ends up being EMPTY HANDED, they would rather see the Philippines suffer than Ally itself with China ...

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