Saturday, September 14, 2024

China vs. the United States of America (USA), 2024

A composite Image of the Flags of China and the US, original Images from Wikimedia Commons
A composite Image of the Flags of China and the US, original Images from Wikimedia Commons
September 3, 2024: US losing Ground to China in most of SEA 
Here is a nice, long Article on the “Foreign Affairs” Website talking about how the United States (US) is losing Ground to China in most Countries in South East Asia (SEA) in Terms of Influence. I suggest everybody read it, you can find the Link below. In the meantime, here are some selected Excerpts from the Article itself: 

* “In the Poll this Year, the Majority of Respondents picked China over the United States when asked whom ASEAN should align with if forced to choose between the two. This was the first time Respondents picked China since the Survey began posing this question in 2020.

* “In its 2020 Survey—the first Year that the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute asked Respondents “If ASEAN were forced to align itself with one of the Strategic Rivals, which should it choose?”—50.2 percent chose the United States, compared with 49.8 percent who chose China, when responses are adjusted (as they have been since the 2022 poll) to ensure that the responses of each Country are represented by equal proportion. In 2023, 61 percent of Respondents chose the United States compared with 39 percent who chose China, although the United States fared below the overall average in Brunei, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, and Thailand. In the 2024 Survey, however, China edged past the United States as the Region’s choice of alignment Partner: 50.5 percent of Respondents chose China, and 49.5 percent chose the United States.

* “Breaking down this Year’s result by Country shows that since the 2023 poll, the United States has lost the most ground to China among Respondents in Laos (a 30 percentage point decline), Malaysia (a 20 percentage point decline), Indonesia (a 20 percentage point decline), Cambodia (an 18 percentage point decline), and Brunei (a 15 percentage point decline). The United States has also lost ground in Myanmar and Thailand (10 and 9 percentage point declines, respectively).

* “Western Media Outlets often carry Reports about the Debt Traps associated with China’s Belt and Road Initiative. But BRI Projects are generally welcomed in Southeast Asia for the growth and development potential they offer the recipient Country. One high-ranking Diplomat from the Region pronounced it a Model for how to win “Hearts and Minds.” In January, I traveled to Laos, where the ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Retreat was taking place in Luang Prabang, the Country’s Cultural and Spiritual Center. There were no Signs of competition for Influence between China and the United States; Chinese Influence alone pervaded People’s daily Lives. Residents of Luang Prabang spoke positively of the boost to local Businesses since April 2023, when a BRI-affiliated Railway running through the City and connecting Laos to China opened fully.

Here is the Link to the Article on the “Foreign Affairs” Website: 

July 30, 2024: “China-Philippines ties may improve, as long as US stops interfering” Article at GT
Philippine Political Observer Herman Tiu Laurel wrote an Article for the Chinese “Global Times (GT)” News Publication recently titled, “China-Philippines ties may improve, as long as US stops interfering”. Here are some selected Excerpts from that Article:  

* “It should be noted that Tensions between China and the Philippines began in early 2023, when retired US Air Force Colonel Raymond Powell, with the help of the US Office of Naval Research, conceived a "Cognitive Warfare" Operation known as "Project Myoushu."

* “The Modus Operandi was to provoke Deterrent or Police Action from the China Coast Guard. Philippine Coast Guard Vessels or privately hired Ships attempted to smuggle prohibited Materials or violate Fish Sanctuaries, which are restricted for Conservation Purposes. These Philippine Vessels also transported Western and Filipino Media to film, report, and denounce China's actions as "Bullying."

* “Powell, the Chief of the US Project Myoushu, openly admits that the Aim of his operation is to exact reputational costs on China and generate international support for the Philippine Cause. However, both Efforts have failed. According to the State of Southeast Asia 2024 survey, compiled by the Singapore-based ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute in April, over half of Southeast Asians now prefer to align with China rather than the US. ASEAN Member Countries are critical of the Philippines' unilateral and disruptive Activities.

