Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Philippine-United States (US) Relations (2022)

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December 19, 2022:US backs Philippines call for China to respect Law of the Sea” – Just more PROPAGANDA from the Americans and their Filipino Dogs. How exactly did they “back” us, aber? Only thru WORDS? ‘Laway lang puhunan nila, me libreng Ba-se na sila sa Pilipinas. Palakpak Tenga naman ng mga taga samba sa Pw3t ng mga Kano’ (With only Saliva as their “Investment”, they have rent-free Bases here already in the Philippines. And the Filipinos who worship their American A$$es clap their Ears at the thought of that)

December 16, 2022:US Military support for Philippines in the South China Sea is no sure Thing” - It was never a “sure thing”, but some A$$ Kissers of the Americans are so in love with the United States (US) that they insist on hating the US’ rival China so much. And at the same time just giving away Sabah to Malaysia, as in, “Inyo na iyan, enjoy …" (It’s yours, enjoy …). Meanwhile, quoting from the Article itself, “Even if there is a clear-cut attack by China’s Military on Philippine Forces, US Military intervention is no sure thing. The Philippines must officially invoke the Mutual Defence Treaty, and there could be considerable backroom Negotiations with the US whether it should do so

December 14, 2022: Just the usual American A$$ Kissing Editorial from the Pinklawan News Organization, the Philippine Daily Inquirer (PDI), stup1dly talking about having the Philippine Navy (PN) conduct Freedom of Navigation Operations (FONOPS) with the United States Navy (USN) as if that alone will solve the Problem of the Philippines drilling for Oil and Gas in the South China Sea (SCS). Constantly railing only against China, do you see them putting out an Editorial fighting for Sabah even after a recent Court Ruling in a Foreign Country helped strengthen our Claims there? ‘Wala, INAABOGADO pa nila kung bakit hindi daw atin yung Sabah’ (None, they were even Lawyering as to why Sabah doesn’t belong to us), 'susme'. 

November 29, 2022: Another good Article on that fakking Defense Treaty of ours with the Americans. Quoting from the Article, “Clearly, when the Philippines lost the Scarborough Shoal (Panatag Shoal or Bajo de Masinloc), the US did not come to our Defense. They invoked, ‘We do not interfere in Territorial Disputes.’ The US has harped on the Arbitral Ruling, further pointing at the Incursions of China and yet, they stopped by our Shores doing nothing

November 26, 2022: Learn and NEVER FORGET our History, ‘Hinihila lang ng mga Kano ang mga Ilong natin’ (The Americans are just pulling our Noses). Quoting from the Article below: “The US Ambassador to Manila at the time, William Sullivan, also recommended in his November 1976 Telegram to the State Department Secretary, that they should inform the Filipino Negotiators that the MDT commits the US to defend from armed attack only the Philippines' ‘Metropolitan Territory.’ Sullivan claimed these refers only to the ‘Land Areas delineated in the (1898) Treaty of Paris’ as the Philippines' Territory, WHICH EXCLUDES THE SPRATLYS AND SCARBOROUGH SHOAL

November 25, 2022: A good Article on the United States’ (US) Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT) with the Philippines. Quoting from the Article: “The US’ official Policy that it cannot interfere in a Conflict in the Kalayaan Island Group (KIG) because it is a disputed Territory is contained in the ‘Maritime Claims Reference Manual’ of the US Navy's Judge Advocate General, which declares the US Government stand on all Countries' Maritime Claims

November 21, 2022: How is the United States’ (US) Defense Commitments to the Philippines be “Unwavering” when up to now they REFUSE to recognize any of the Philippines’ claimed Territories like Sabah, Itu Aba and Pugad Island? Go ahead, put US Vice President (VP) Kam-ala “Cum-A-Lot” Harris in a Spotlight and ask her about those. In the meantime, the same Americans have no problems saying that the disputed Senkaku Islands belong to Japan. Propaganda pa more

