Sunday, February 25, 2024

Asian Century Journal (ACJ) Articles, 2023-2024

February 19, 2024: Internal Conflict on the China Issue within the BBM Administration due to US Interference
It seems that there is an ongoing Internal Conflict within the Administration of Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) on how the Handle the Philippines’ Territorial Disputes with China mainly due to the Interference of the United States (US) in the Philippines’ Affairs based on this Article by the Asian Century Journal (ACJ) which you can access thru the Link below. 

The Article also mentions Ray Powell who as far as I can tell seems to be an “Agent Provocateur” of the US whose Job is likely to goad Philippine Military and Defense Officials against China, and if they can’t be goaded then shame them into doing so. Anyway, here are some selected Excerpts from the Article itself: 

* “The Conflict arises from the insubordination of Elements of the National Police and Security Establishment against the recent “Paradigm Shift” ordered by the President of the Republic to the DFA to resume Dialogue on Issues and Controversies and de-escalate tensions over the South China Sea Claims between the Philippines and China.

* “The “Transparency Strategy” that PCG NTF-WPS Spokesman Comm. Jay Tarriela is now claiming to be a Philippine Government Strategy is actually the Plan of ex-US Air Force Colonel Raymond Powell of the U.S. Naval Research Office’s Gordian Knot Center for National Security Innovation’s that has been called the Myoushu Project to “exact reputational cost” on China through “Assertive Transparency.

* “The Temerity of U.S. Military and Intelligence Forces to interfere in domestic Philippine Affairs is a sight to behold. Project Myoushu Team Leader Col. Raymond Powel is an “In your Face” belligerent in the Philippines lording, it over in tri-media, 24-7, ANC, 24 Oras,  and other Broadcast Networks and Newspaper Interviews and Panel Talks.

Here is the Link to the Article at the ACJ Website:

February 9, 2024: Catholic Bishops released an Ignorant and Hypocritical Letter about the Philippines and China
Several Bishops of the Catholic Church recently released a Letter about the Territorial Disputes of the Philippines and China in the South China Sea (SCS) recently that was full of Ignorance and Hypocrisy, and here are some Excerpts of a good rebuttal to it (see below for the Link to the Article): 

* “First of all, Bishops, Diplomacy has succeeded. The two resupply Missions of 2024 to BRP Sierra Madre at Ayungin Shoal have been flawless, this is because the PH Government kept Protocol and did not send Construction Materials.

* “The United States is not even a member of the United Nations’ Laws of the Seas, nor are they even a Claimant State in the Spratlys. Do you have Colonial Mentality that you think it is the “White Man’s Burden” to solve a dispute among Asians? American interest in the South China Sea is to ensure “Freedom of Warship Navigation” often with Nukes, not protecting our Fishermen.

* “Dear Bishops, let this Wisdom of the 2016 Arbitral Award you love so much sink in: “The Root of the Disputes lies not in any intention on the part of China to infringe on the Legal Rights of another, but in fundamentally different understandings of their respective Rights in the South China Sea.” (Paragraph 1198)

Here is the Link to the Article at the Asian Century Journal (ACJ) Website:

February 9, 2024: On BBM’s “Paradigm Shift” in the SCS, and the US losing Enthusiasm in supporting the Philippines
Here is an Article (see the Links to it in the below) talking more about Bong Bong Marcos’ (BBM) recent “Paradigm Shift” on the South China Sea (SCS) Issue with China

Moreover, it seems that the United States (US) itself has lost its enthusiasm in Terms of supporting the Philippines in its Claims in the SCS as it had been noticeably sending less and less Vessels for Naval Exercises in the Philippines. Here are some Excerpts from the Article: 

* “On December 19, 2023, President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. called for a Paradigm Shift in South China Seas admitting that Confrontations in the disputed Waters have fallen into a Pattern: “We have to do something what we have not done before. We have to come up with a new Concept, a new Principle, a new Idea so that we move, as I say, we move the Needle the other way. It’s going up, let’s move the Needle back, so that Paradigm Shift is something that we have to formulate.

* “The next Day, Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs Enrique A. Manalo promptly requested for a Telephone Conversation China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Beijing which was quickly accepted. Manalo said “the Philippine side is willing to strengthen dialogue with China in good faith, make good use of the role of Bilateral Communication Mechanism on Maritime Issues, and jointly seek a Solution to the Issue.

