Thursday, November 2, 2023

Philippines LAST among Major SEA Countries in Terms of Exports in 2022

The Exports of South East Asian Countries in 2022. Infographic by Seasia Stats
The Exports of South East Asian Countries in 2022. Infographic by Seasia Stats

Here is another, most interesting Piece of Information which you will not see the Philippine Main Stream (MSM) Press won’t report, it is about how the Philippines placed LAST among the Major Countries in South East Asia (SEA) last Year of 2022 in Terms of Exports. 

Our Country actually placed sixth in this List, but if you look at the other four Countries behind us, I would consider them as only “Minor” Countries in SEA because for one, most of them have smaller Populations (Cambodia, Brunei, Laos) than other SEA Countries, with Cambodia having the most among the three with 17 million (Philippines current Population: 109 million). 

Myanmar has a relatively large Population of 55 million, but they currently have a Civil War hence one main reason they aren’t exporting that much. Below I am putting how many times larger or smaller the Exports of other SEA Countries compared to ours: 
* Singapore, Usd 515 billion (6.5x)
* Vietnam, Usd 469 billion (5.9x)
* Malaysia, Usd 353 billion (4.5x)
* Indonesia, Usd 292 billion (3.7x) 
* Thailand, Usd 284 billion (3.6)
* Philippines, Usd 79 billion (1x) - Baseline
* Cambodia, Usd 20 billion (-4x)
* Myanmar, Usd 17 billion (-4.6x)
* Brunei, Usd 14 billion (-5.6x)
* Laos, Usd 9 billion (-8.8x)

So Thailand and Indonesia exports more than three and a half times compared to us, Malaysia four and a half times, Vietnam almost six times and Singapore six and a half times. And these Numbers will likely even WORSEN in the coming Years because the other major SEA Countries are getting so much more Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) than us. 

The Philippine Press doesn’t want to report Things like these because for one, Bobong Bong Marcos (BBM) is now a Kisser of United States (US) A**es like them, so they want to “Protect” him somewhat. Another is they don’t want Filipinos to be concerned too much about how far we are being left behind Economically in SEA, they want to do some other st*p*d Things like going to War with China

The is the LEGACY of US Influence in the Philippines, one that has left our Country with nothing but MEDIOCRITY, because they don’t really care about our Country at all, they only care about protecting their Interests here. As I keep saying, the Philippines is about the only Country in SEA where the US has been able to fool People for so long. 

SOURCE: Seasia Stats Facebook Page Post, 10/17/23 – 1317H {Archived Link}

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