Friday, August 2, 2024

China vs. the United States of America (USA), 2023

A composite Image of the Flags of China and the US, original Images from Wikimedia Commons
A composite Image of the Flags of China and the US, original Images from Wikimedia Commons
December 21, 2023: US and China resumes direct Military to Military Talks
While Philippine Government Officials under the Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) Administration continue to insist on talking Trash against China in Public, the Philippines' supposed "Ally" the United States (US) has restarted direct Military to Military Talks with China. 

This was as per the Agreement between Chinese President Xi Jinping with US President Joe Biden during Xi’s visit to the US last Month of November 2023. The Meeting was made by the Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff General Charles Q. Brown and the Chief of the Joints Staff Department of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) General Liu Zhenli

It has been more than a Year since the two Sides had any direct Military Talks, China decided to cut it off back in August of last Year of 2022 when the then Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan. Looks like somebody is being left out, guess who? LOL

Here is the Link to the Article at the Voice of America (VOA) Website:

October 4, 2023: US Citizens are realizing just how outdated their Train Systems are compared to China
A number of United States (US) and Canadian Citizens themselves are now realizing and posting on Social Media just how outdated the US Railway Systems really are compared to that of China. China’s Trains are a lot more Modern and comfortable to ride than anything that the US has to offer right now. 

The US is clearly stuck to the Past, an aging Superpower that is slowly going obsolete while China is not just the Present but clearly the Future also. And the Bobong Bong Marcos’ (BBM) Administration still insists on betting the Future of the Philippines with the Loser that is the US ... 

September 22, 2023: US desperately trying to match China’s Economic Influence in Asia, but hampered by Funding and need for “Strings Attached
The United States (US) is now desperately trying to match China’s growing Economic Influence in Asia by rolling out its supposed "Answer" to China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the India-Middle East-Europe-Economic Corridor (IMEC) during the Group of 20 (G20) Summit in India recently. 

But its Source of Funding is highly suspect due to the US' ongoing Economic Problems, and also the US' notoriety in Terms of constantly asking for "Strings Attached" or Conditions for its Commitments. Quoting from the Article

"Even if IMEC has some amount of funding for its launch, it will still have difficulty persuading the developing World to leave the BRI for it because of the probable strings attached or Conditions that come with IMEC, just like the B3W concerning Human Rights, Democracy, and the like. Also, it seems that IMEC, just like B3W, lacks a Coherent Strategy and is akin to Arbitrary Whim and propulsion to contain and counter China."

August 24, 2023: BRICS officially adds six more Countries during their latest Summit, dozens more Countries Interested in Joining 
The biggest News that has come out of the latest 15th Summit of the Brazil-Russia-India-China-South Africa (BRICS) Group of Economies held in South Africa this Week is the official addition of six more Countries into their Group

These six Countries are Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and they will be officially Members of BRICS on January 1, 2024. At least 34 more Countries have reportedly expressed interest in joining the Group with 17 officially sending in their Applications. 

It is unclear yet if the Philippines is among the Countries interested in joining, but with Bong Bong Marcos’ (BBM) now leaning to the West, this is unlikely. As I posted about earlier, Indonesia had officially confirmed that they were interested in joining BRICS

June 3, 2023: Chinese Destroyer cuts across US Navy Destroyer in the Taiwan Strait
Just Weeks after a Chinese Military Aircraft had an unsafe Encounter with an American Military Aircraft, another Incident has occurred, but this time between the Type 052D Luyang III-class Destroyer Suzhou (132) of the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) when it cut across the Bow (or front) of the Arleigh Burke-class Destroyer USS Chung Hoon (DDG-93) of the United States Navy (USN) in the Taiwan Strait as tensions continue to run high between the two Countries

May 26, 2023: PLAAF J-16 Aircraft cuts across the Path of a USAF RC-135 Aircraft in the SCS
Tensions between the United States (US) and China continue to mount as in another new Incident, a J-16 Flanker Fighter Aircraft of China’s People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) cut across the Path of an RC-135 Reconnaissance Aircraft of the United States Air Force (USAF) while flying over the South China Sea (SCS)

A Video has been released by the US Armed Forces taken from the Cockpit of the RC-135 of the Incident. The Video shows the J-16 flying alongside the RC-135 on the Starboard (right) side, and then speeding up before cutting across the Path of the RC-135, causing it to start buffeting due to the Turbulence caused by the Action. 

