Sunday, August 18, 2024

The President Bong Bong Marcos (PBBM) Presidency, 2024

August 15, 2024: Marcos Jr. Military Acquisitions updated to include Patrol Aircraft and Other Improvements
I recently updated my Running Blog of the “Military Equipment Acquisitions under the Marcos Jr. Administration" to include the ATR 72-600 Patrol Aircraft. I also updated the other older Entries by including the Contract and Unit Prices with them.

Here is the Link to my Blog about the Military Acquisitions of the Administration of President Bong Bong Marcos (PBBM):

August 12, 2024: Philippine MSM silenced by Pro-US, Anti-China Oligarchs that owns them 
A nice Article about the true State of Philippine Journalism as of now, under this Administration of President Bong Bong Marcos (PBBM). As I have been saying, almost all of the Philippine Mainstream Media (MSM) right now don’t work for the Filipino People anymore, they work for whoever Oligarch it is that owns them, they basically are just the Propagandists of the Oligarchs. Here are some selected Excerpts from the Article: 

* “Even self-styled Guardians of Press Freedom, especially the US-funded Media Outfits like Vera Files, Rappler, the Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism, and the Center for Media Freedom and Responsibility are exposed as Minions by this Binag Exposé. They have been totally silent on this Issue. Why? Because Marcos is a certified Puppet of the US, and these Entities can't defy the American Hand that feeds them. ABS-CBN's Karen Davila, whose "Head Start" Program has focused on one-on-one Interviews, and featured and interviewed hundreds of less Newsworthy Personalities, would have begged to interview Cathy Binag. She didn't. In fairness to Davila, that "don't" order would have come from the very top.

* “Such Control has become an Existential Requirement for the Marcos Clan. After two Years, he has inarguably been a bad President, even our worst, buoyed to remain in power by the US and Media. His US-prodded belligerence toward China, the Economic Superpower in Asia, will bring us to ruin. Doesn't he ever wonder why among Asean's 10 Members, it is only the Philippines that is hostile to China?

* “However, the steep rise in Newsprint Prices (the biggest cost for a newspaper), President Estrada's call to his Billionaire Friends not to place Ads in the Newspaper, President Duterte's move to wrest the lucrative Mile-Long Commercial Center away from the Rufinos took a heavy toll on the Paper and the Rufinos' Financials. A Year after Magsanoc died in 2015, the Rufinos took full control of its Editorial. It even dropped the Paper's original Slogan "Without Fear or Favor" that projected its crusade to expose corruption in Government — a signal to stop fighting the Government. The Paper is even afraid of ever losing control of its Editorial Side by not appointing an Editor-in-Chief, with an "Associate Publisher" competing in power with an "Executive Editor." There will be no more powerful Editor-in-Chief like Letty Magsanoc in the Inquirer the Rufinos have ensured.

* “Our Ambassador to Washington, Jose ("Babe") Romualdez, told me he owns substantial Shares in the Star. Romualdez's open Bias toward the US and his belligerency toward China explains why the Newspaper has become basically the main Propaganda Sheet for the American Lies in the South China Sea Dispute, with its Daily Messaging directly coming from Washington.

Here is the Link to the Article on “The Manila Times” Website:

August 5, 2024: “Marcos definitely was a Cocaine User, a Close Friend's ex-Partner reveals” – August 5, 2024
Here is an Article about the recent, very, very explosive Revelation of Cathy Binag, a Socialite who was the Girlfriend for ten Years of the Business Magnate Antonio Floriendo Jr., one of President Bong Bong Marcos' (PBBM) closest Friends, and here are some selected Excerpts from the Article:

* “Binag disclosed in her "Boldyak" Interview that Marcos had regular Cocaine Sessions with a smaller Set of this Circle and that she even saw the future President, as well as his other Friends, emerge from a Room with Cocaine Residue on their upper Lips.

* “She said she first found out about the Group's regular Cocaine Sessions when she chanced upon Marcos' Wife, Liza, in a Hallway of the first Couple's Residence after using the Restroom. The First Lady asked her who she was. When she replied that she was "with Tonyboy," she raised a small Container to her and asked her, "You want?" Binag said she replied: "I don't do that," meaning she doesn't take the Drug. Mrs. Marcos replied gruffly: "So, why are you here? You're not supposed to be here." And then she left her abruptly. "Maybe she assumed I was a Cocaine Addict, or why would I be there? Maybe it's because I was so thin at that time," Binag said.