Here is the Link to the Article at the GT Website:

Sunday, August 18, 2024

The President Bong Bong Marcos (PBBM) Presidency, 2024

August 15, 2024: Marcos Jr. Military Acquisitions updated to include Patrol Aircraft and Other Improvements
I recently updated my Running Blog of the “Military Equipment Acquisitions under the Marcos Jr. Administration" to include the ATR 72-600 Patrol Aircraft. I also updated the other older Entries by including the Contract and Unit Prices with them.

Here is the Link to my Blog about the Military Acquisitions of the Administration of President Bong Bong Marcos (PBBM):

August 12, 2024: Philippine MSM silenced by Pro-US, Anti-China Oligarchs that owns them 
A nice Article about the true State of Philippine Journalism as of now, under this Administration of President Bong Bong Marcos (PBBM). As I have been saying, almost all of the Philippine Mainstream Media (MSM) right now don’t work for the Filipino People anymore, they work for whoever Oligarch it is that owns them, they basically are just the Propagandists of the Oligarchs. Here are some selected Excerpts from the Article: 

* “Even self-styled Guardians of Press Freedom, especially the US-funded Media Outfits like Vera Files, Rappler, the Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism, and the Center for Media Freedom and Responsibility are exposed as Minions by this Binag Exposé. They have been totally silent on this Issue. Why? Because Marcos is a certified Puppet of the US, and these Entities can't defy the American Hand that feeds them. ABS-CBN's Karen Davila, whose "Head Start" Program has focused on one-on-one Interviews, and featured and interviewed hundreds of less Newsworthy Personalities, would have begged to interview Cathy Binag. She didn't. In fairness to Davila, that "don't" order would have come from the very top.

* “Such Control has become an Existential Requirement for the Marcos Clan. After two Years, he has inarguably been a bad President, even our worst, buoyed to remain in power by the US and Media. His US-prodded belligerence toward China, the Economic Superpower in Asia, will bring us to ruin. Doesn't he ever wonder why among Asean's 10 Members, it is only the Philippines that is hostile to China?

* “However, the steep rise in Newsprint Prices (the biggest cost for a newspaper), President Estrada's call to his Billionaire Friends not to place Ads in the Newspaper, President Duterte's move to wrest the lucrative Mile-Long Commercial Center away from the Rufinos took a heavy toll on the Paper and the Rufinos' Financials. A Year after Magsanoc died in 2015, the Rufinos took full control of its Editorial. It even dropped the Paper's original Slogan "Without Fear or Favor" that projected its crusade to expose corruption in Government — a signal to stop fighting the Government. The Paper is even afraid of ever losing control of its Editorial Side by not appointing an Editor-in-Chief, with an "Associate Publisher" competing in power with an "Executive Editor." There will be no more powerful Editor-in-Chief like Letty Magsanoc in the Inquirer the Rufinos have ensured.

* “Our Ambassador to Washington, Jose ("Babe") Romualdez, told me he owns substantial Shares in the Star. Romualdez's open Bias toward the US and his belligerency toward China explains why the Newspaper has become basically the main Propaganda Sheet for the American Lies in the South China Sea Dispute, with its Daily Messaging directly coming from Washington.

Here is the Link to the Article on “The Manila Times” Website:

Saturday, August 10, 2024

China and the World, 2023-2024

August 7, 2024: China remains as the World’s Top Vehicle Exporter in the first Half of 2024
China remained as the World's largest Vehicle Exporter in the first half of this Year of 2024 since surpassing Japan last Year of 2023. Chinese Automakers exported 2.793 million Vehicles worth Usd 55.2 billion from January to June of 2024 compared to only 2.0177 million by Japan. 

China’s dominance may go down though as Chinese Vehicle Manufacturers like BYD and Chery are now building Factories in Europe to localize the Production of their Vehicles there.