November 7, 2022: An Example of how the Americans use Hollywood for PROPAGANDA, this time on Filipinos. Now that President Bong Bong Marcos (PBBM) is being friendly with them, they are now busy kissing his A$$ with these supposed “Tributes” to Philippine Culture. Perhaps they realize that our Country is the only one they are able to fool into siding with them in South East Asia (SEA)

November 6, 2022: Here is an Article on how we can stand up on our own WITHOUT the help of these almost worthless Americans who already abandoned us in Panatag Shoal in 2012 and up to now still refuses to recognize any of our claimed Territories. I don’t agree with all of what the Article says though, I still feel we would be better off siding with China, but it still has some good Points to it

October 26, 2022: The current Solicitor General of the Philippines Menardo Guevarra that the former Personnel of the United States (US) Embassy in the Philippines Dean Cheves who had sex with two Philippine Minors while he was still in the Philippines should be made accountable under Philippine Law. But of course our supposed “Ally” doesn’t trust the Philippines enough to have one of their Citizens to have a Trial and possibly go to Jail in our Country. If you have “Allies” like these, who needs Enemies? 

October 24, 2022: A former Personnel of the United States (US) Embassy in the Philippines recently pleaded guilty in a US Court for having sex with two 15 to 16 Year Old Philippine Minors from December 2020 to February 2021. A Philippine Court had actually issued a Warrant of Arrest for the former Embassy Personnel last August 2021, but instead of sending him over to Philippine Authorities, the US apparently wanted him tried in a US Court instead. This is a typical attitude of the Americans, whenever one of their Citizens commits Crimes in the Philippines, they end up protecting them in a way from Philippine Courts and Jails 

October 18, 2022: The new United States (US) Ambassador to the Philippines just PLAYING WITH WORDS. She said, “the US will not dictate” how the Philippines modernizes its Military, but she did not say that the US will not sanction the Philippines if it buys Military Equipment from Russia. Their Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) Law has been in effect since 2017 and will seek to implement it everywhere now ESPECIALLY after Russia’s War on Ukraine this Year of 2022

October 14, 2022: I think it is also good now that the United States (US) is now willing to help the Philippines in a major Infrastructure Project like the Mindanao Railway Project (MRP) because it shows that, as the Filipino saying goes, ‘Tinatablan rin pala sila ng hiya’ (They are also vulnerable to shame). We have been kissing their A$$es for so long, and it is only now they get to think of doing something like this for us, and only after China offered to do it first? And what will the “Strings Attached” be for this? Set Leila De Lima free? Abolish the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC)? Repeal the Anti-Terror Law (ATL)? Subject our Country again to the International Criminal Court (ICC)? Anyway, if none, then good. If there is, then ‘naku’ ...

October 14, 2022: Current United States (US) Senator Ed Markey has been calling for Leila De Lima’s release from Prison for YEARS now, and he reiterated this again recently with a Public Request to the Philippine Government. Remember that Markey is on the same Democratic Party as the current sitting US President Joe Biden is. So will this be one of the “Strings Attached” for the more Foreign Military Financing (FMF) and Infrastructure help on the Mindanao Railway Project (MRP) that the US said they wanted to give to us recently? I’m just asking since the US has long had a habit of interfering with the Philippines’ Internal Affairs

October 13, 2022: Just the usual “Interoperability” bullsh1t, because the United States (US) wants us to be DEPENDENT on them so they can dictate Who, When and Where to fight. How can we be dependent on a Country that does NOT recognize our claimed Territories like the Kalayaan Island Group (KIG) and Sabah, and who already abandoned us before against China in Panatag Shoal in 2012?

October 5, 2022: The United States (US) CONSTANTLY issues Travel Warnings AGAINST the Philippines, but is it a big deal among Filipinos who are American A$$ Kissers? No, they even blame the Philippines for it because it triggered their American Idols to do it, LOL. In fact, the US, our Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT) “Ally” kuno, just issued a Yellow Travel Alert Warning for the Philippines recently, just this October 5, 2022 due to, as they themselves said, “... Crime, Terrorism, Civil Unrest and Kidnapping ...