* “But this is a very smart Woman. She revealed: "I've made about 50 USBs, which contain Names and what they've done in Government. I've given many of these to Friends who will release them to the Public if anything happens to me." Maharlika asks her, Will info on this USB be explosive? "Yes, maraming madadamay. Ang daming lalabas na kasama nila." So far, Malacañang hasn't issued a Statement over Binag's Accusations.

July 30, 2024: Caucasian in Davao wearing NBI Uniform
A Caucasian wearing the Uniform of the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) was seen talking to the infamous and notorious Hansel Maranan, who has now been assigned as Chief of the Davao City Police Office (DCPO)

So many Questions, like what is that Caucasian doing there? Why is he wearing an NBI Uniform, or why was he allowed to wear an NBI Uniform? If his wearing of such a Uniform is really unauthorized, then why hasn't he been arrested up to now? Why does he have such a close access to the high-ranking Officials of the DCPO now?

He was later found out to be of Lebanese Descent, but still doesn't rule out that he may be working with a Foreign Government like the United States (US). I have my own Opinions of who this Man is, but I will keep it to myself for now, and I think that all of you reading this are thinking more or less the same Thing also …

SOURCE: SMNI News Facebook Page Post, 07/30/24 - 1551H {Archived Link}

July 19, 2024: PBBM’s AFP Modernization Acquisitions, July 2024
I have been seeing Comments every now and then about how the Administration of President Bong Bong Marcos (PBBM) supposedly has not bought anything yet for the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP). It already has, actually, but the ones being reported by the News Organizations have not been many so far. 

Hence I have decided to publish this Blog about what we know the PBBM Admin has bought as of now. Note that long time Followers of this Page know that I have also done something like this for the former Administrations of Rodrigo Duterte and Benigno Aquino III before.

Again like with the previous Administrations, this is a “running Blog”, it will be updated once in a while when new Information becomes available. 

June 13, 2024: PITX Aircon System Down, June 13, 2024
Took the Paranaque Integrated Terminal Exchange (PITX) earlier this Evening (June 13, 2024), and was surprised that the Airconditioning System had conked out. This is the first time I've seen it happen in all the Years that I have been using it

April 28, 2024: Maisug Peace Rally in Bulacan, April 28, 2024
There’s going to be a “Maisug Peace Rally” in Bulacan later today, April 28, 2024 at 5:00 pm, just see the Pictures below for more Details about it. If you are in the Area or is willing to travel there, then I hope you can join the Rally.

UPDATE: 04/28/24, 1:40 pm
As per the official Facebook Account of Atty. Vic Rodriguez, former President Rodrigo Duterte has decided to CANCEL the Maisug Rally in Bulacan that was originally scheduled later this Afternoon to avoid Trouble due to the constant Harassement by the Administration of Bong Bong Marcos (BBM). Here is Atty. Rodriguez's Statement: 


Alinsunod sa naging pasya ni Pangulong Rodrigo Roa-Duterte, nais kong ipabatid sa lahat na HINDI TULOY ang pagdaraos ng HAKBANG NG MAISUG, isang payapa at malawakang PEACE RALLY, na nakatakdang ganapin mamayang 5pm sa Bustos, Bulacan. 

Ang naging desisyon ay upang maiwasan ang anumang gulo at sakitan na maaring idulot ng lantarang PANGGIGIPIT ng pamahalaan para hindi matuloy ang ating PEACE RALLY.  

Hindi po tayo papasupil sa pagmamalabis ng administrasyon. Antabayan po ninyo ang mga susunod nating pagkilos. 

Protect and Defend the Constitution!🇵🇭

Here is the Link to Atty. Vic Rodriguez's official Statement on the cancellation of the Maisug Rally in Bulacan:

April 8, 2024: The US origins of BBM’s “Assertive Transparency” Strategy against China
This recent Article of The Manila Times (TMT) talks about the United States’ (US) origins of the “Assertive Transparency” Strategy that the Administration of Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) is now using against China, and warns of its Negative Effects on the Philippines. Here are some selected Excerpts from the Article, the Link to which you can reach it is below: 

* “From Washington's perspective, the Collaboration is designed to weaken China prior to a potential Taiwan Crisis. Tokyo shares the view. Though the Philippines is positioned to bear the most Risks and Losses, it is not entirely clear how it will benefit from the new Trajectory. Without Policy Recalibration, Manila seems to be stumbling into a major Geopolitical Minefield even before an expected Taiwan Crisis, while the Filipinos' trust in their Political Leaders' Domestic Policies is dwindling.

