Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Philippine Navy Officials blocked development of Fuga Island by China, Place ended up Empty-Handed

Fuga Island, original Images by the OpenStreetMap
Fuga Island, original Images by the OpenStreetMap
More explosive revelations from the Special Report made the International News Organization Reuters on the Geopolitical Events between the United States (US), China and the Philippines during the Terms of Former President Rodrigo Roa Duterte (FPRRD) and Bobong Bong Marcos (BBM).

One of these was how Officials from the Philippine Navy (PN) blocked the planned development by China worth Usd 2 billion of the small Island of Fuga off the Coast of the Northern Tip of Luzon. Quoting from the Article

The Navy also managed to scuttle Plans by a Chinese-Philippine Joint Venture, Fong Zhi Enterprise Corporation, to transform Fuga Island in the Northern Philippines into a “Smart City” with a High-Tech Industrial Park. The remote Island is located less than 400 kilometers from Taiwan and close to Subsea Internet Cables connecting the Philippines with the rest of Asia. Duterte agreed in Principle to the $2 billion deal during a 2019 trip to Beijing. But he quickly backtracked after Philippine Military Officials went Public with fears that China might use the development as cover for a Spy Post or to facilitate an invasion of Taiwan.

Remember that this was back in 2019, and four Years later we are now in 2023 and there has been NO alternative Development of the Island. According to Wikipedia, the Island has an Area of only 70 km^2 and a Population of only 2,000 People. 

Imagine pouring Usd 2 billion into such a small Area, it would’ve greatly improved the Lives of the People there. But no, almost half a Decade later the Island remains IMPOVERISHED and UNDEVELOPED since no alternate Plan to develop it has come about. 

‘Parting Shot’
I have no Problems if some other Country stepped in to take China’s Place, whether it is Japan, South Korea or even the fakking United States (US), but nobody did, and the Island has ended up EMPTY HANDED. 

Even the Philippine Government itself would’ve benefited immensely from the Taxes and other Incidental or Indirect Revenues from such a Project. In the end, who ended up losing and suffering? The People of Fuga Island, and the Philippines. 

There will be some in the PN who won’t like what I am writing down here, but I am just being Frank or Direct, and being Truthful about what really happened. They made the Choice to intervene, then they have to live with the Consequences. They can’t go around making Decisions without any Consequences.

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