Saturday, March 22, 2025

Tanim Fake News

March 22, 2025: Tumitindi ang Desperasyon nilang ipakalat ang Tanim Fake News na meron daw na “Detain”
FAKE NEWS ALERT!!! Alert, Alert, Alert to all Duterte Supporters: ‘Desperado na talaga silang ipakalat ang "Tanim Fake News" na meron nga daw talagang na "Detain". Ang ginawa nila ngayon, gumamit ng "Text to Speech (TTS)" na Software para palabasin na sa Radyo o Television na ang nagbabalita sa US na meron nga raw na detain, and then pinapakalat sa TikTok.

Dalawang Bidyo na ang dumaan sa "For You" Page ng TikTok kaya ako naaalarma na. Gumagamit ako ng TTS sa mga Bidyo ko, kaya alam ko ang ilang mga Boses at palakaran diyan. So pakikalat sa mga Supporters, WAG PATULAN. Hangga't walang lehitimong Publikasyon ng mga Mamamahayag sa Mundo na nagbalita tungkol sa "Detention" na iyan, TANIM FAKE NEWS yan.

March 19, 2025: US likely helping the Philippines in its Counter Propaganda Operations 
There seems to be Number of COUNTER PROPAGANDA Operations going on now, like the News about the supposed "Detention" of a certain Somebody. 

And then now a Police Officer who is so angry at his own Government, but insist he does not support Duterte. If you look at his Page, it has already gained tens of thousands of new Followers since yesterday only. 

Anyway, the US is VERY good when it comes to Propaganda, we saw what they did in Ukraine back in the 2010s when they literally were able to MANIPULATE that Country into voting for a Comedian to be their President, and to make them into a Pro-Western Country right in the Border of Russia

With this Government being Pro-US, we can expect them to be getting a LOT of help from the US. The US literally is this Country's CURSE ...

Thursday, March 20, 2025

The Dutertes 2025, Part Two

March 16, 2025: Another Major Rally, this time in Cebu to support Digong
Another Major Rally was held last Sunday, March 16, 2025 in support of former President Rodrigo Duterte who is now being detained in the Netherlands, but this time in Cebu. Remember that Cebu is one of the Provinces with the most number of Voters in the Philippines. 

Thank you very much to our Visayan Cebuano Brothers, ‘Mabuhay po kayo!!!’ Here is the Link to the original Video on TikTok by the shann_go Account:

March 16, 2025: Major Rally in Davao to support Digong
A Video of the Major Rally in Davao City last Sunday, March 16, 2025 which was called the “Solidarity Walk for Tatay Digong” which is in support of former President Rodrigo Duterte who is now being detained in the Netherlands

Shout out to the Philippine Main Stream Media (MSM) who were forced to mention the Event, but also made sure to undervalue the number of People who attended it. Here is the Link to the original Video on TikTok by the piyolo03 Account:

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Jaguar GR3 on Metalstorm Review: Great Weapons and Armor, but not so Maneuverable - March 2025

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The Jaguar GR3 is very similar to the Mig-23 in it is also fast, but also not very maneuverable. However, it unfortunately does not accelerate as fast as the Mig-23. One Thing I noticed about “flying” it is how difficult it is to keep the Turn Rate Indicator (TRI) at its Yellow Setting when turning in a Fight. 

I am not sure why, I think its because its Engines are just too weak to help the Aircraft keep it there, even when constantly using the Afterburners. So after awhile, I just gave up monitoring as closely the TRI as I do with other Aircraft and just focused on using my Afterburners when I turn, which is how I played when I started playing the Game. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

The Dutertes 2025, Part One

March 17, 2025: Attempt to suppress News about the Rallies by labeling them as “Edited”, “Staged” or “Paid”
Apparently, the Strategy of the combined US-Pinklawan-Talyanist-Leftist-Communist Forces to suppress the Rallies in support of Digong was to treat the News about it as "Fake News", calling it as either "Edited", "Staged" or "Paid". 

I was personally warned about it, apparently it was spread around in their Groups to tell People about it. There were also Fake Pro-Duterte Accounts and Pages going out intentionally spreading these Fake News so they can justify the Crackdown on such. 

Again, we are seeing the WEAPONIZATION of the "Fake News" Narrative to suppress Free Speech. It didn't work, because for one, too many People were sharing Videos and News. 

And second, TikTok led the Way in Terms of spreading the News of the Rallies, and ultimately Facebook followed suit also. 