* “During the Electoral Campaign, Marcos pledged he would build on Duterte's Legacy. After the Election, those Vows were turned upside down. In the SCS, the past cooperative approach was replaced with the Tactic of "Assertive Transparency," that is, "publicizing the aggressive aggressions of China. In Washington, the Tactic is portrayed as Manila's response to counter China. Yet, the Architects of the Policy seem to be linked with the US Department of Defense. Instead of just a narrow Information War of "Naming and Shaming," the Tactic involves broad Counterinsurgency Operations.

* “In the Philippines, the use of the "Assertive Transparency" Doctrine has been paralleled by the plummeting of the Approval Ratings of President Marcos and other Government Leaders. The Decline is due to growing Filipino concern regarding Issues like Inflation, Corruption and perceived weak Leadership. In such circumstances, SCS Tensions are a convenient distraction away from Filipino Bread-and-Butter Issues — unless and until the SCS Tensions finally explode, in which Case those Issues will get a lot worse.

April 1, 2024: BBM shamelessly pushing the Philippines into a War with China 
Here is a nice Article from The Manila Times (TMT) talking about how Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) is bringing the Philippines at the brink of War with China. Here are some selected Quotes from the Article itself, see below for the Link to it:

* “UNBELIEVABLE. While President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. says he doesn't want conflict with any Country, his Statements and Actions, and those of his Officials, especially those in the Philippine Navy, have thrown down the Gauntlet at the Feet of the Military and Economic Superpower in the Region, China. Marcos will go down in History as the first President of a weak Country to go to War against a Nuclear-armed Superpower.

* “If Conflict does break out with China, we will be the Asian Version of Argentina, which insisted that the Falklands were theirs and, therefore, invaded these in 1982. The British, who claimed the Islands, of course, fought back, defeating the Argentinians in 75 Days and killing over 700 of their Troops. Argentina's Economy lurched in Recession, with the damage to the Economy still unrepaired to this Day.

* “Statements of support in International Conflicts are worth nothing. Governments issue those Statements as it costs them nothing, especially if these support mere Generalities such as a "Rules-based Order." They may have indeed helped the US in the case of Ukraine, which has received some form of assistance from 45 countries. But most of these are Token Contributions that have hardly made a dent in defeating the Russian assault. Japan's assistance to Ukraine, for instance, consists of such Things as Toyota Hilux Trucks and six Isuzu Crane Trucks. Estonia listed "two Saunas" as among its Assistance.

April 5, 2024: Inflation rising again under the BBM Administration, Rice Inflation highest since 2009
Some Bad News as the Inflation Rate in the Philippines has gone up again for the Month of March 2024, from 3.4% in February 2024 to 3.7%. Food Inflation rose up to 5.7%, the highest it has been in five Months, or since November 2023. 

Worse still is that the Inflation Rate for Rice has gone up by 24.4%, the highest Rate in 15 Years, or highest since February 2009 when it rose up to 24.6% back then.

Here is the Link to the Article at the Channel News Asia (CNA) Website: 

February 1, 2024: EDCA is now Indefinite, Charter Change is for Permanent US Bases in the Philippines 
* "EDCA expires in March BUT if you don't revoke it one Year before expiration, it becomes indefinite. Thank you PNOY and BBM"

- So the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) is now indefinite since it didn't get revoked, and the United States (US) got its wish in Terms of preserving their Interests here in the Philippines. The current Administration has been a very good Doggie to the US, very obedient and loyal, LOL. 

* "Ayaw sabihin nila na ang gusto ng Charter Change eh U.S. dahil gusto nilang tanggaling ang prohibition on Permanent Bases."

- To all you spokening Dollar only out there, it says, "They don't want to say that the one who wants Charter Change is the U.S. because they want to remove the prohibition on Permanent Bases". 

So it seems the US is not content with just the EDCA arrangement, they want their old Bases back here in the Country since, as I keep saying, the Philippines is the only Country in the entire South East Asian (SEA) Region they are able to fool.


February 1, 2024: On the PDEA’s Drug List and Digong’s Fentanyl 
Just a Reminder to Everyone: First is that the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) that “clearedBong Bong Marcos (BBM) of any relations to Drug Abuse is under the Office of the President of the Philippines, so BBM is their Boss, cough, cough, ubo, ubo. 

Second is that the Fentanyl that BBM accused Former President Rodrigo Roa Duterte (FPRRD) of taking is a Drug that was prescribed to FPRRD as Pain Medication, so everything is above board on that, he is not addicted to it and nor is he an Addict, unlike some People (cough, cough, ubo, ubo).

