Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Air Force The Movie: Danger Close (2023) Movie Review

The "Air Force The Movie: Danger Close" Poster
The "Air Force The Movie: Danger Close" Poster

I’m still not happy with Malaysia stealing away Sabah from us, but that won’t keep me from appreciating their new Military-themed Movie titled, “Air Force The Movie: Danger Close” that seems to have been inspired and patterned after the “Top Gun” Movie Franchise. 

The Production Values are okay, so are the Acting and overall Storyline. Overall it is not necessarilty great, but definitely entertaining enough to watch, no wonder it ended up the number one Movie in terms of Viewership even on Netflix Philippines

Some of Malaysia’s Air Force Assets are featured in the Movie, particularly the A400M Heavy Transport Aircraft while their F/A-18C/D Hornet Aircraft do show up on some Scenes. 

However, the “Star” of the Movie is of course the main Fighter Aircraft of the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF), the Russian-made Su-30MKM, and it does get a lot of Screen Time.  

The Special Effects was just so-so, though, especially the Dogfight Scenes (Su-30MKM versus Mig-29, likely Malaysian also). Also there was no English Dubbing, the Audio was mainly in Bahasa Malaysia and I don’t like reading Subtitles. 

This Movie makes me wonder though if we can make something like it also using our new Military Assets. Of course we only have the FA-50PH Fighting Eagle Aircraft right now, but our brand new S-70i Black Hawk Helicopters, T129 ATAK Helicopters, A-29 Super Tucano Aircraft and Hermes 450/900 Drones are pretty respectable. 

It would be a great way to show these new Assets of ours. Just focus on the Ground Attack Aspect and we should be fine. Attention, Director Darryl Yap … Anyway, a four out of five Star Rating or “Highly Recommended” for me, now available on Netflix.

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