Tuesday, November 28, 2023

The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG), 2023

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November 19, 2023: Filipino Doggie of US confused after BBM meets with Xi 
Filipino Doggie of the United States (US): ‘Teka lang Mr. President, bakit ginagawa mo yung ginawa ni Digong?’ (Wait Mr. President, why you are doing what Digong used to be doing?) That is very unpatriotic!

Oops, me nagalit. “Patriotic” pa pala yung pagpapaka Aso niya sa US … LOL’ (Oops, somebody got angry. So his being a Dog to the US supposed to be “Patriotic” … LOL)

Here is the Link to the original Post by Pusang Gala on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzzfOKcvdaq/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA%3D%3D
SOURCE: Pusang Gala Account on Instagram Post, 11/19/23 {Archived Link}

November 4, 2023: Pusang Gala on the Hypocrisy and St*p*d*ty of a Certain Somebody
Another hard-hitting Cartoon by Pusang Gala about someone “You might Know”, LOL: 

Juan Dela Cruz: "Teka nga muna, you're not making any Sense, kung yung Stance namin na Anti-War, para sa inyo ay "Parroting China's Narrative", eh di ang Naratibo pala ng China ay Kapayapaan? 

So, kaninong Naratibo naman ang pinaparrot ninyo sa pagiging Agresibo ng mga Pronouncements ninyo laban sa China? At kami pa ang "Warmongers"?"

Filipino Doggie of the United States (US): "Ah hinde! That's Treason, Traitor ka. That's very unpatriotic!"

(Juan Dela Cruz: "Wait a Minute, you're not making any Sense, if our Stance is Anti-War, which to you is "Parroting China's Narrative", then doesn’t it means that China’s Narrative is for Peace also? 

So, who’s Narrative are you Parroting with your Aggressive Pronouncements against China? And we are supposed to be the "Warmongers"?"

Filipino Doggie of the United States (US): "No it’s not! That's Treason, you’re a Traitor. That's very unpatriotic!")

Here is the Link to the original Post by Pusang Gala on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzKiCNZRduH/
SOURCE: Pusang Gala Instagram Post, 11/04/23 {Archived Link}

August 6, 2023: Philippine Coast Guard still not getting Protection from the US after being Water Cannoned by China, despite the US already given nine Military Bases in the Philippines
The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) recently complained to the Public that the China Coast Guard (CCG) fired Water Cannons at its Vessels as they were escorting Resupply Boats to the Ayungin Shoal (also known as the Second Thomas Shoal). 

This just goes to show that the PCG CONTINUES to receive NO DIRECT PROTECTION from the United States (US) despite their promise to do so in exchange for being given NINE Military Bases in the Philippines for FREE. 

So why is the PCG is just aiming their Complaints at China, and not to the Americans who they themselves insisted will “protect” them from China, hence their strong support for giving those Bases to the US. When will the US start escorting the PCG to Ayungin Shoal? Or are they afraid to do that because it will drag them into a War with China?

June 7, 2023: PCG defending the US’ action of not helping them confront China in the SCS
I just found it amusing that the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) is now trying hard to defend the United States’ (US) REFUSAL to help them confront China by insisting that their Joint Patrols with the Americans have “absolutely nothing to do” with China. Yeah, right. 

How can they say that they were among the ones who INSISTED that the Americans would defend the Philippines against China, but now that they themselves were unable to convince the US to help them at Ayungin Shoal, they’re trying to SAVE FACE and say the Joint Patrols weren’t about “China” all along. 

So now they and the Americans are just making USELESS Joint Patrols as FAR AWAY from Ayungin Shoal as possible. This Mentality of total subservience to the Americans is one of the main Reasons why this Country continues to be LAGGARDS in Terms of Progress in Asia

June 2, 2023: PCG conducts USELESS Joint Drill in Bataan likely because the US REFUSED their request to confront China at Ayungin Shoal
The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) conducted an absolutely USELESS Joint Drill with the United States Coast Guard (USCG) recently, because instead of conducting it in Ayungin Shoal where they previously cried to the Press about being “Lasered” by China, they instead are doing it far away from there, they are doing it instead off the Coast of Bataan. 

The Reason for this is likely because the USCG REFUSED their request to confront China with them. Remember that the PCG was one of the Organizations that welcomed the United States (US) and saying that they will protect the Philippines from China, but this Instance is again another example of how the US refuses to interfere with the Philippines’ Territorial Disputes with China. 

This is one Aspect of Geopolitics that American and their Filipino Dogs try to gaslight Filipinos using PROPAGANDA, like they will keep insisting that the US will protect the Philippines, but in reality during actual Tests and Situations stretching all the way back from at least Panatag Shoal in 2012, they won’t 

May 1, 2023: PCG agrees with the idea of Joint Patrols with the USCG, if so it should be done on Ayungin Shoal where they were stopped by China
The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) says that they are open to the Idea of Joint Patrol with the United States Coast Guard (USGC). ‘Feeling talaga ng mga ito’ (They really feel) that they can drag the United States (US) into our Territorial Disputes, if so then fine, go ahead. 

Just make sure that any such Patrols will be done at Ayungin Shoal, and not somewhere far from the China Coast Guard (CCG). They should retrace the Steps that the PCG made when they were blocked by China, let’s see if the US will agree to that, and if so let’s see what will happen, 'aber'

February 27, 2023: “How Do You Solve A Problem Like PCG Jay Tarriela?” - Asian Century Journal (ACJ) Article
The Article, “How Do You Solve A Problem Like PCG Jay Tarriela?” by the Asian Century Journal (ACJ), quoting from it: “Tariella claims the Philippines’ Legal Ownership of our EEZ over Ayungin Shoal. Now this is a mouthful. ‘By International Law, the Philippines has jurisdiction over all Natural Resources within its 200-mile EEZ.’ Two things. First let me clarify that no Country can have ‘Ownership’ over an Exclusive Economic Zone. EEZ’s are not subject to Ownership, which denotes Sovereignty.

February 24, 2023:US: Attack on PCG Ship may trigger MDT” – That’s why they don’t want them to be sent to Sabah, because they only want to fight China, not Malaysia
Just the usual Propaganda Bullsh1t from the Americans, now boasting about “triggering” the Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT) against China to make themselves look useful for getting four additional Bases in the Philippines for free while trying to completely ignore the truth that they don’t recognize any of our claimed Territories like Sabah and will therefore never help us there

February 13, 2023: US issues absolutely USELESS Statement on the recent Lasering Incident with the PCG
The United States (US) just gave a Statement about the recent Incident where a China Coast Guard (CCG) with Hull Number 5205 used what is likely to be a “Laser Dazzler” on the BRP Malapascua (MRRV-4403) of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG), and it is absolutely USELESS.

They just said, “… the U.S. stands with the Philippines …” blah-blah-blah … We just gave these Americans four additional Bases here in the Philippines, they should be going after CCG 5205 with us, why can’t they do that, aber? And as usual, the Propaganda of the Americans and their Filipino A$$ Kissers make it look like the US is doing something, but when you look at it closely, THEY ARE NOT

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