Thursday, July 30, 2020

The Philippines’ supposed “Debt Issue” as of July 2020

The Philippine Press seems determined to lose their credibility these days just for the sake of trying to let the Opposition win in 2022 so their favorite Agendas can again be the Country’s Policies. 

This is evident in issues like the Philippines’ Debt which they try to report at every opportunity and make it appear like the Economy is already in trouble, despite the fact that various international institutions have said otherwise. 

Like the World Bank (WB) itself, for example who specifically said that a 50% Debt to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the Philippines is still safe.

At any rate, here is a post that explains things even better. I suggest everyone read it, and share it around even more. It has already gone viral, but it needs to reach as many people out there to counter the disinformation and Pro-Opposition Propaganda that the Philippine Press insist on spreading.


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