Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Pakistan-China Relations, 2021

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December 19, 2021: What is it like to be an Ally of China? This is what it is like, for one, Pakistan now has more Electrical Capacity that it can use. Meanwhile, in the United States (US)' one and only former Colony, the Philippines

December 16, 2021: It is now CONFIRMED that the PAF will have China’s J-10C Vigorous Dragon Fighter Aircraft as part of its Fleet next Year (2022)!! Yes, the PAF … or the Pakistan Air Force. Too bad, this could’ve been the Philippine Air Force also … :D
November 8, 2021: The Pakistan Navy (PN) recently commissioned into service the first of four Type 054A/P Frigates that is made in China. The Ship will be named the PNS Tughril (261) and is heavily armed with a 32 cell Vertical Launch System (VLS), 8 Anti-Ship Missiles, 2 Anti-Submarine Rocket Launchers, 2 Close In Weapons System (CIWS), 2 Triple Torpedo Launchers and 1 76 mm Cannon

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