Saturday, January 18, 2025


January 14, 2024: Japanese Lawmakers visits China to meet with Communist Party Officials
Japan is moving forward with its ongoing Program of establishing friendlier Relations with China when not only are they having Military Exchanges with China as I have been reporting since last Month of December 2024, but their Lawmakers have now also gone over to China for an Official Visit recently. 

The Political Party of the current Prime Minster of Japan Shigeru Ishiba, the "Liberal Democratic Party (LDP)" sent a Delegation composed of twelve People to the Capital City of China, Beijing to meet with Top Officials of the Communist Party of China. 

Both Sides agreed to continue their Cooperation, and to conduct even more Exchanges at all Levels for the rest of this Year of 2025. As I mentioned also in a separate Report recently, this is Part of the Preparations for the planned official State Visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to Japan sometime later this Year. 

Again, nothing has been settled as far as the Territorial Disputes regarding the Senkaku Islands between these two Countries, but now they are both seeking to establish Friendlier Relations. 

Exchanges like this are currently unthinkable under the current Administration of Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) as Lawmakers from his Political Party and its Allies have been at the forefront of Anti-China, Pro-United States (US) Sentiment lately.

January 14, 2025: Chinese Military visits Japan as Part of the latest Military Exchange Program
A Delegation from the Eastern Theater Command of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) of China visited Japan and met with Japanese Defense and Military Officials recently. This comes after the Visit of Japanese Military Officer to China last Month of December 2024. 

This Exchange of Military Visits comes as Japan is seeking to ease Tensions with China, and more Exchanges are expected in the near Future. Japanese Lawmakers are expected to visit China soon as both Countries are paving the Way for the likely State Visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to Japan sometime this Year of 2025. 

Remember that Japan and China have an intense Territorial Dispute over the Senkaku Islands where both Sides engaged in “Bumper Boat” and “Water Cannon” Wars several Years ago, and yet here they are now, despite the Fact that nothing has been resolved yet between them over that Dispute. 

I admire Japan’s Independence and Pragmatism, something which the Philippines doesn’t have at the Moment as it is unimaginable right now to have a similar Military Exchange with China under this Pro-United States (US), Anti-China Administration of Bong Bong Marcos (BBM)

Our Philippine Military was even so proud to admit and report to the Press as soon as former President Rodrigo Duterte left Office of how they sabotaged Military Relations with China during Duterte’s Term ...

Here is the Link to the Article at “The Japan Times” Website:

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