My only question now is, where are all those Filipino Kissers of American A$$es who kept insisting that there will be “No War” between China and US? If Incidents like this keeps up, ACCIDENTS could happen, and who knows how Things will escalate from there, then

May 30, 2023: While China was able to supply brand new J-10CE to Pakistan, the US only seems to be able to supply secondhand F-16s to the Philippines
While China was able to supply brand new J-10CE Menglong (Vigorous Dragon) single-engined Fighter Aircraft to its close Ally Pakistan, the United States (US) now only seems to be able to supply secondhand F-16 Block 70 Viper single-engined Fighter Aircraft to its Vassal State in South East Asia (SEA), the Philippines. 

This despite the fact that the Americans were gifted with nine Military Bases by the Administration of Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) thru the Enhanced Defense Cooperation for America :D (EDCA) Agreement. 

Chinese Military Equipment are generally much lower in Price than that of the US since they have lower Production Costs, and their State-owned Enterprises generally do not generate Products for Profit

April 27, 2023: Argentina joins De-Dollarization Movement, to pay imports from China in Yuan
And yet another Country joins the spreading De-Dollarization Movement among Countries, this time it is the Southern American Country of Argentina whose Minister of the Economy Sergio Massa said that they will pay the equivalent of more than Usd 1 billion in Imports from China using the Chinese Yuan Currency instead of the United States (US) Dollar

April 21, 2023: US losing Influence while China is gaining it in South East Asia, according to the “Asia Power Index” of the Lowy Institute
The Australian Research Organization the Lowy Institute just released its annual Report called the “Asia Power Index (API)” which measures the Resources and Influence in South East Asia (SEA) of the major Countries in the World, and it shows that the United States (US) is slowly losing its Influence while China is gaining. 

Overall, China’s API is now 54 while that of the US is 46. The gap has increased as in 2018 it was only 52 for China while 48 for the US. The US still reportedly has more Influence in the Philippines and Singapore, but everywhere else it China that is ahead in Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam.

Note that like us, Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam also has Territorial Disputes with China, but that has not kept them from acknowledging and accepting China’s Influence. 

Wake up, Philippines. ‘Napagiiwanan na nga tayo sa SEA sa Ekonomiya, pati ba naman sa kung kaninong Superpower papanig e mapag iiwanan pa rin tayo?’ (We are already being left behind in terms of the Economy in SEA, should we also be left behind on which Superpower to side with?)

April 19, 2023: US Propaganda Nonsense about a Chinese Invasion of Batanes could’ve been used to scare Filipinos and justify giving the Americans Military Bases for free in the Philippines 
I am starting to suspect that the United States (US) and their Filipino Dogs used their Propaganda Nonsense that China will invade Batanes and stage attacks from there on Taiwan could be one of the Reasons why President Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) was willing to give so many Military Bases to the Americans, for free. 

You don’t have to be Military Expert to know that China doing so is pure nonsense, you just have to use Common Sense. First off, Chinese Forces in Batanes will end up fighting in front of them (against Taiwanese and US Forces) and behind them (against Philippine and US Forces). That is a Classic “Hammer and Anvil” Scenario, and in such a relatively small space.

Second, more importantly, Chinese Forces in Batanes will only have ONE Supply Line to the Chinese Mainland to get their Food, Water, Ammunition, Reinforcing Troops, etc. Cut that off and then the Situation for those Forces will start to deteriorate. What will the Chinese do when they are defeated? Swim back to China? They will either be destroyed or end up as Prisoners of War.

Those are the Reasons why I think such Scenario is highly unlikely. But of course, American Propaganda is using that to Scare Filipinos and justify why they should be given so many Military Bases for free. And of course that is what exactly happened

April 14, 2023: Xi warned Biden to his Face in Bali last Year that he’s playing with fire, there will be War if the US interferes with Taiwan
An Article by the New York Times (NYT) says that Chinese President Xi Jinping reportedly personally gave a severe warning to the United States (US) President Joe Biden during their Summit in Bali, Indonesia last November of 2022 that China will go to War if the US interferes with Taiwan. Quoting from the Article: ”A Senior Administration Official told me that Xi told President Biden at their Summit in Bali in November, in essence: I will not be the President of China who loses Taiwan. If you force my Hand, there will be War. You don’t understand how important this is to the Chinese People. You’re playing with fire.” 

