Monday, February 6, 2023

Russian and Ukrainian Losses in the Ukraine War according to the Mossad – January 2023

The Headline of the Turkish News Publication about the number of Losses in the Ukraine War from the Mossad
The Headline of the Turkish News Publication about the number of Losses in the Ukraine War from the Mossad

It is kinda hard to get a clear, accurate Picture in terms of Casualties in ongoing War in Ukraine because both Russia and Ukraine would of course tend to inflate the Losses of the other side while deflating the Losses on their side. 

A Turkish News Publication however posted the number of Losses of both Sides with their Source reportedly being the Third Party that is the Israeli Intelligence Agency, the Mossad as of January 14, 2023. 

The number of Casualties on the side of Ukraine is staggering, around 157,000 Dead. If the Philippines allows itself to be the “Proxy Battleground of the United States (US)” in its upcoming, anticipated War with China over Taiwan, can we accept this many Filipinos to die, all for America and Taiwan? Here are the Figures: 

Russian Losses of out 418,000 Soldiers (with 3,500,000 Reservists) plus Wagner Mercenaries:
- 23 Fixed Wing Aircraft
- 56 Helicopters
- 200 Drones
- 889 Tanks and Armored Vehicles
- 427 Artillery Systems
- 12 Air Defense Systems
- 18,480 Dead
- 44,500 Injured
- 323 Captives

Ukraine Losses out of 734,000 Soldiers (with 100,000 Reservists) plus NATO Officers/Soldiers and Mercenaries in the field of Ukraine are as follows:
- 302 Fixed Wing Aircraft
- 212 Helicopters
- 2,750 Drones
- 6,320 Tanks and Armored Vehicles
- 7,360 Artillery Systems
- 497 Air Defense Systems
- 157,000 Dead
- 234,000 Injured
- 17,230 Captives
- 234 Dead (NATO Military Trainers from the US and UK)
- 2,458 Dead – NATO Soldiers (from Germany, Poland, Lithuania, etc.)
- 5,360 Dead – Mercenaries

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