* “US Navy Destroyer USS Sterett (DDG- 104), one of the escort Ships of the USS Carl Vinson, was the only American Ship to arrive at the Meeting Point off Mindoro, for the Exercises. Two other US Warships and the USS Carl Vinson were expected to join but did not show up due to “Operational Necessity.” The scheduled Photo Exercise and Gunnery Exercises were thus canceled and the three-day Activity was shortened to two, with the Philippine Navy Ships and the USS Sterett limiting their Activity to a Passing Exercise.

Here is the Link to the Article at the Asian Century Journal (ACJ) Website:

January 16, 2024: The numerous “Strikes” of the BBM Administration in Terms of allowing the US to interfere in the Philippines’ Sovereignty
Just a Reminder of the numerous "Strikes" already by the Administration of Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) in Terms of allowing the United States (US) to interfere with the Sovereignty of the Philippines. Here are all the those Strikes, as per this Article of the Asian Century Journal (ACJ)

* "“STRIKE ONE” to this is the expansion and full implementation of EDCA, granting the U.S. passage not only to install and construct four additional US Military Bases on top of the existing five but also the deployment of American Troops, the pre-positioning of US Military Assets on Philippines Soil. The expansion of EDCA raises concerns about the potential entanglement of the Philippines in Geopolitical tensions, especially concerning the Taiwan Strait Issue and the heightened tensions in the SCS between the Philippines and China. It also raises questions about the constitutionality of foreign Military presence in the Philippines and the potential impact on Philippine Sovereignty."

* "“STRIKE TWO” was the controversial Issue of the secretive and undisclosed demand of the U.S. for the Philippines to temporarily host around 50,000 Afghan “Refugees,” and “STRIKE THREE” was the lapse in advisory concerning the multiple unannounced and unadvised landings of C-17 Globemasters of the U.S. Air Force at the Country’s Domestic and International Airports."

* "In retrospect, the “beyond strike three” is the clandestine transfer of 39 million gallons of Military Fuel by the U.S. Navy from Pearl Harbor to Subic, which means that supposedly, the threshold for tolerance has been reached, and corrective action should have been done already by the existing Political Establishments and Leadership of the Country."

Here is the Link to the Article at the ACJ Website:

January 12, 2024: Sultan Pahala’s Visit to China 500 Years ago is a Reminder of the long standing Ties of the Philippines and China
Just a Reminder that the Relations between China and the Philippines goes back at least 500 Years ago, with the Story of Sultan Paduka Pahala Batara who visited and ended up being buried in China at around that time. Here are Quotes from the Article: 

* “Sultan Paduka Pahala was a Ruler of the Sulu Sultanate, a Muslim State that flourished in the Archipelago known Today as the Philippines. The Sultanate of Sulu was established in 1457 and was an important Center for Trade and Muslim Missionary Work in Southeast Asia.

* “The visit of the East King of Sulu was recorded in the 325th Chapter of Ming records. In the Chapter, Paduka Batara was said to have brought 340 Wives, Ministers and Retainers. His Group officially registered with the Minister of Rites on Sept. 12, 1417. The Eastern Sulu Sultan also brought with him Tributes like Pearls, Hawksbill Shells, Precious Stones and Tortoise Shells, as well as a Gold-inscribed Memorial that was given to the Yongle Emperor of China, Zhu Di. The third Emperor of the Ming Dynasty prepared a grand Welcome for the Sulu King in the newly minted and heavily guarded “Forbidden City” of Beijing. Sultan Batara and Emperor Yongle also developed quite a friendship.

Here is the Link to the Article at the Asian Century Journal (ACJ) Website:

January 9, 2024: Christmas Convoy and Joint Naval Activities shadowed by Chinese Ships, and more on Tarriela’s Relief at the PCG
This recent Article of the Asian Century Journal (ACJ) talked about how Chinese Naval and Coast Guard Ships shadowed the Naval Activity between the Philippines and the United States (US), and also the failed Christmas Convoy last Month of December 2023. 

It also provided more Details of the relief of Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) Officer Jay Tarriela of his previous Assignments. Quoting from the Article: 

* “… three Philippine Navy Ships sailed to Mindoro outside of our Territorial Sea for their second PH-US Military Cooperative Activity (MCA) last January 3 to meet US Navy Destroyer USS Sterett (DDG- 104), the only American Ship to arrive for Photo and Gunnery Exercises which were shortened.

The Plan was eventually cancelled for two Reasons: first, the USS Aircraft Carrier Carl Vinson and its two other Escort Ships were a no-show, and second, a Chinese Jiang-class Frigate 570 began shadowing the Formation later reappearing backed-up by a Luoyang-class Destroyer 174.

