Saturday, January 11, 2025

The President Bong Bong Marcos (PBBM) Presidency, 2025

February 15, 2025: Foreign Investments to the Philippines dropped by 85% in Q4 of 2024 compared to Q4 of 2023
Foreign Investments approved to the Philippines in the fourth Quarter of last Year of 2024 dropped by an incredible 85% to just Php 58 billion compared to Php 395 billion of the same Period in 2023, this according for the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)

South Korea was the Top Source of these Foreign Investments with Php 26 billion, followed by the Netherlands with Php 9 billion and then Japan with Php 4 billion. Most of the Investments were in the Manufacturing Industry with Php 30 billion, followed by Transportation and Storage with Php 12 billion and then Energy with Php 8 billion. 

Most of these Investments were also made in Luzon, with Central Luzon at first with Php 20 billion followed by the Cavite-Laguna-Batangas-Rizal-Batangas (CALABARZON) with Php 13 billion and then the National Capital Region (NCR) with Php 13 billion. 

This shows that the Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) Administration has not been able to attract more Foreign Investments despite his many Foreign Trips, and nor has its Pro-West and Anti-China Foreign Policy been able to convince the West and it Allies to invest more in the Philippines.

January 30, 2025: BBM Government misses its GDP Growth Rate for the second Year in a Row
I just wanted to highlight this so the Filipino People will know about it instead of being distracted by all of the other News that are being spread around: The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Growth Rate of the Philippines for the entire Year of last Year of 2024 was at only 5.6%, well below the Target set by the Administration of Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) itself of 6 to 6.5%. 

The Philippine Economy only grew by 5.2% in the fourth Quarter of 2024, and in three of the four Quarters last Year, the GDP Growth was only in the 5% Range. Note that this is the second Consecutive Year in a Row that the Government has missed its GDP Growth Rate Target since it also missed it back in 2023. 

January 8, 2025: Marcos Sr.’s Illegitimate Daughter with Foreign Model gets into Trouble in Australia
The illegitimate Daughter of former Philippine Dictator Ferdinand Marcos Senior who is residing in Australia recently caused a Drunken Scene during an Airline Flight in Australia and was charged in Court.

Analisa Josefa Corr is a Half Sister of current Philippine President Bong Bong Marcos, she is now 53 Years old and was raised in Australia. Her Mother is Evelin Hegyesi, a former Model who met Marcos Sr. in Paris, France where the two apparently went out together enough to produce her. 

Analisa and her Husband reportedly brought their own Alcohol during the Flight and got intoxicated enough for her to end up grabbing and shaking another Passenger in the Aircraft. 

January 4, 2025: Trump invited Xi, but not BBM
The United States' (US) Ambassador the Philippines who is pretending to the Philippines' Ambassador to the US, Jose Manuel Romualdez, recently admitted that Philippine President Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) was not invited by the newly elected US President Donald Trump to his Inauguration later this Month of January 2025. 

Romualdez says that supposedly, as a Matter of Policy, no Head of State is invited to the Inauguration and that he will go instead. However, it was widely reported in the International Press last Month of December 2024 that Trump did invite the Chinese President Xi Jinping to his Inauguration, which I also posted about before. 

So Trump invites Xi which the BBM Administration is constantly antagonizing, but not BBM himself who has been pretty subservient to the outgoing US President Joe Biden, and who is supposed to be a close Ally of the US. 

This Fact alone doesn’t bode well for BBM’s upcoming Relations with Trump, it seems that Trump is less enthusiastic about fulfilling whatever Deal or Deals BBM may have made with the US thru Biden. 

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