April 15, 2023: US Leak of Intelligence Documents shows the US admits China will have Air Superiority during War with Taiwan, which IMHO means safe Evacuation of OFWs will be difficult
One of the Intelligence Documents leaked by Jack Teixeira admitted that China would be able to establish Air Superiority over Taiwan in case of a War there with the United States (US)

If so, then this would negate what an American A$$ Kisser once commented on my Page about how the US would help evacuate the 150,000 Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) there, a safe Evacuation by them will likely be very difficult or even impossible

April 12, 2023: Xi Jinping tells the Chinese Army to prepare for Actual Combat
Chinese President Xi Jinping just told the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) to, “… strengthen Military Training oriented towards Actual Combat …” during a Naval Inspection Trip. So ‘ang sunod na Tanong diyan e kung yung mga Pilipinong nagpapaka Aso sa Amerika e handa na rin bang gawing Bala ng mga Howitzers at Rocket Artillery ng mga Kano? LOL’ {So the next Question here is whether the Filipino Dogs of the Americans are ready to be the Ammunition for the United States’ Howitzers and Rocket Artillery? LOL)

April 4, 2023: China now keeping at least one Nuclear Missile Armed Submarine to be always on Patrol to ensure a Nuclear Strike on the US in case of War
For the first time in its History, China’s People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) is now fielding at least one of its Type 094 Jin-class Nuclear Ballistic Missile Submarine to be always on Patrol to allow a Nuclear Strike on the United States (US) in case of a Nuclear War. Each of these Jin-class Subs carry a dozen JL-2 or JL-3 Nuclear Ballistic Missiles which has ranges of around 7,200 to 10,000 km

April 2, 2023: And the March away from the US Dollar continues as ASEAN is now establishing a Task Force to accelerate the use of their Local Currencies for Trades between them
The Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) which the Philippines belongs to is establishing a Task Force to accelerate the use of Local Currencies between them to reduce the effects of any Global Crisis. 

This of course also means even less use of the United States (US) Dollar which is the current Standard for Trades between Countries. As I said before, many, many Countries around the World are just sick and tired of the US’ constant use of their Currency to sanction other Countries they don’t like. America is a FADING Superpower ...

April 3, 2023: New EDCA Sites located for the defense of Taiwan who stole Itu Aba from the Philippines
No wonder Governor Manuel Mamba is so against the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) because the Americans wanted MOST of it to be based in and around his Area. Well at least the Bases are in President Bong Bong Marcos’ (BBM) Area also since that is his Decision. 

However, the EDCA Basing in the North does signal more to the World (particularly China) the fact that these Bases are in fact going to be used to defend Taiwang against China, the same fakking Taiwan which stole Itu Aba from the Philippines. And now we will be helping save their A$$es and be turned into a Proxy Battleground of the Americans in their upcoming War against China
SOURCE: Philippine Communications Office Facebook Page Post, 04/03/23 - 1727H {Archived Link}

April 1, 2023: Now that the Philippines has decided to side with the US, it must now prepare for Economic and Military consequences from China – Maritime Policy Analyst
A Maritime Policy Analyst said that by deciding to side with the United States (US), it will now have to prepare for the Economic and Military consequences from China. Quoting from the Article: “Manila’s decision to draw closer to Washington could make the Philippines a Chinese Target on both the Military and Economic Fronts. It will also complicate Negotiations on a South China Sea Code of Conduct and contribute to a Regional Arms Race

March 29, 2023: The Headline speaks for itself: “Saudi Arabia set to join anti-West Bloc with China and Russia
Saudi Arabia is set to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), a Political and Security Bloc of Countries that was founded by China and Russia back in 2001. The Organization now also includes Members like the former States of the Soviet Union in Central Asia, India, Pakistan, Iran, etc. This is another sign of Saudi Arabia’s growing closeness with China. 

Mr. President Bong Bong Marcos (BBM), I don't know if the West really blackmailed your Family's Fortunes as what is being implied by some Rumors, or that you just are following the American A$$ Kissers that are surrounding you, but joining the West now is the wrong Decision for the Philippines

The United States (US) is a fading Superpower, most of the World now are tired of their constant Interference in their Affairs and threats of Sanctions, so they are now aligning themselves with Russia and China. The US is now constantly under Economic and Political Attacks, and it looks like they will be losing in that regard.  