March 14, 2025: Marawi Children shouting “Bong Bong Marcos Tilaka”
The Muslim Children of Marawi City chanting, “Bong Bong Marcos Tilaka” during a Night Rally recently. Apparently, “Tilaka” is a “Bad Word” in Maranao which means “T*ng*” in Filipino. When you are President, and even Children have no more respect for you, then that has got to be a new Low even for him ...

Here is the original Video at the okey.baraiman Account on TikTok: 

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

F-5 Freedom Fighter on Metalstorm Review: First Aircraft in the Game, very Maneuverable – March 2025

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This is the first Aircraft you get and “fly” in the Game, and I initially had a very poor Impression of it since it isn’t very durable, and most of the time a single Hit from a Missile will easily take you out. However, as I watched more Tutorials online and gained more experience with the Game, my Impression of it changed. 

I realized later that my Problem was that at first, I was not watching the Turn Rate Indicator (TRI) when I turn the Aircraft, and second, I used too much Afterburner, I used it every time I turned, and this often put me at Speeds well above its ideal Turn Rate. 

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Philippine-China Relations, 2025

February 26, 2025: Supposed claim by China of Palawan is Fake News, made by Private Chinese Citizens, not Official Policy of the Chinese Government
I think most if not all of you have now seen those claims on Social Media about how China is supposed to be now claiming also Palawan on the Chinese Social Media. I started seeing it a couple of Days ago, and I initially just ignored it as B.S., but it seems some of our Countrymen believes it as true.

I searched for “Palawan” on the Xiaohongshu or RedNote App, and as you can see from the Screenshot, I saw only one Video about it. As far as I know, that Video and that claim was made by a Private Chinese Citizen, it is not necessarily an Official Foreign Policy of China. 

Just like the Calls for an Independent Mindanao, for Example, those were made by Private Philippine Citizens, it is not an Official Policy (yet) of the Philippine Government. 

The combined Anti-China, Pro-United States (US) Talyanist and Pinklawan Forces are quick to Hype and exaggerate Claims made by Private Chinese Citizens, but are absolutely silent when a Twitter Account claiming to be Part of the Chinese Police said, over two Weeks ago now, that the Chinese Military is ready to support the struggle of an Independent Mindanao. 

Had I known they were going to do this beforehand, I would’ve made that Tweet into a Video for maximum exposure. Well, I still could, I am getting sick and tired of all these Intimidation Tactics being made by the US and their Pinoy Doggies. 

Looks like somebody is now getting really, really desperate at using the “China Card” against the Dutertes. Note that Vera Files, the supposed “Fact Checker” on Social Media, has so far refused to “Fact Check” this, probably because it supports their Interests. 

February 10, 2025: Chinese Twitter Account claiming to be Part of China’s Law Enforcement says the PLA is ready to support an Independent Mindanao
I wanted to post this as a Video to maximize its Viewership, but because of all these Anti-ChinaHeat” being generated by the combined Talyanist and Pinklawan Forces right now, I decided to just to make an ordinary Post of it for now. 

I am not going to make a Commentary on it, I will just post the Information as it was presented. A Chinese Account on Twitter claiming to be Part of China's Law Enforcement Organization says that the People's Liberation Army (PLA) of China is ready to support an Independent Mindanao

The Account Tweeted, "The PLA stands ready to assist the People of Mindanao in their struggle to gain Independence from the Philippines. China shares a special Bond with the People of Mindanao, the Western Tip of the Island "Samboangan" in Chinese was named after the Ming Dynasty Admiral Zheng He, Whose Fleet protected the Region in the 15th Century.

The Account claims to be Part of the "People's Armed Police Propaganda Bureau" on its Profile, and says that it is, "On Twitter to improve English and Propaganda Skill". It goes on and says also that, "All Forms of Media is Propaganda, we're just more Honest about it". 

As far as I can tell, it doesn’t seem to be a Parody Account making Parody Posts, based on its Past and Current Tweets that I have seen. Here is the Link to the Tweet by the "Zhao DaShuai" Account on Twitter:

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Mig-23 on Metalstorm Review: The King of Slashing Attacks – February 2025

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I recently unlocked the Mig-23 Fighter Aircraft on the “Metalstorm” Fighter Plane Video Game, and it seems that they really simulated it in the Game to be almost the same as it is in Real Life, mainly because it is a pretty poor Dogfighter in a Turning Fight. 

The real Mig-23 had a very Poor reputation as a Fighter Aircraft, and has a poor, unofficial actual Combat Record, with some estimates it being shot down around four times as much as the number of Aircraft it shot down. 

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