Here is the Link to the Article at the “Shine” Website:

February 26, 2024: China beats the US to be the Number One Diplomatic Power in the World
China is now the Number one Diplomatic Power in the World ahead of the United States (US), this according to the 2024 Global Diplomatic Index Report made by the Lowy Institute which is based in Australia

The Report based this on the number of Diplomatic Postings that a Country has around the World, and China leads this with 274 Posts while the US which came in second only had 271. China reportedly has the edge over the US in Africa, East Asia, the Pacific Island Nations and Central Asia

Friday, August 2, 2024

China vs. the United States of America (USA), 2023

A composite Image of the Flags of China and the US, original Images from Wikimedia Commons
A composite Image of the Flags of China and the US, original Images from Wikimedia Commons
December 21, 2023: US and China resumes direct Military to Military Talks
While Philippine Government Officials under the Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) Administration continue to insist on talking Trash against China in Public, the Philippines' supposed "Ally" the United States (US) has restarted direct Military to Military Talks with China. 

This was as per the Agreement between Chinese President Xi Jinping with US President Joe Biden during Xi’s visit to the US last Month of November 2023. The Meeting was made by the Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff General Charles Q. Brown and the Chief of the Joints Staff Department of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) General Liu Zhenli

It has been more than a Year since the two Sides had any direct Military Talks, China decided to cut it off back in August of last Year of 2022 when the then Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan. Looks like somebody is being left out, guess who? LOL

Here is the Link to the Article at the Voice of America (VOA) Website:

October 4, 2023: US Citizens are realizing just how outdated their Train Systems are compared to China
A number of United States (US) and Canadian Citizens themselves are now realizing and posting on Social Media just how outdated the US Railway Systems really are compared to that of China. China’s Trains are a lot more Modern and comfortable to ride than anything that the US has to offer right now. 

The US is clearly stuck to the Past, an aging Superpower that is slowly going obsolete while China is not just the Present but clearly the Future also. And the Bobong Bong Marcos’ (BBM) Administration still insists on betting the Future of the Philippines with the Loser that is the US ... 

Friday, July 12, 2024

Philippine-United States (US) Relations, 2024

Picture here

September 5, 2024: US Presence could make the Philippines a Nuclear Target for China
Here is a recent Article from “The Manila Times” talking about how the deployment of Troops, Equipment and Weapons by the United States (US) in the Philippines could make our Country not only a Target of Conventional Weapons from China, but Nuclear Weapons as well. 

You can find the Link to the Article below, meanwhile here are some Excerpts from it: 

* “Under the Agile Combat Employment (ACE) Strategy, as explained by Air Force Gen. Kenneth Wilsbach, Commander of US Indo-Pacific Air Assets from India to Hawaii, a Month after Marcos granted nine EDCA Sites, the ACE Strategy is "to have Jets spread out over many, many Islands [so as] to make the targeting Problem for the Adversary more difficult — it makes them use more Munitions."”

* “Added the National Defense Website, paraphrasing Wilsbach: "Instead of trying to make Facilities withstand attacks from Precision Munitions, the Goal of [ACE] is to develop a Hub and Spoke Network of small Bases and Facilities so if one gets hit, the losses are small"

* “And Washington has no Resources and time to erect defenses for all Bases since Guam alone requires $1.7 billion and several years of construction to counter China's 500 Medium-Range Projectiles and thousands of Cruise Missiles, Drones and Warplanes, plus Cyberwarfare ("The Plan to Defend Guam from Missile Threats Is Years from Completion <removed>). And our Bases are much closer to China than Guam is and far more vulnerable to many more PLA Weapons.

* “There's more. America's current Military Chief, Air Force Gen. Charles "CQ" Brown, has long sought to position Ground-based Intermediate-Range Missiles (GBIRMs) in Asia. As then-Air Force chief in 2020, he commissioned Think-Tank RAND Corp. to assess whether or not US Treaty Allies — Australia, Japan, South Korea, the Philippines and Thailand — would allow GBIRMs on their Soil.

* “"IndoPacom hopes to disperse US forces, including marine and army units, along the first island chain running from Japan through Southeast Asia. In a contingency, these small, mobile teams would support US air and naval operations and hold Chinese vessels at risk with ground-based missile units. ... the Philippines is the only country in Southeast Asia that might realistically host such assets. So, these plans require saving the VFA (Visiting Forces Agreement) and implementing EDCA"

* “During hostilities, the choice for PLA Generals would then be to expend hundreds of Rockets, Drones and Aircraft in repeated Sorties against Missile Systems and Airfields here supporting America, which are constantly repaired after every bombing — or to take out dozens of those Threats with just one Volley of Atomic Weapons, saving ordnance for Naval and Air Battles and rendering Targets irreparable due to radioactivity.

