Wednesday, April 6, 2022

US warned India of “Consequences” if it pushes thru with Rupee-Ruble Trade

Screenshot of the US' interference on India's planned Rupee-Ruble Trade
Screenshot of the US' interference on India's planned Rupee-Ruble Trade

India was supposed to have come up with a Mechanism to directly trade with Russia’s Ruble Currency last Week, but it still hasn’t pushed thru up now. The Reason? The United States (US) is against it and has warned India that they will have to deal with consequences from them if they do that. 

So who’s interfering with a Country’s “Sovereignty” now? India has no quarrel with Russia, it is the US who has a quarrel with Russia, but now they are bullying or coercing India to take their side against Russia? 

Vladimir Putin was right, the US is not looking for “Allies”, they are looking for Vassal Countries, like the Philippines before the Duterte Administration

So India, be loyal and obedient to the US, just like the Pinklawans here in the Philippines

SOURCE: US warns of consequences over India’s Rupee-Rouble Trade with Russia {Archived Link}

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