Thursday, April 7, 2022

Russia using Manuever Warfare against numerically superior Ukrainian Forces – Scott Ritter

The first six Tweets of Scott Ritter on Russia's Maneuver Warfare in Ukraine

The next six Tweets of Scott Ritter on Russia's Maneuver Warfare in Ukraine

The last four Tweets of Scott Ritter on Russia's Maneuver Warfare in Ukraine

Scott Ritter, a former Intelligence Officer of the United States Marine Corps (USMC) and a former Weapons Inspector of the United Nations (UN) shared an amazing Analysis on what is really going on in the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian War that is unbiased and not touting the Western Propaganda Narrative as what the Western Press has been doing. 

‘Numerical Disadvantage’
First of all, he shares that while Russia is a much bigger Country in terms of Population compared to Ukraine (Russia has a Population of 144 million while Ukraine only has 44 million), they in fact have committed only a force of 200,000 Troops for their Military Action there.

They are facing a force of 600,000 Ukrainian Defenders which I assume consists of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and Ukrainian Militia Forces. So Russia actually has three time LESS Forces than Ukraine in the ongoing conflict. 

‘Maneuver Warfare’
In order to offset this Disadvantage, Russia is reportedly using the Concept of “Maneuver Warfare”, which entails controlling how Ukraine maneuvers its numerically superior Forces while at the same time distributing its smaller Forces to its advantage. 

Russia is using a combination of Feints, Fixing Operations and Deep Attack to achieve this. Feints means deceiving the Enemy to commit resources to Perceived or Actual Actions. 

Fixing Operations means Attacks to tie up Enemy Forces and therefore limit their ability to maneuver. 

Deep Attack means disrupting and destroying the Enemy’s Logistics, Command and Control (C2), Air Power and Long Range Fire Support, which limits their ability to maneuver even more. 

‘The Theater of Battle’
What Ritter is saying is that Russia attacked on a broad front from the East, North and South, even threatening major Ukrainian Cities like Kiev and Odessa

But some of these Fronts are actually just Feints, designed for Ukraine to commit their Resources on those Areas.  

They also made Fixing Operations on the large Ukrainian Force in Donbass to keep them there. At the same time they have been conducting Deep Attacks to reduce Ukraine’s ability to fight and maneuver. 

Russia now is redeploying some of its forces from areas like Kiev to the East to destroy the large Ukrainian Forces there. Note that this is just a guess, nobody really knows except Russia’s General Staff what their plans are, or where they are really redeploying.   

‘Parting Shot’
Ukraine I think more or less also has the same guess on what is really happening, but they are using Russia’s redeployment to add to their usual Propaganda Bullsh1t, calling it a “retreat”, that Russia has “scaled down” its ambition in terms of Ukraine and that they are now “winning”. 

How can they claim to be “winning” when they have already lost a number of major Cities to the much smaller Russian Forces? 

Kherson, Berdiansk, Melitopol, Mariupol, etc. are already under the control of Russia and its Allies which are three times smaller than what the Ukrainians have. 

And please, don’t get me started on the United States’ (US) constant critique of Russia’s performance in Ukraine so far. These are the very same Americans who after almost two Decades still ended up L-O-S-I-N-G to the TALIBAN recently, of all Opponents.

SOURCE: Scott Ritter (@RealScottRitter) Tweet on 03/29/22-2229H {Archived Link}

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