Wednesday, March 31, 2021

How come NOBODY is asking Vietnam to give back Pugad Island to us?

Screenshot of Pugad Island from Google Maps
Screenshot of Pugad Island from Google Maps

Vietnam STOLE Pugad Island (also known as Southwest Cay) from us, reportedly luring our Soldiers away from it with Prostitutes and then occupying it themselves back in 1975, during the rule of President Ferdinand Marcos

The United States (US) didn’t even lift a single Finger to help us get back that Territory then, and their Bases were STILL HERE in the Philippines at that time.  

I agree with what Anna Malindog-Uy wrote: How come NOBODY is asking Vietnam to return Pugad Island back to us up now? Why? What’s the reason? And yet every day you see the Philippine Press talk about “China” and “China”?  

* Anna Malindog-Uy Official Facebook Account Post, 03/30/21 - 1818H {Archived Link}

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1 comment:

  1. Well, to be fair, you guys did steal the Thitu islands from us (Taiwan).
    And I'm pretty sure the US shielded Philippines from any military responses from Taiwan.
