Saturday, June 29, 2024

Philippine-China Relations, 2024

June 23, 2024: “US disrupting Regional Peace in Asia thru the Philippines” – Global Times
The Chinese News Publication "Global Times (GT)" recently released an Article titled, "US keeps stoking Tensions despite Philippines' failed latest Provocation". Here are some Excerpts from that Article: 

* "Washington's meddling is the Root Cause of the current Tension disrupting Regional Peace and Stability, and it using the Mutual Defense Treaty with Manila to harm China's Sovereignty is doomed to fail, Experts said. Apart from the Law Enforcement Forces like the CCG, the Chinese Navy is also well-prepared for any further potential provocation from the US Navy in the Region, said Analysts as the Vessels of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy have recently conducted Training Exercises and patrols in Relevant Waters."

* “In the Eyes of Regional Countries including Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia, the Act that brings External Powers into the Regional Issue like what the Philippines is doing right now is irresponsible and absolutely unhelpful for the peaceful settlement on the Maritime Issue, Analysts said. 

This is why no Regional Countries speak for Manila's provocation, and China will keep working with other Regional Countries to proceed negotiation process for the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea, and hopefully, the Philippines can return to the reasonable Stance that is used to have as soon as possible, said Li.” 

* “The above-mentioned Military Expert said that while the PLA Navy is not directly involved in the recent Encounters with the Philippines, it served as a strong backing to the CCG and a powerful deterrent against the Philippines and External Forces like the US.

Should the Philippines further push up provocation or External Forces interferes, leading to escalations or emergencies, the CCG and the PLA Navy have what it takes to safeguard national Sovereign Security as well as Maritime Rights and Interests, Analysts said.” 

Here is the Link to the Article at the GT Website:

May 30, 2024: “Philippines hyping up the new CCG Regulations to gain International Sympathy” – Global Times
Here are Excerpts from the the Global Time’s (GT) latest Article about the China Coast Guard’s (CCG) new Regulations which the Administration of President Bong Bong Marcos (PBBM) said was a “Provocation”: 

* “Marcos' hyping of CCG's Regulations came after the Philippine Foreign Ministry issued a Statement on Monday protesting China's implementation of the Annual Fishing Ban in the South China Sea, saying that it "raises tensions" in the South China Sea, despite the fact that this Chinese Policy has been widely recognized for its Ecological, Economic and Social Benefits as an important Means of conserving Marine Fisheries Resources in Waters around China.

* “Experts reached by the Global Times noted that the recent Hype around the South China Sea Issue by the Philippines ahead of the 21st IISS Shangri-La Dialogue are aimed at creating some News Buzz and thereby helping the Country to turn the upcoming Conference into a Venue for promoting its Illegal Claims.

* “"By hyping up China's recent Regulations, the Philippines is actually using this to attract international attention to China's Actions in the South China Sea, and attempting to portray China's legitimate Actions as a Challenge to the Philippines," Chen said. Given that the Philippine President will deliver a Keynote Address on Friday to mark the opening of the Shangri-La Dialogue, Chen predicted that Marcos will continue to mention this Matter and try to deceive the International Community for Sympathy.

* “The Philippines' recent Series of Hype and Tough Rhetoric will only serve to worsen the existing Disputes between Beijing and Manila, heighten Regional Security Tensions, and draw increased International Attention to the South China Sea Issue, Analysts said.”

Here is the Link to the Article at the GT Website:

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Philippine-United States (US) Relations, 2024

Picture here

June 18, 2024: Many Filipinos likely killed by US Covid-19 Disinformation Campaign in the Philippines in 2020
The Reuters News Organization recently made a shocking Revelation about how the United States (US) Military Forces conducted a Disinformation Propaganda Campaign at the height of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) Pandemic in the Philippines against Chinese Vaccines and Medical Equipment the very likely lead to many Deaths among Filipinos

June 15, 2024: “US only using the Philippines against China and will just discard it afterwards” – Scott Ritter
The former United States (US) Intelligence Officer and Inspector of the United Nations (UN) Scott Ritter just made an Emotional and Compelling Message for the Filipino People, saying that his Country is only using the Philippines against China, and what happened in Ukraine could happen also in the Philippines, resulting in the Destruction of many Cities and the Deaths of many Filipinos 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Troll Attacks on my Social Media Accounts, 2023-2024

Photo here

June 8, 2024: Troll Attack, June 7, 2024
So, as you can see from the accompanying Picture, the Anti-China, Pro-United States (US) Troll Farms tried to hack into my Facebook Account again recently. I think they probably tried to do it around just before Midnight of June 7, 2024 when I had gone to sleep already. 

Of course it wasn’t successful, I have gone through these a number of times already all through the Years and I know that Facebook does a pretty good Job of securing Accounts these Days as long as you fully use all of the available Security Measure that they offer. 

