Sunday, January 2, 2022

China's Military and Economic Might, 2021

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December 29, 2021: China’s Beijing-3 Satellite reportedly has a resolution of 0.5 meter per Pixel and can capture an Area of 3,807 square Kilometers in just 42 seconds

December 29, 2021: China is supplying or has supplied 8 Type 039B Yuan class Submarines to Pakistan, 3 Type 035 Ming class Submarine to Bangladesh, 1 S-26T Yuan class Submarine to Thailand and 1 Type 035 Ming class Submarine to Myanmar

December 16, 2021: China’s People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) received eight (8) Destroyers just for this Year (2021) alone, consisting of three (3) of their most advanced Type 055 and five (5) Type 052DL Destroyers

December 16, 2021: China currently has the 3rd largest Military Aviation Force in the entire World, with around 2,250 Combat Aircraft which includes around 1,800 Fighter Aircraft

December 13, 2021: The Chengdu Aircraft Industrial Group Company Limited announced recently that its J-20 Mighty Dragon Stealth Aircraft is now entering Mass Production using the China-made WS-10 Engines. The Aircraft is expected to soon be deployed in all of the Chinese Military’s various Theater Commands

November 21, 2021: A great Video detailing China’s lead in Missile Technology over the United States (US) with Weapons like Hypersonic Missiles, DF-21 Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile and PL-15 Long Range Air to Air Missile

November 3, 2021: The People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) of China currently has the largest Maritime Force in the entire World with 355 Vessels, even more than that of the United States Navy (USN) according to a Report of the Unites States’ (US) Military leadership itself 

July 15, 2021: The Wuling Mini Electric Vehicle (EV) is one of the best selling Electric Cars in China, and it is even outselling the Tesla Model 3 there. It costs only around Usd 4,600 or Php 239k assuming an Exchange Rate of Php 52 per Usd 1. I hope they will make it available in the Philippines soon
SOURCE: XXXXX {Archived Link}

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