Wednesday, December 14, 2022

China vs. the United States (US) over Taiwan

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December 8, 2022:The US is focussed on its own Interests, not the People of Taiwan” – That Headline speaks for itself, and I very much agree with it. I also like the Fact that the Article notes how there was a Peaceful Transfer of Power to China from the United Kingdom (UK) over Hong Kong and from Portugal over Macao. It is only with the United States (US) which thinks it owns Taiwan where the Problem is occurring

November 30, 2022: The Kuo Min Tang (KMT) Party, the Party that defeated the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) of the United States’ (US) Pet Dog and Taiwan’s current President Tsai Ing Wen in their recent Elections, is more friendly to China and is now demanding that the direct Ferry Services between China and Taiwan be resumed as soon as possible
November 27, 2022:Taiwan President quits as Party Head after China threat Bet fails to win Votes” – Such a BEAUTIFUL and WONDERFUL Headline, as the United States’ (US) Pet Dog Tsai Ing-wen is forced to RESIGN as Leader of her Political Party after her War-Mongering Stance against China was REJECTED by the Taiwanese Voters themselves, voting instead a Majority of the available Positions to Tsai’s Rival Political Parties

November 17, 2022: If the Philippines does allow the United States (US) to attack Chinese Forces and support Taiwanese Forces from Bases here if a War over Taiwan breaks out, then I think not only Luzon but the entire Philippines will be ‘Kawawa. Buti sana kung yung mga Pilipinong taga himod ng butas ng Pw3t lang ang gawing pambala ng mga Kano e hindi naman. Yang mga Pilipinong Aso ng Amerika e matatapang lang manggatong sa mga Sundalo natin laban sa Tsina ang mga iyan, pag me Giyera na e mauuna pang umakyat ang mga B@y@g niyan sa loob ng mga Katawan nila, LOL' (Pitiful. Good if only the Filipinos who kiss American A$$es are the ones who will be used by the US as Ammunition, but those are only brave at goading our Soldiers to fight China, if there is a War they will be the first whose Testicles will hide inside their Bodies, LOL)

August 27, 2022: Taiwanese Farmers and Fishermen are suffering after China banned the Importation of their Products recently because of Nancy Pelosi’s Visit there to distract the American People of the Incompetence of Joe Biden’s Presidency. So are the Americans absorbing these Products instead? No, they cannot, and will not absorb all of it, so in the end it is the Taiwanese who are suffering. These Taiwanese Farmers and Fishermen said that if the ban is not lifted by the end of this Year of 2022, they will be even more severely affected

August 13, 2022: According to the latest 22 War Game Simulations made by the Americans themselves thru the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) of a War between the United States (US) and China over Taiwan, the US always came out on top … But suffered heavy losses. So will the Americans sacrifice their comfortable and high quality of Life just for Taiwan, who by the way stole the Island of Itu Aba from the Philippines? That is the question …

August 4, 2022: After Nancy Pelosi provoked China by visiting Taiwan to distract Americans from Joe Biden’s Incompetent Presidency, China retaliated by firing Missiles of which some flew over Taiwan, thereby raising again the Military tension in the Area

August 4, 2022: Clear, utter stup1dity of some (some, not all) of these Political Analysts interviewed in this Article who are advocating that the Philippines help Taiwan, hiding behind their Academic Credentials to mask their Biases. Are they going to ignore the fact that Taiwan stole Itu Aba from the Philippines? So we should give away Territories to Taiwan, but not to China? Unbelievable

August 3, 2022: This visit by Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan is clearly just to provoke China and DISTRACT People, particularly Americans, from the FAILURES of the Presidency of her fellow Democrat Joe Biden. As for Taiwan, always remember they that STOLE Itu Aba from the Philippines, never forget that

August 2, 2022: After Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, China reacted by suspending around 1,800 Taiwanese Food Brands from being exported to China. Not to worry, the great Americans will gladly absorb all of these suspended Food Brands into their Economy instead. Wait, what? The United States (US) won’t and can’t do that? So who suffers now for the Americans’ Stunt, Taiwan and not the US? LOL.

August 1, 2022: This the REAL reason why Biden’s Partymate Nancy Pelosi insisted on PROVOKING China over Taiwan, it is because his Approval Ratings has been the LOWEST of any United States (US) President at recently only 38%. So somebody in the Democratic Party thought, “let’s provoke China so People will think of that instead of how LOUSY Joe Biden is as President

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