Not sure what the Goals of the Trolls are with this, maybe they were actually hoping to hijack my Account, or maybe they just wanted to intimidate me. Anyway, their Attempt ended up as nothing more than a Minor Annoyance for me. I wouldn’t be surprised though if they do something else to try to get to me in some Way. 

These are likely that same Troll Farms that Maharlika said was being paid Php 5 million per Month just to support this certain Administration.  

February 11, 2024: Troll Farms Shut Down Pages on Truth Social and Substack
The combined Pinklawan/Marcostard Anti-China, Pro-US Troll Farms are really very active and are earning their Pay lately as they have been able to do Things like Mass Report and shut down two of my newest Social Media Accounts on Truth Social and Substack, which is quite a shame since I liked using those two with their clean and easy to use Interfaces. 

With Truth Social, my Account was initially banned but I appealed it and they returned it back. However, I found out that I couldn’t upload Pictures or Images anymore, so I decide to just delete it then. But then I also couldn’t delete the Account for some Reason. I already notified them about it by E-Mail, but so far no response back. 

With Substack, the Farms managed to shut it down just a Day after it went Active. I tried to appeal, but so far no reponse yet also. I think the Trolls intentionally made the attack on a Weekend knowing there would be little or no Support. I will give it several more Days and if nothing Happens, then I will just delete my Substack Account.

I am disappointed that Truth Social and Substack allowed themselves to be that easily manipulated by Troll Farms, but maybe just as well since it shows how weak their Systems are against such manipulation. I also shows how this Government is spending the MOOE and Unprogrammed Funds for their Social Media Campaigns …

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Interesting Military Technology, 2023-2024

A Camel armed with an 81 mm cal. Mortar ...
A Camel armed with an 81 mm cal. Mortar ...

June 7, 2024: Sweden’s upcoming Future Fighter System (FFS)
When I posted a News Article about Sweden’s upcoming “Future Fighter System (FFS)” recently, a Follower commented that we haven’t even bought the JAS-39C/D or E/F Gripen yet and Sweden is already coming up with its replacement. 

Well he’s not wrong about that. Anyway, here are some Illustrations on what the FFS might look like, a final Design will likely be selected in the next couple of Years. 

February 23, 2024: Kaan Aircraft makes a sucessful first Flight
A Competitor to the KF-21 Boramae, the Kaan made by the Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) successfully made its first Flight recently, and this could be an Option for the Philippines also in the Future. 

The Boramae still has the Advantage though since its first Flight is around two Years earlier than the Kaan. Based on Internet Articles, the Kaan probably won’t be available for Export until 2033 as TAI’s Priority will be the Turkish Air Force (TAF) first. 

Still it would be interesting to keep Tabs of the Developments of up and coming new Aircraft like these. Next up expected to take Flight in the next several Years is Japan’s F-X and the Tejas Mk 2.

Here is the Link to the original Video a the TAI YouTube Channel:

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Google and Amazon set to invest Usd 11 billion in Malaysia and Singapore, none in Philippines

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Here are just more pieces of News about how Technology Companies in the United States (US) are investing billions of Dollars in other Countries in South East Asia (SEA), except in the supposed “Ally” of their Government, the Philippines

As I have already made a Video about before, “Apple Incorporated” invested Usd 16 billion in Vietnam and plans to invest there even more. And then the “Microsoft Corporation” is investing Usd 4.9 billion in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. Both of those Companies though have not announced any new investments into the Philippines thus far. 

Monday, June 3, 2024

Chinese Media shows Video of Philippine Soldier pointing his Gun at China Coast Guard

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Just Days after Philippine President Bong Bong Marcos (PBBM) mentioned the possibility of War with China, the Chinese News Media released Footages of a Philippine Soldier onboard the BRP Sierra Madre (LT-57) pointing his Firearm at the China Coast Guard (CCG) Vessels and Personnel. 

PBBM said during the 21st Shangri-La Dialogue Summit that a CCG Water Cannon killing a Filipino Personnel would be, “very close to an Act of War”. In an apparent response, Chinese Media later released the Videos, upon closer inspection of which shows at least one Filipino Soldier onboard the BRP Madre pointing his Firearm at the Chinese Troops. 

Thursday, May 30, 2024

China surprisingly gives Philippines Usd 1.14 billion Loan for the Bataan-Cavite Bridge

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One of the biggest surprises for me in Terms of News recently was how, despite the constant Word War now between the Civilian and Military Sides of the Administration of President Bong Bong Marcos (PBBM) and China, China still went out and gave more than a billion United States (US) Dollars worth of Loans to the Philippines for the construction of the Bataan-Cavite Interlink Bridge

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) just gave the Philippines Php 64 billion worth of Loans for the Bridge, which is around Usd 1.14 billion assuming an Exchange Rate of Php 56.14 for every Dollar. 

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