* “At 4:00 pm of its first Sail Date, a Chinese Navy Destroyer Changsha 173 was first spotted going as near as five nautical miles. Thirty minutes thereafter, Chinese Coast Guard 5305 went as near as 2.5 nautical miles encircling MV Oca at a speed of 21 knots, at one time even crossing the path of the Convoy’s Philippine Coast Guard Escort, BRP Melchora Aquino.

With MV Oca going at 10 to a maximum of 13 knots, Captain Dela Cruz made a Judgment Call to turn the Ship around and head Home, despite the PCG insisting that the Convoy could still continue on advising “Stay on our Portside.” The Skipper refused saying he did not want to put the safety and lives of his Passengers and Crew in Harm’s Way.

* “It was only through the intercession of National Security Adviser Eduardo Año that Tarriela has been retained in the National Task Force for the West Philippine Seas, but was specifically instructed not to make Public Statements in behalf of PCG Commandant Admiral Ronnie Gil Gavan without the latter’s advance knowledge and permission.

Now that his Wings have been clipped and his contrived Narratives have been unmasked as Fiction, his Effusions have been confined to his Recluse – his notorious Twitter (X) Account making it most doubtful if Tarriela can come any close to achieving his overwhelming ambition to becoming PCG Commandant.

Here is the Link to the Article at the ACJ Website:

January 7, 2024: EDCA Bases part of USAF’s new ACE War Doctrine, Tarriela relieved of some of his Duties
Here are some of the interesting Topics covered by the Asian Century Journal (ACJ) in one of their most recent Articles, first is how the United States' (US) Military Bases in the Philippines under the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) is actually part of the United States Air Force's (USAF) new War Doctrine called Agile Combat Employment (ACE), and second is how the Pro-US, Anti-China Spokesperson of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) Jay Tarriela has reportedly finally been relieved of some of his Duties. Here are some Quotes from the Article: 

* "... called Agile Combat Employment (ACE), a new War Doctrine adopted by the US Air Force. With its Airbases in the Pacific under potential Threat from high-tech Chinese Dong Feng Missiles, one obvious defense of the United States is Dispersal. Rather than concentrating Aircraft and Supplies at a few Central Locations, spread them out among multiple Airfields to make it harder and more costly to Target all of them. 

Hence the US Air Force is keen on its ACE Concept, in which Aircraft and Equipment are distributed between major Hub Bases — such as Andersen Air Force Base on Guam — and smaller Airfields at remote Locations such as nine US-EDCA Bases in the Philippines."

* ".. two Videos of PCG-contracted resupply Boats on separate Occasions have shown to our naked Eye that they were the ones engaged in dangerous Maneuvers in violation of the 1972 Convention on International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS). In another Incident, Videos manifested that it was a PCG vessel that backed up on a Chinese fishing Vessel, causing a minor collision.

When Malacanang got wind of Tarriela’s Faux Pas, a quiet order to clip his Wings was sent to the new PCG Commandant, Admiral Ronnie Gil Gavan to remove the embarrassment from his Post as Deputy in Charge of Human Resources (Personnel), and remove from his Adhoc Assignments as Maritime Adviser and PCG Spokesman on the West Philippine Seas.

Here is the Link to the Article at the ACJ Website:

January 2, 2024: How the Philippines and China can manage their Territorial Disputes in the SCS
The Asian Century Journal (ACJ) recently put forward some Suggestions on how the Philippines and China can manage their Territorial Dispute in the South China Sea (SCS), and here are some Quotes from the Article itself: 

* “The second important consideration is moving away from a Western-oriented direct confrontational-Megaphone Diplomacy way of resolving or settling Disputes toward a more Oriental or Asian Way of Dispute Resolution, which puts a Premium on the preservation of Harmony at all costs, keeping discord at a low-key and as much as possible to a minimum, and cordial and pleasant exchanges between the Parties.

Third, there should be a clear understanding that the SCS Dispute between Claimant States, including the Philippines and China, is sensitive and complicated. There is no easy Solution to this Dispute, and it can’t be resolved overnight. Therefore, the two Sides should handle the Dispute properly and manage the differences in good Faith, with lots of Patience, Creativity and Goodwill.

Fourth, the mindset should shift from a “Winner-take-all” Mentality and Attitude toward a more collective outlook in shifting Strategy. The SCS should be treated as a Zone of Peace, Cooperation, and Joint Development concerning the two Countries’ Claims and Positions.

