Friday, April 8, 2022

2022 Russia-Ukraine War Notes, April 8, 2022

A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title
A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title

Here are News Reports and some of my thoughts on the ongoing Russia-Ukraine War:

* Indonesia support Russia’s retention in the G20
After China, Indonesia is another Country that does not agree with the United States’ (US) attempt to expel Russia from the G20 Intergovernmental Forum 
SOURCE: Indonesia says it will not exclude Russia from G-20 {Archived Link}

* No Ruble, no Gas by Mar. 31
Russian President Vladimir Putin has just instructed the Central Bank of Russia and the Russian State owned Gas Company Gazprom to only accept payment for Russian Gas in Rubles from the List of “Unfriendly Countries” starting March 31, 2022. So no Ruble payment, no Gas from Russia
SOURCE: Russia orders Gas Payments in Rubles by March 31 {Archived Link}

* Rupee-Ruble Trade Mechanism ready next Week
A direct Indian Rupee to the Russian Ruble conversion will be ready by this Week, as announced by Indian Sources last Week. I’m surprised they haven’t done this so yet before, it seems they made transactions like this then but only on a case to case basis. Now they will have true Trade Mechanism for both Currencies
SOURCE: Rupee-Ruble Trade to be ready by next Week: Report  {Archived Link}

* Comedian Zelensky demands Tanks, Fighter Jets and Missiles from NATO
Ukraine’s Comedian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been demanding from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) that he be given Tanks, Fighter Aircraft and Anti-Ship Missiles to fight Russia
SOURCE: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky demands Military Hardware from West, asks if afraid of Russia {Archived Link}

* EU can’t cut off Fuel Supply from Russia until 2027
The entire 27 Countries that comprise the European Union (EU) won’t be able to completely cut off Fossil Fuel Supply from Russia until 2027. In the meantime, Russia is already requiring “Unfriendly Countries” to buy Natural Gas from them in the Russian Ruble Currency starting tomorrow, March 31, 2022
SOURCE: EU wants to be independent of Russian Energy Imports by 2027 {Archived Link}

* Middle Eastern Countries see Hypocrisy in the West’s support for Ukraine
Middle Eastern Countries have been invaded and interfered with for Decades now, and yet there was no outrage from the West like the one that happened now in Ukraine. The Double Standard or Hypocrisy is just so shamelessly obvious ...
SOURCE: Many in Mideast see hypocrisy in Western embrace of Ukraine {Archived Link}

* US tells India not to buy more Oil from Russia
In order to ally yourself with America, you need to be their Dog. Like in the case of India, for example. They have not only continued to buy Oil from Russia, but are in fact buying more, so the United States (US) is now telling them not to do that. India, be Obedient to America, like some Filipinos
SOURCE: US does not want 'rapid acceleration' in India Energy Imports from Russia {Archived Link}

* Russians Pull Out of Kiev, refocus on Kharkiv  
Admittedly I was a bit disappointed when Russia pulled out some of its Troops from Kiev, but it seems that they are now focusing on taking Kharkiv, which is the old Capital of Ukraine and the second largest City in that Country. 

Mariupol will fall soon, even the Western Press are starting to admit it. Most of the City is already occupied by Russian Forces ...

* Russians using Man-portable Guided Missiles
The Russians and its Allied Forces are using a lot of Man-portable Guided Missiles to take out Snipers, Enemy Missile Nests, Dugouts, etc. 

I think the 2017 Battle of Marawi would've been shorter if we had a lot of those. The problem of course is if these fall into the wrong hands, then there could be more Casualties on the side of the Government as well. 

* The Impending Fall of Mariupol
The City of Mariupol is falling … falling … “… falling down, falling down, falling down. Ma-riu-pol is falling down, my, Fair, Lady …” Some Russian Reports say that some of the last Ukrainian Defenders are holed up in the large Compound of the Azovstal Steel Mill, that is probably where the last Battle for the City will be made soon ...
SOURCE: Final Assault will overrun Mariupol ‘in matter of Days’ {Archived Link}

* Slovakia willing to pay in Rubles for Russian Gas
The Minister of Economy of the Country of Slovakia in Europe said that they cannot afford to give up getting Natural Gas from Russia and is willing to pay in Rubles for them as Russian President Vladimir Putin has required
SOURCE: Slovak Economy Min Sulik asserts Country willing to pay for Russian Gas Supplies in Rubles {Archived Link}

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