Friday, April 8, 2022

Disappointing “Yes” Vote by the Philippines to suspend Russia from the UN Human Rights Council

The Breakdown of the Vote of Countries in the UN to suspend Russia from the UNHRC
The Breakdown of the Vote of Countries in the UN to suspend Russia from the UNHRC

I am VERY disappointed that the Philippines voted in favor of suspending Russia from the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC).

‘Bucha Fake News’
The vote came about because of the supposed Massacre of Russian Forces of Civilians in the City of Bucha which is just another of the long line of Fake News coming out of the Ukrainian Government, the same ones who brought you the “Ghost of Kyiv” and the “13 (supposedly) Dead Snake Island Border Guards”.

Remember that the Comedian President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky was elected into his Position because of the sophisticated Propaganda Machinery made by the Americans, the same Machinery now which is working against Russia. 

‘SEA Vote’
In the entire South East Asia (SEA), only the Philippines, Myanmar and Timor Letse voted in favor of it. The other SEA Countries either “Abstained”, or voted “No”.
Here is a breakdown of the other SEA Countries’ Vote: 
- Abstained = Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei 
- No = Laos, Vietnam

‘Parting Shot’
I don’t think it is President Rodrigo Duterte’s fault, everybody knows he admires Vladimir Putin. I think it’s more because of the current, sitting Foreign Affairs Secretary who is even proud to be rabidly Pro-United States (US)

I am surprised of Myanmar’s Vote, considering what has been going on in their Country lately. I am also surprised that Singapore abstained since they had condemned Russia’s Military Action in Ukraine. 

SOURCE: UN News (@UN_News_Centre) Tweet, 04/07/22 – 2351H {Archived Link}

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