September 30, 2022: An Admiral of the United States Navy (USN) recently said that, “the Philippines is America’s Greatest Ally”. Really? Is that the reason why the United States (US) abandoned the Philippines against China in Panatag Shoal back in 2012, and that the US up to now still REFUSES to recognize any of the Philippines’ claimed Territories like Sabah, Itu Aba and Pugad Island? Keep pulling our Noses pa more!!! LOL

August 24, 2022: So the United States (US) is sending Usd 3 billion of Weapons and Equipment to Ukraine, this is on top of the already Billions upon Billions they have sent there before. Meanwhile here in the Philippines, our supposed “Ally” is making the Philippine Navy (PN) pay Php 1 billion PER YEAR just to use OUR VERY OWN Lands there in Subic in an Area that is being run by an American Company. Is this how our “Allies” are supposed to treat us? China won’t do that, they will likely even PAY US to BE THERE
July 28, 2022: I just find it funny that we seem so proud having a Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT) with a Country that already abandoned us against China in Panatag Shoal back in 2012, and who does NOT recognize any of our Claimed Territories like Sabah and the Kalayaan Island Group (KIG). What kind of a “Partnership” is that?

July 16, 2022: An 18 Year Old Filipino Tourist from Cebu was just walking in New York City in the United States of America (USA) when he was suddenly assaulted recently. This is the 41st Incident of Filipinos being Victims of a Crime in the US since last Year (2021)

July 15, 2022: The United States (US) is approving a Law limiting their assistance to the Philippine National Police (PNP). So is this the action of a true “Ally”? The PNP are our fellow Filipinos, should we allow the Americans to treat them this way? If China was the one doing that, imagine the uproar among the American A$$ Kissers. But since it is the US, “ilalaglag na ang PNP para lang sa mga Kano?” (the PNP is just going to be dropped in favor of the US)? 

July 4, 2022: The United States (US) reportedly is eager to see PBBM visit them there. Is this the reason why they couldn’t even send an Elected Official from their Government during his Inauguration, even after he personally invited Joe Biden? If it was up to me, I’d say don’t do it, PBBM. The Americans will just make it look like him being a Vassal paying Tribute to his Master
SOURCE: US 'eager' for Marcos visit – Envoy {Archived Link}

June 13, 2022:Philippines, Province of Japan”. Frankly I don’t mind despite their numerous Atrocities against us during World War Two (WW2) since they are now helping us so much, unlike our former Colonizer and SUPPOSED Ally the United States (US) who only want to FREE LOAD on the Philippines against China
SOURCE: SMNI News Facebook Page, 06/13/22 – 1925H {Archived Link}

April 26, 2022: A great Article about how the United States (US) thru their Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has been meddling in the Elections of Foreign Countries including and probably especially the Philippines. They will continue to meddle in the coming May 9 Philippine Elections

April 3, 2022: Here is a great Video showing how the United States (US) is using Organizations like the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) which is funding Press Organizations around the World including Rappler here in the Philippines to promote Propaganda and protect US Interests. Thailand is making a Law to make these types of Organizations more transparent, the Philippines should, too
SOURCE: As Thailand Attempts to Clean Up Foreign-Funded NGOs, US Interests Kick & Scream {Archived Link}

March 26, 2022: A great Video about how the United States (US) made an Alliance with the Sultan of Sulu so he won’t interfere in their fight against Emilio Aguinaldo’s Forces, but after Aguinaldo was beaten they went out and betrayed him and attacked his Forces. And these Americans are supposed to be worthy of our trust?

February 4, 2022: A great, must-read Article by The Manila Times on how the United States (US) is exploiting Private News Organizations like Rappler by funding them to promote American Propaganda, and how such Strategy was used and worked very well for them in Ukraine

February 3, 2022: Remembering the heroism of Gregorio Del Pilar, who was killed by American Troops in Tirad Pass in Ilocos Sur in the Year 1899 during the Philippine-American War. He was only 24 Years Old at the time of his death

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