Please do the right thing, set aside the Americans, and pivot back to China and Russia as President Rodrigo Duterte has started

March 30, 2023: And again, the shift away from the US Dollar continues with Brazil and China now agreeing to make Business Transactions using only their own Currencies
The Countries of Brazil and China have now officially agreed to stop using the United States (US) Dollar and just use instead their own local Currencies for Trade Transactions between them. This is just another example of the slow March away from the US Dollar and into the Chinese Yuan Currency. And this is not the end of it, there is more to come

March 29, 2023: China and France completes a deal for LNG using only the Chinese Yuan Currency for the first time as trend of moving away from the use of the Usd continues
China and France just completed a deal for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) without the use of the United States (US) Dollar for the first time. The China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) bought 65,000 tons of LNG from the French Company TotalEnergies thru the United Arab Emirates (UAE) using the Chinese Yuan Currency. Its not there yet, but if this Trend of moving away from the use of the Usd continues a lot more, then it will eventually reach a point where the US Economy will be threatened because it is dependent on the continued use of the Usd as the Worldwide Standard for Transactions

March 24, 2023: US-China tensions increasing, reaches into possible banning in the US of the very popular TikTok App owned by China
Tensions between the United States (US) and China is increasing to the point that the US is now planning to ban the very popular App “TikTok” just because it is owned by China. TikTok however now cannot just sell its ownership to any Foreign Investor since China has identified it as a Critical National Asset and thus cannot just be sold without the approval of the Chinese Government. If the US does ban TikTok, I think President Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) will also follow suit and have the App banned here also in the Philippines

March 11, 2023: China has deployed “Unstoppable” Hypersonic Missiles to hit American Bases like in the Philippines
An Official of the United States’ (US) Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) testified before American Lawmakers recently that China has probably already put into Operational Status Hypersonic Missiles to target American Bases like the ones in our Country. There is no effective Defense against these types of Missiles yet as of now because of their SPEED and ability to MANEUVER on their way to its Target. And you can bet that some of these Missiles already are being considered to hit U.S. Bases in the Philippines, so we could be “Dongfenged” (referring to the Name of the Manufacturer of these Missiles) soon

March 13, 2023: 'US driving wedge between China, PH' – China
The Chinese Embassy in the Philippines recently said that the United States (US) has been intentionally trying to drive a Wedge between the Philippines and China. 

Quoting what they said from the Article, the US Military "has been coming all the way from the other side of the Pacific to stir up trouble in the South China Sea and ganging up with its Allies from other Parts of the World to flex Muscle in the South China Sea … By doing these, the US has not only heightened tension, driven a wedge between China and the Philippines, but also has disturbed and upset the joint effort of Countries in this region to safeguard peace and stability in the South China Sea."

And may I add that the US is being encouraged on by some Filipinos who insists on being shamelessly and entirely subservient to the Americans. 

March 10, 2023: Improving Peace in the Middle East as China helps Saudi Arabia and Iran resume Diplomatic Relations
In the biggest News coming out of the Middle East recently, China helped broker a Peace Deal between Saudi Arabia and Iran which had been quarreling for quite some time now. The two Countries have now agreed to re-establish Diplomatic Relations and re-open Embassies within the next two Months. Notice though how the American A$$ Kissers among the Philippine Press is trying very hard to exclude China or not give Credit to China for this Peace Deal

March 8, 2023: Chinese Pres. Xi Jinping calls on the Chinese Military to be more Quickly Elevated and be Strengthened to Win Wars
Chinese President Xi Jinping said in a recent Speech that China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) needs to be “More Quickly” elevated, and to be “Strengthened to Win Wars”, this just a Day or so after he directly and publicly accused the United States (US) of encircling his Country

February 23, 2023: Iraq allows Trade with China to be paid in Chinese Currency in a move to lessen dependency on the US Dollar
Iraq is just the latest Country in the Middle East (ME) that is taking steps to lessen their dependency on the United States (US) Dollar, they will now allow trade with China to be paid directly in China’s Currency, the Yuan. Iran, Egypt and Saudi Arabia are some of the other Countries that is allowing the use of the Yuan currency in their trade with China

February 16, 2023: China PLA Website says that the Philippines now is playing a bigger Role in the U.S.’ Strategy against them
The “China Military Online” Website which is officially sponsored by China’s “People’s Liberation Army (PLA)” says that the Philippines is now taking a big Part in the United States (US) Strategy to specifically target China. Quoting from the Article: “Although Manila stressed that the Military Cooperation doesn't target any specific Third Party, it's evident that the US setting up nine Military Bases in the Country is to contain China. This purpose and the actions US has made are independent of what Manila thinks or wishes.