February 1, 2024: I read that Trixie Cruz Angeles also had a "Cat-related" Incident, she reportedly lost her Cat. I always thought that my Cat might've been poisoned late last Year. She started having Diarrhea and several Hours later she was dead. 

I had posted some Videos of her in Public on Social Media, so they knew what she looked like. That's how Petty these People are, and that is how they try to control Philippine Society, thru these Syndicates whose Leaders are being paid one way or the other by the Elite. 

This is also the Reason why the Philippines is always being left behind, even in South East Asia (SEA), because of this "Cancer". If you are Filipino, you know and lived with this all your Life. 

If for some Reason you are not aware of this, the Proof is in the Pudding, just try to offend some of these Fakktards and see what happens. It is relatively easy to offend them, just think for yourself, be independent and Assertive …

January 29, 2024: I was ordering Food at the McDonald's Electronic Kiosk this Afternoon when I overheard some People talking about Digong Duterte's Speech yesterday. I when I glanced at them, it was two middle-aged Men, probably in their forties who were talking about it. 

They weren't exactly Pro-Duterte (more like Neutral) so I won't say what specifically they mentioned about, but the Bottomline is that Digong's Speech certainly seems to have made a huge impact on our Society. Let's see where Things go from hereon then …

January 19, 2024: Metro Manila has the Worst Traffic in the World in 2023
PINOY PRIDE: The Philippines under the Administration of Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) has earned another distinction … but unfortunately for the WRONG Reasons, this after the TomTom Traffic Index (TTI) showed that Metro Manila had the worst Traffic in the World for the Year 2023.

And not only that, the Metro Manila Traffic had actually also worsened compared to the previous Year of 2022. Travel Time in Metro Manila was measured at an average of 25 minutes and 30 seconds for every 10 kilometers, this was up from 24 minutes and 50 seconds in 2022. 

The Congestion Level in Metro Manila is also now more than half at 52%. The TTI measures the average speed of Vehicular Traffic in 387 Cities in 55 Countries and 6 Continents

Here is the Link to the Article at the The Manila Times (TMT) Website:

January 16, 2024: The Barber Shop I go to just raised their Price from Php 330 to 380, by Php 50 or a 15% increase. At this Rate, I will have to find another, much cheaper Barber Shop soon. 

I also noticed that some Products like a half kilo of the Whiskas Solid Cat Food has now gone up from around Php 138 before to Php 172 now, a whopping Php 34 or 25% increase.

Don't feed your Cats fake Branded Cat Food, by the Way, because they solidify inside the Cat's Body and eventually will be unable to defecate and thus die. That's what happened to one of my previous Cats, that's why I only buy Branded Cat Food from an authorized Outlet now even if its much more expensive. 

I switched to the Friskies Brand which is still cheaper as of now, but I don't know how long that will remain reasonably priced.

January 7, 2024: Corruption getting worse in the Government Agencies under the BBM Administration
Journalist Iris Gonzales wrote on the January 7, 2024 Edition of her Column on the PhilStar Global Website called "Eyes Wide Open" is sounding off the Alarm based on the reportedly increasing Corruption within the various Agencies under the Administration of Bong Bong Marcos (BBM)

She cited numerous Incidents in her Column, and most if not all of them are Anecdotes, so it will be difficult to determine if these are true or not unless People start coming forward and exposing them. However, with the Government tightening its grip on Social Media, then less People will be encouraged to go forward and in fact will make the Corrupt People in Government (if there are any) continue what they are doing since nobody is exposing them. 

Anyway, here are some select Quotes from the Article, there are many more so I suggest you go out and read it yourself, the Link to it will be down below: 

* "Some two Months ago, Embassy Workers from a Philippine Embassy abroad extorted Money from Foreign Nationals applying for a Visa to go to the Philippines, Industry Sources told me. Workers from this Philippine Embassy were asking P40,000 from each Visa Applicant. This is on Top of the Standard Visa Fee and the Applicants were told that if they don’t pay, their Visa application will not be facilitated. Some of the Victims are Chinese Nationals and some of them are here in the Philippines because they decided to just pay the P40,000, rather than not have their Visa processed. However, other Foreign Nationals, I’m told, are opting to just visit other Countries."

* "As Buildings need to have a specific number of Fire Extinguishers, some of these local Fire Departments insist that you acquire the necessary Extinguishers from their Suppliers. And guess what? The Prices are many times more expensive than those available in the Market. Another Scheme is a delay in inspection. Inspectors will take their time before they visit your Site. They will then give you the runaround and find an endless number of Issues unless you give them what they want.

Here is the Link to the Article on the PhilStar Global Website:

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