Here is the Link to the Article at the ACJ Website:

December 18, 2023: The Importance of the Economic Ties and Cooperation between China and the Philippines
Here is an interesting Article from the Asian Century Journal (ACJ) showcasing the importance of the Economic Ties and Cooperation between China and the Philippines. Here are some of the most important Quotes from the Article: 

* “… Some so-called “Experts” and Academics in the Country are urging the Philippine Government to consider stopping and annulling existing Chinese Business operations in the Country if alleged China’s illegal and aggressive actions in the disputed SCS or popularly known in the Philippines as the “West Philippine Sea (WPS)” continue. As far as I am concerned, such a Suggestion from these “Experts” is akin to telling the Philippines to commit Economic Suicide.

* “China has been the Philippines’ Top Trading Partner for seven consecutive Years, with Bilateral Trade reaching $87.73 billion in 2022. In the first seven Months of 2023, China jumped to become the largest Export Market for the Philippines. Thus, China remains the Country’s vital Economic and Trade Partner and is still one of the Country’s top Sources of Investment. In terms of Government-to-Government (G2G) Cooperation Projects between the Philippines and China, they have yielded fruitful Outcomes, with nearly 40 Projects carried out in recent Years, 18 of which have been completed. Apart from Cash, Rice, Fertilizers and Covid-19 Vaccine Donations, an important Highlight is Infrastructure cooperation such as the construction of China-aid Estrella-Pantaleon Bridge, the Binondo-Intramuros Bridge, the Bucana Bridge Project in Davao City, the Dangerous Drug Abuse Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers, the Chico River Pump Irrigation Project, the three priority Bridges Project (North and South Harbor Bridge, Palanca-Villegas Bridge and the Eastbank-Westbank Bridge) and the Samal Island-Davao City Connector Project, among others, are key G2G cooperation Projects between the Philippines and China, which offer and extend real Benefits to the Filipino People.

December 16, 2023: The ACJ on Brawner’s recent Trip to the SCS that was involved in an Incident with China
The Chief of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) General Romeo Brawner Junior again publicly spoke out strongly against China, calling them a "Liar" after putting himself on one of the Boats that was involved in an Incident with China in the South China Sea (SCS) recently. 

The Asian Century Journal (ACJ) made a thorough explanation of the Regulations involving the prevention of collisions at Sea which showed that it was the Philippines' Resupply Boat which caused the Collision in the first Place. Quoting from the Article: 

* "To reiterate, the CCG made a deliberate slowdown to give way to avoid collision, but the Resupply Boat awkwardly maneuvered turning left with its astern scraping the left side of the CCG Bow, causing a minor collision.

* "So what if they knew or didn’t know he (referring to Brawner) was on board? So what if he was in Civilian Clothing during the Trip? So what if he asked permission from President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. to visit the Troops on the Sierra Madre? It is a risk he should not have taken. Sea travel on a small Boat in those Waters is dangerous already and that was what he found on the trip back from the Shoal, as he experienced “tremendous” discomfort because of the Sea swells that were pounding the Unaizah Mae 1. He later transferred to a Philippine Navy Ship to complete the return voyage to Palawan."

Here is the Link to the Article on the ACJ Website:

December 15, 2023: ACJ on the Philippines’ SCS Disputes, specifically with regards to our EEZ and Ayungin Shoal
Here is another interesting Article from the Asian Century Journal (ACJ) about the Philippines’ Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea (SCS). Let me Quote some important Parts of it with regards to our Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and Ayungin Shoal: 

* “The President’s Statement omits important Details to say the least. For Openers, when he says that Ayungin Shoal is “within our Exclusive Economic Zone”, the Rights we have in an Exclusive Economic Zone are limited to Fishing and Exploration/Exploitation of Natural Resources Underwater. The Country cannot do anything it wants just because Ayungin is “within our Exclusive Economic Zone”. 

* “We have to revisit History to understand the complete Picture. The Philippine Government deliberately grounded the BRP Sierra Madre, a Philippine Navy Gray Ship, at Ayungin Shoal in 1999 in response to the Chinese building Civilian Structures at Mischief Reef. The Philippines was wrong in this regard – its response was not proportionate under UNCLOS (United Nations Convention for the Laws of the Seas) as I will demonstrate. We, not China, militarized the dispute and escalated tensions first at Ayungin Shoal.

December 14, 2023: The “Atin Ito” Coalition and its connections to the US Program “Project Myoushu
This recent Article by the Asian Century Journal (ACJ) talks about a new Group called the "Atin Ito (This is Ours)” Coalition which has not been transparent about its Funding and Ownership. The ACJ says that this Group is likely to be connected to the United States (US) thru it's new Initiative "Project Myoushu" which is aiming to counter China thru the Philippines using Guerilla War Tactics. 

