Saturday, May 29, 2021

Philippines’ plan to repair and upgrade Logistics Infrastructures in Pag-Asa Island Illegal and Void – Vietnam

Screenshot of the Hanoi Times' Article against the Philippines on Pag Asa Island
Screenshot of the Hanoi Times' Article against the Philippines on Pag Asa Island

The plan of the Philippines to repair and upgrade the Logistics Infrastructures at Pag-Asa Island (which they call as Dao Thi Tu) is ILLEGAL AND VOID, according to the Spokesperson of the Vietnam Foreign Ministry named Le Thi Thu Hang

Hang said, “Vietnam has historical evidence and legal basis to claim its sovereignty on the Spratly Islands that are in line with international law. 

It is important that other countries should not further complicate the situation but contribute substantially to maintain peace, stability on the East Sea [known as the South China Sea] and create the right environment for the negotiation of the Code of Conduct on the South China Sea (COC).

Keeping peace, stability, security, freedom of the sea and air navigations are the responsibilities and desire for all countries and the international community. In this process, Vietnam expects all parties to be responsible in this regard.

‘Wrong Country’
And yet again, this is another piece of News that the Philippine Press is literally ignoring and hope nobody else will report to the Filipino People, because the Statement came from the wrong Country. 

Had China been the one who said this, then this would’ve been all over the News with the Inquirer, ABS-CBN, GMA News, Manila Bulletin, Philippine Star, Interaksyon, etc. giving it multiple Posts for maximum exposure. 

‘Press Manipulation’
This is proof of the kind of manipulation that the American Propaganda and their Filipino Dogs are trying to put over the Filipino People. They want to focus the hate only on the United States (US) rival China and not any other Country. 

If the Philippine Press reported this, it will only lose focus on China as the threat, the “Demon” that must be exorcised only with the help of America as per the Propaganda Narrative. 

SOURCE: Vietnam demands the Philippines end violations on Thitu Island: Spox {Archived Link}

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