Saturday, February 13, 2021

Overheard: Hermes 900 Drones can be armed

A PAF Hermes 900 UAV on a Runway, Photo by the Philippine Air Force

Here is a Video of President Rodrigo Duterte inspecting the new Assets of the Philippine Air Force (PAF) yesterday (Friday, February 12, 2021) afternoon. 

Inspection of Newly Delivered Air Assets and Talk to Troops

Starting at around the -2:19 (or 5:10) mark of the Video, when they started to inspect the Hermes 450 Drone, you can hear when Duterte asked if it can be armed, and the answer to him was that not the Hermes 450 Drone, but the bigger Hermes 900 Drone. 

Its Manufacturer Elbit Systems has not been actively promoting the Hermes 900 as capable of being armed, though. As far as I know, all of their Brochures, Promotional Videos, Press Releases, etc. has not mentioned the armed capability of the Aircraft. 

Not sure why they aren’t doing that, but it is good to know that it is capable of that, and that it is an option for the PAF if they do decide to use it in the future. 

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