Friday, February 12, 2021

Famewhore Sounding Board of Philippine Military Leakers Strikes Again

Nag imbento na naman ang Famewhore na Ulupong, na "dinispute" ko raw ang libreng Hermes 450 na binigay ng Israel. As I said before, I just ignore his shamelss and undisciplined Philipine Military Leaks. 

Tapos me pa hashtag pang "RHKKainTae". E hindi ba yung apog niya yung lumamon ng Ebak nung sinabi niyang 2022 pa daw popondohan yung Black Hawk Helicopters, tapos biglang naglabas si Lorenzana na they are targeting the Funds and Contract to be made this Year? LOL. 

Malagyan nga rin ng hashtag yung Post ko na iyon ... LOL.

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