Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Another show of Hypocrisy by the US on the issue of UNCLOS

The United States (US) did another show of hypocrisy on the issue of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) when US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that China was the “most flagrant violator of UNCLOS”. 

By issuing such a Statement, the US is implying that it is upholding UNCLOS when the reality is that they are not even a Signatory of it since US Lawmakers have repeatedly blocked the signing of the Law since the 1980s. 

Pompeo is either ignoring the fact that his own Country is not a Signatory of the Law, or worse he himself doesn’t know that they aren’t one.


* Official Philippine Star Facebook Page Post, 09/07/20 - 1034H {Archived Link}

* Hypocri-sea: The United States’ failure to join the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea {Archived Link}

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