Sunday, November 22, 2020

Philippine C-130 Aircraft Status - Nov. 2020

A C-130 Aircraft of the Philippine Air Force. Photo by rhk111 thru Wikimedia Commons
A C-130 Aircraft of the Philippine Air Force. Photo by rhk111 thru Wikimedia Commons

The Inquirer has released an Article with some information about the current status and status of the acquisition of the C-130 Hercules Transport Aircraft of the Philippine Air Force (PAF)

* First is that currently only one C-130 is operational, two are undergoing Repair and Maintenance while another one is scheduled to for the same. 

* The down payment for two brand new C-130J Super Hercules Aircraft has already been funded.  

* Two more used C-130H Aircraft from the United States (US) are scheduled to arrive soon.


News Reports last September 2020 said that the PAF was aiming to acquire up to five C-130J Aircraft, but as per the above report only two has been funded so far. 

A News Report in July 2020 said that the two C-130H Aircraft were supposed to arrive that Month, but has been delayed due to the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) Pandemic and one will instead be delivered by next Month (December 2020) and the other in 2021. 

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