The Article also mentions this certain RAY POWELL which to me looks very much like the US’ AGENT PROVOCATEUR who is aiming to INCITE the Philippines against China. His Job likely is to push the Philippines, particularly the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) to fight China. If they ignore him, he will likely just PUBLICLY SHAME them into doing so. 

Personally I think Project Myoushu is another Program of the US Intelligence Services, particularly the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) whose Regional Head Quarters for South East Asia (SEA) is at the US Embassy along Roxas Boulevard. Anyway, here are Quotes from the Article: 

* “1. Who is funding the Atin Ito Coalition and their operations? A Marine Convoy like this involves a tremendous amount of logistical planning and suppport not to mention the financial means to undertake one. 2. Who are the People behind the Atin Ito Coalition? They claim it’s a civil Society Froup aiming to further our Country’s vital security interests yet they defy our National Security Council’s advice.

* “As an independent, Civil Society–led initiative, Project Myoushu supports U.S. Goals to expose and deter China’s Gray Zone Activities while maintaining separation from potential Public perceptions of bias and bureaucratic Obstacles that can hinder Government-led efforts. It also avoids the escalation risks associated with Official Government Statements and supports local approaches.

Here is the Link to the Article at the ACJ Website:

December 10, 2023: ACJ on the 2023 December Marawi Bombing and the latest Anti-China Propaganda by the US
Just some nice Infographics from a recent Article of the Asian Century Journal (ACJ) on the Issue of how the Administration of Bobong Bong Marcos (BBM) was completely caught Off Guard by the Bombing in Marawi. 

It also talked about the latest PROPAGANDA Efforts by the United States (US) and their Filipino Dogs against China in the South China Sea (SCS), in the meantime here are some of the most important Quotes from it:

* “The obvious Question is in the light of such Operations, why was there no anticipation whatsoever of a “Rido” (or “Resbak” in Tagalog) if a major Leader of the Terrorists was indeed slain? Why were there no Precautionary Measures conducted by the Police and the Military covering the Civilian Population, especially the Christians in a predominantly Muslim-populated Province, barring any Collateral escalation? This is a 20-20 failure of Military, Police and Civilian intelligence. Obviously, the Security Sector has been sleeping on the Job.

* “National Security Adviser Eduardo Año, the President’s top Intelligence Officer, was busy inaugurating a building at the Pagasa Island in the Spratlys, some 1140 kilometers away from Lanao del Sur. He was preoccupied feeding the frenzy to shame China over Conflicts in the South China Seas, to reinforce Raymond Powell’s Narrative about yet another Buzzword “Grayzone Tactics”.

* “The Organizers pleaded for permission from the NSC because it appears that they have already received an alleged $5 million Foreign Donation, part of which was for the Project.

* “The Route from Palawan to Pagasa covers 273 nautical miles, where any Ship will travel through five Features of the Spratlys occupied by China, four by Vietnam and two by Taiwan. It is impossible to reach Pagasa without encountering Patrol boats of these Foreign Nations. In my honest Opinion, this Propaganda Project is nothing but another attempt to fish for a “False Flag” to blame on the Chinese Coast Guard, akin to the fake removal of Fishing Barriers and the improvised collisions that the Philippine Coast Guard has staged but whose lack of authenticity their own videos exposed.

Here is the Link of the Article to the Website of the ACJ:

December 2, 2023: ACJ responds to Gibo Teodoro, Migz Zubiri and Teresita Daza on the SCS Issue
The Asian Century Journal (ACJ) recently answered and corrected some of the Allegations made by Defense Secretary Gibo Teodoro, Senate President Migz Zubiri and Foreign Affairs Undersecretary Teresita Daza who are Members and/or Allies of the current Administration of Bobong Bong Marcos (BBM) about the South China Sea (SCS) Issue. Here are some Quotes from the Article: 

* “So, for the consumption of [Gibo] Teodoro who has already posted billboards around Metro Manila for his bid for the Senate in 2025, it seems that what would be more Apropos given his Affirmation in shaming China, is not sincerity that China has already proved supporting Philippine Economy during Duterte’s watch, but Pragmatism. Teodoro qualified himself however admitted it was none of his Business – as he correctly said the possibility of Bilateral Talks with China on the WPS issue will depend on the Decision of President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos and the Department of Foreign Affairs.” 

* “Messrs. Teodoro and Zubiri and Ms. Daza, stop engaging in Zero-Sum Strategies and Tactics far from where the very Arbitral Ruling you have adopted, is pointing you to. You are already engaging Military Assets of other Countries inferior to China, in your forever maze.

Here is the Link to the original Article on the ACJ Website:

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