Saturday, February 4, 2023

The Link and Summary of the Terms and Conditions of EDCA Agreement

The Title Page of the EDCA Agreement
The Title Page of the EDCA Agreement

Just for everybody’s Reference, here is the Link to the Terms and Conditions for the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) between the Philippines and the United States (US) that was finalized in 2014:

The Document is around thirteen Pages long, and you can read it in full if you want, but in Summary for me, it is pretty much TO THE ADVANTAGE of the Americans. They get almost unlimited access to Philippine Military Bases, they don’t get to pay any Rent, they can Preposition their Materiel and Personnel here … ‘Sarap ng Buhay nila’ (They will have very comfortable Lives here).

Take note that NO OTHER COUNTRY IN SOUTH EAST ASIA (SEA) will give them Terms like these, only the Philippines. ‘Sa Pilipinas lang kasi sila me nauuto sa SEA’ (It is only in the Philippines where they can find People to fool in SEA).

Anyway, let me post below some selected Paragraphs:  

Article I – Purpose and Scope

(b) Authorizing access to Agreed Locations in the Territory ofthe Philippines by United States Forces on a rotational basis, as mutually determined by the Parties

3. The Parties agree that the United States may undertake the following types of Activities in the Territory of the Philippines in relation to its access to and use of Agreed Locations:
- Security Cooperation Exercises
- Joint and Combined Training Activities
- Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief Activities
- And such other Activities as may be agreed upon by the Parties

Article III – Agreed Locations

1.With consideration of the views of the Parties, the Philippines hereby authorizes and agrees that United States Forces, United States Contractors, and Vehicles, Vessels, and Aircraft operated by or for United States Forces may conduct the following Activities with respect to Agreed Locations
- Training
- Transit
- Support and related Activities
- Refueling of Aircraft
- Bunkering of Vessels
- Temporary maintenance of Vehicles, Vessels, and Aircraft
- Temporary Accommodation of Personnel
- Communications
- Prepositioning of Equipment, Supplies, and Materiel
- Deploying Forces and Materiel
- And such other Activities as the Parties may agree

3. Given the mutuality of benefits, the Parties agree that the Philippines shall make Agreed Locations available to United States forces without Rental or similar Costs. United States Forces shall cover their necessary operational expenses with respect to their Activities at the Agreed Locations

4. The Philippines hereby grants to the United States, through Bilateral Security Mechanisms, such as the MDB and SEB, Operational Control of Agreed Locations for Construction Activities and authority to undertake such Activities on, and make alterations and improvements to, Agreed Locations. United States Forces shall consult on issues regarding such Construction, Alterations, and improvements based on the Parties' shared intent that the Technical Requirements and Construction Standards of any such Projects undertaken by or on behalf of United States forces should be consistent with the requirements and standards of both Parties.

Article IV – Equipment, Supplies and Materiel

1. The Philippines hereby authorizes United States Forces, through bilateral security mechanisms, such as the MDB and SEB, to preposition and store Defense Equipment, Supplies, and Materiel.("prepositioned materiel"), including, but not limited to, Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief Equipment, Supplies, and Materiel, at Agreed Locations. United States forces shall notify the AFP in advance regarding the quantities and delivery schedules of Defense Equipment, Supplies, and Materiel that United States forces intend to preposition in Agreed Locations, as well as who will make such deliveries.

3. The Prepositioned Materiel of United States Forces shall be for the exclusive use of United States Forces, and Full Title to all such Equipment, Supplies, and Materiel remains with the United States. United States forces shall have control over the access to and disposition of such Prepositioned Materiel and shall have the unencumbered right to remove such Prepositioned Materiel at any time from the Territory of the Philippines.

4. United States Forces and United States Contractors shall have unimpeded access to Agreed Locations for all matters relating to the prepositioning and storage of Defense Equipment, Supplies, and Materiel, including Delivery, Management, Inspection, Use, Maintenance, and removal of such Equipment, Supplies and Materiel.

5. The Parties share an intent that United States Contractors may carry out such matters in accordance with, and to the extent permissible under, United States Laws, Regulations, and Policies.

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