Sunday, June 23, 2024

Philippine-United States (US) Relations, 2024

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June 18, 2024: Many Filipinos likely killed by US Covid-19 Disinformation Campaign in the Philippines in 2020
The Reuters News Organization recently made a shocking Revelation about how the United States (US) Military Forces conducted a Disinformation Propaganda Campaign at the height of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) Pandemic in the Philippines against Chinese Vaccines and Medical Equipment the very likely lead to many Deaths among Filipinos

June 15, 2024: “US only using the Philippines against China and will just discard it afterwards” – Scott Ritter
The former United States (US) Intelligence Officer and Inspector of the United Nations (UN) Scott Ritter just made an Emotional and Compelling Message for the Filipino People, saying that his Country is only using the Philippines against China, and what happened in Ukraine could happen also in the Philippines, resulting in the Destruction of many Cities and the Deaths of many Filipinos 

May 23, 2024: US starting to move against Sara Duterte to try to preserve the Philippines’ Subservience to them
It looks like this early, we are already seeing the United States (US) start to move against Sara Duterte, like for Example when this Foreigner who is currently polluting the Halls of the De La Salle University (DLSU) wrote an Article complaining about how Sara, if she wins the Presidency in 2028, could reverse President Bong Bong Marcos’ (PBBM) Pro-United States (US), Anti-China Foreign Policy, and said that our Country should find Ways to “Institutionalize” what is obviously its Subservience to the US to keep that from happening. 

Clearly this Id**t won’t even mention how the US refuses to recognize any of the Philippines’ Claims in the South China Sea (SCS), hence the Reason why they couldn’t even be dragged into Ayungin Shoal to help fend off China

As I have been saying, the US keep supporting Propaganda Operations like these to ensure that the Philippines sides and helps them fight China over Taiwan. The US desperately needs the Philippines to do that because no other Country except China is closer to Taiwan than the Philippines, Luzon is a lot closer to Taiwan than even Okinawa

Here is the Article at the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) Website:

May 7, 2024: The US and the Philippines on EDCA Cartoon by In-Country
This Cartoon by the “In-CountryFacebook Page probably shows the most accurate Description of the Relations between the Armed Forces of the United States (US) and the Philippines, especially with regards to the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA)

There are so many “Truths” you can see just by studying it, but I will just leave you for now to determine by yourself what those are 

Here is the Link to the Post containing the original Photo at the In-Country Facebook Page:
SOURCE: In-Country Facebook Page Image, 02/24/18 – 0525H {Archived Link}

February 1, 2024: The Risk of the Philippines becoming the next Ukraine continues to grow
Every single Day under the Administration of Bong Bong Marcos (BBM), the Philippines is becoming more and more of a Pawn of the United States (US) for a War against one of its Enemies just like Ukraine, but this time it will be against China

The Philippines could become the “Asian Ukraine”, here are Quotes from an Article of The Manila Times (TMT) that discusses this more:

* “In his 2022 Presidential Campaign, Ferdinand Marcos Jr. constantly mouthed his Mantra of the Philippines as "Friend to All, Enemy to None." He even visited the Chinese Embassy on its October 1 National Day, though not July 4 at the American Embassy. Yet both are now in Conflict after abandoning Neutrality and backing the United States.

* “The President granted US access to nine Bases of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), making our Country a far greater threat to China than Cuba was when Russia nearly installed Atomic Missiles there in 1962. Uncle Sam came down hard on Cuba, imposing debilitating Trade Sanctions for 62 Years and counting. China has not gone that far, but it stopped billions of Dollars in Infrastructure Financing and employed tougher Measures against our Coast Guard and Fisherfolk in disputed Waters.

* “Intensifying Conflicts with China, between Marcos and Duterte Camps, and with Communist Rebels taking advantage of Peace Talks — sadly, that won't be the end of our Travails from America's Agenda.

January 15, 2024: EDCA unofficially now on more Bases? Nuclear Weapons had been stored in the US Bases in the Philippines
Kit Tatad, the former Minister of Public Information of former President Ferdinand Marcos Sr., shared some very important Observations in his latest Article called "First Things First" on The Manila Times (TMT) recently about the Transfer of Fuel by the United States (US) from Hawaii to the Philippines. Below are some of Quotes from the Article:

* “The clear Implication is that the Marcos Government has granted the US more Military "Sites" than it has officially told the Filipino People or that EDCA has become an "Open-ended" Proposition.

* “Does the Philippine Government know, at the appropriate Official Level, what kind of Weapons of Mass Destruction, if any, have been pre-positioned inside the US EDCA Military Sites? And is there any reasonable assurance that they will be used only for defense, as President Marcos Jr. has assured us, and not for any "offensive action"? What assurance do we have that our Status as a Nuclear Weapons-free State is not being violated, with or without the knowledge of our Government, with the hypothetical or actual installation of US Nuclear Weapons on our Soil?

It will be recalled that in 1969, at the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearings chaired by Sen. Stuart Symington, it was revealed that US Nuclear Weapons (of an unknown quantity) had been stored in the Philippines without the knowledge and consent of the Philippine Government. At the time, the Official US Policy was to neither confirm nor deny the existence of Nuclear Weapons in any particular Location. What worried the Symington Committee, however, was the possibility that the Nuclear Secret could leak out anytime and become an explosive Political Issue during the Philippine Presidential Election where President Ferdinand E. Marcos was running for reelection. Marcos was eventually updated on the Issue, and the secret never acquired a life of its own in the Public Domain.

In 1971, the US National Security Council revealed that the authorized ceiling of Nuclear Weapons deployed to the Philippines was 201, including 115 Tactical Bombs on Navy Ships. In 1973, the same Source revealed that the authorized number of Nuclear Weapons at Clark Air Base and Subic Naval Base had reached 260. It is not clear though whether this was with the full knowledge and consent of the Philippine Government.

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