Showing posts with label Vietnam vs. China. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vietnam vs. China. Show all posts

Thursday, October 1, 2020

OUR SEA NEIGHBORS: Vietnam seeking Talks with China on Maritime Disputes

Vietnam is now seeking talks with China in their Territorial dispute over the Paracel Islands. Since the start of this Week, China has been conducting Military Exercises near those Islands.

Vietnamese President Nguyen Phu Trong told Chinese President Xi Jinping in a recent Phone Call that, “… the two Countries should work together to resolve existing problems, especially on Maritime Issues …

Notice again how the Philippine Press refuses to pick up this piece of News. But if it fits their narrative of how Vietnam is standing against China, it would make Headline News by all of them. 

Friday, July 31, 2020

China’s Pressure causes Vietnam to cancel Contracts and pay Exploration Companies Usd 1 billion in compensation

Here is another bit of News that the Philippine Press are reluctant or don’t report at all since it is Negative News of Vietnam’s fight against China. If it is the other way around, meaning Positive News of Vietnam going up against China, the Philippine Press will print it immediately. 

That is how they control the narrative or the Story of the News. The narrative now of the Press and the Dilawans is that “Vietnam is standing up to China, and succeeding”. 

Well the facts say otherwise, because due to pressure from China, Vietnam had to cancel the Operations and Contracts of two International Oil Companies, Repsol of Spain and Mubadala of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to explore the South China Sea (SCS) on their behalf. 

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