Sunday, February 18, 2024

Panguil Bay Bridge Project delayed due to Insufficient Funding under the BBM Administration

The Panguil Bay Bridge at 89% completed as of Feb. 2024
The Panguil Bay Bridge at 89% completed as of Feb. 2024

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I just found it to be absolutely incredible that a major Flagship Infrastructure Project like the Panguil Bay Bridge Project that is almost complete is now in danger of being delayed simply because of Insufficient Funding, as revealed by the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) itself recently on their Facebook Page. 

Here is exactly what they said: “In the recent inspection of Senior Undersecretary Sadain, he noted that despite progress made in construction which is at 89 percent completion, funding challenges in the DPWH 2023 and 2024 National Budget for this Infrastructure Flagship Project threatens to prolong the Project Timeline. 

Nonetheless, we are optimistic that the implementing Office Unified Project Management Office-Roads Management Cluster II (Multilateral) together with the Contractors and Consultants will be able to make up for the unprecedented Delays brought by absence of sufficient funding and bad Weather Conditions in Mindanao the last several Days to finish the Panguil Bay Bridge Project in a few Months from now, Senior Undersecretary Sadain reported to DPWH Secretary Manuel M. Bonoan.

Now how could the Administration of Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) allow this to happen? Shouldn’t they have been prioritizing the completion of the Bridge so it can be used by the Filipino People at the soonest possible time, and that they can move on to other Things instead? 

So why isn’t this being prioritized? Is it because this Project was started by former President Rodrigo Duterte and it is in Mindanao? And isn’t this Administration spending so much Money for other Things like Charter Change? 

They just announced that they were going to spend an incredible Php 2 trillion for the Modernization of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), and then we get News like these? I have no Problems with the modernization of the AFP, but it shouldn’t be at the cost of major Infrastructure Projects like what seems to be happening now. 

Anyway, hopefully some Sense will come into this current Administration and the Project will be completed at the soonest possible time. 

SOURCE: Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) Facebook Post, 02/16/24 – 2138H

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