February 17, 2023: Philippines being set up by the U.S. as its Sacrificial Proxy Battleground to stop the Rise of China 
I agree 100% with this Article that the Philippines is being set up by the Americans to be their Sacrificial Proxy Battleground in Asia. Quoting from the Article: “IN order to prevent the rise of China as the Hegemonic Power in Asia, the US has been maneuvering to make the Philippines its “Asian Ukraine” — that is, its proxy to provoke the Asian Superpower to undertake aggressive actions against us or even the US Navy, in order to demonize it as the Evil Empire of the Region.

February 11, 2023: China is reportedly planning to increase the number of their Nuclear Weapons, and I think some of these could end up being used on US Bases in the Philippines
China is reportedly planning to increase the number of their Nuclear Weapons from the current 300 to 550 by 2027 and to 900 by 2035 according to reports. I think some of these Weapons could definitely end up being used on the United States’ (US) Bases here in the Philippines if they indeed go to War with them, make no mistake about it 

February 3, 2023:Wala yatang magatungan na Coast Guard o Navy ng Tsina kaya “Militia” naman daw ngayon. Yang ang GATONG para ma-justify kung bakit binigyan yung Amerika ng karagdagang LIBRENG Access sa mga Ba-se sa Pilipinas, bagay na walang ibang Bansa sa South East Asia na magbibigay sa mga Kano. STRAIGHT TALK yan’ (Looks like they couldn’t GOAD any of the Chinese Coast Guard or Navy hence it is now supposed to be the “Militia”. This is an Example of how things are being MANIPULATED to justify why the Americans were given access to more Philippine Military Bases, an access that no other Country in South East Asia will give the Americans. That is STRAIGHT TALK right there)

February 3, 2023: What’s funny is that the “Anonymous Philippine Defense Officials” often cited in various News Reports are saying that the Agreement is “not targeted at any Country”, and yet the Western Press (like in this Case the British Broadcasting Corporation or BBC itself) are always harping that the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) is part of the United States (US) Strategy to ENCIRCLE China. STRAIGHT TALK: The US is using the threat of China to have FREE Military Access to the Philippines because they fear that if the Philippines sides with China, especially Militarily, then their Interests in Asia will be threatened. And that is why the US has made sure that they kept the Philippine Military close to their side

January 31, 2023: So, this young, Woke Woman lived a comfortable Life in Hong Kong (HK), but decided to leave in 2020 after China tightened its Power in the Region. She ended up in the United Kingdom (UK), but found Life there to be difficult. She could only find low-paying Jobs and ended up sharing an Apartment with four other People. She found it hard to make ends mee, and started skipping Meals. Finally the Hardship along with the Depression that came with it resulted in her taking her own Life in November 2022. The West obviously FAILED her and lot of other Hongkongers after promising them better lives under their Brand of “Democracy” ... 

January 27, 2023: During an Interview with the Lowy Institute in Australia recently, Billionaire Bill Gates said that China’s rise is good for everyone and that it needs to play a stronger role in World Governance. Here is a direct Quote of more of what he said: “China has gone from in 1980 being incredibly impoverished—poorer than India, I mean literally, with starvation, malnutrition—to being the most wealthy middle-income Country in the World. It’s incredible, and it’s great for the World.” Take careful note of that, everyone

January 4, 2023: It’s not just Vietnam, but other South East Asian (SEA) Countries like Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand are highly anticipating the arrival of Chinese Tourists again. Quoting from the Article, “Since Beijing announced the loosening of its travel restrictions, Nations including the U.S., France, India, Japan, and Australia have required Passengers from China to undergo COVID-19 Tests prior to arrival … However, most Southeast Asian nations have eschewed such restrictions, for obvious Economic Reasons.” As I keep saying, ‘Sa Pilipinas lang me nauuto ang mga Kano. Sa mga karatig Bansa natin sa SEA, WALA …’ (It is only the in the Philippines that the Americans are able to find People to fool, in other SEA Countries, NONE ...)

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