August 29, 2024: US interfering with the Philippines to turn it into another Ukraine
Here is an Article that is so good that I wanted to turn it into a Video, but I had trouble asking the Author for Permission because the damn Russian Yandex Mail Service he was using kept automatically rejecting the E-Mails from my ProtonMail Account as supposed Spam. 

I might still turn it into a Video if ever I get the Author’s Permission. In the Meantime, here are Excerpts from the Article, I suggest everyone read it in its entirety, I will put the Link below: 

* “Before the current Administration of Ferdinand Marcos Jr. took Office, China was working with the Philippines to build badly needed modern Infrastructure. Now, rather than working and trading together with China, the Philippines is pointing Missiles at China. It has “invited” the United States, the Philippines’ former Colonial Master, to build new Military Facilities across its Territory, using Semantics and legal loopholes to sidestep the Philippines own Constitution and undermine its Sovereignty in the process. Instead of rising with the rest of Asia, the Philippines continues to escalate toward a conflict that could set the entire region back decades or more.

* “There is growing awareness of the means by which the US interferes politically in targeted Nations through the US National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and adjacent Organizations, Agencies, and Foundations, compromising a Nation’s leadership and reshaping National Policies to serve Washington at the expense of the targeted Nation. The NED does this through targeting every aspect of a Nation-State, from its Political System, to Academia, from its Courts and Legal System to a Nation’s information space.

* “In addition to lying about Public Health, the US seeks to convince the Philippine Public to give up Trade, Economic Development, and Infrastructure Projects with China and instead invest Public Funds into Military Spending ahead of what will likely be a Ukraine-style Proxy War against China.

* “Considering the Pile of Ashes and Bones the US is transforming Ukraine into even as this same process gains momentum in the Philippines, it is clear that along this Path, there is no future at all for the Philippines. <Removed> Only time will tell if other Nations heed this warning, or simply follow Ukraine and the Philippines into Self-Destruction.

Here is the Link to the Article at the Neo Eastern Outlook (NEO) Website:

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Philippine-China Relations, 2024

September 1, 2024: Anti-China Hate Campaign now also targets Filipino-Chinese
Former Senator Nikki Coseteng recently said that the ongoing Hate Campaign against China under the current Administration of President Bong Bong Marcos (PBBM) could lead to War between the two Countries. 

Coseteng said, "This Campaign, subtly and sometimes overtly promoted through Traditional and Social Media, threatens to tear apart our Nation. Suppose we do not address this Issue immediately and adequately. In that Case, it will spiral into a full-blown Hate Campaign, not just against China but against the Chinese Filipino Community among us.

She warned that the Country is now on the brink of War, noting the actual consequences of Conflict were beyond the immediate loss of Life and Destruction but included the irreparable damage it leaves behind for Generations to come.

"War creates untold loss, division and polarization among People. The Scars it leaves behind are not just physical but deeply psychological, ripping apart the very fabric of Societies," she said.

Coseteng said that being Filipino Chinese, she was subjected to "Sinophobic remarks from supposedly well-educated friends." The Incident, she said, was a disturbing indication of how anti-China Rhetoric is increasingly blurring the Lines between Chinese and Filipino Chinese.

Coseteng added that many Filipino Chinese, including those who have been running legitimate Businesses for generations, now feel targeted by discrimination. She said disregarding the Contributions of Filipino Chinese to the Country's history and welfare would be not only counterproductive but also profoundly unfair.

Coseteng expressed skepticism about the Government's promise of protection for Filipino Chinese. "In a climate where aggression is tolerated and encouraged, what about ordinary Filipinos? How can they feel secure when the leaders meant to protect them enable such hostility?” She said.

The issue of the West Philippine Sea is being manipulated to cast the Chinese negatively, Coseteng added. Coseteng said the use of forged Immigration Documents was a Crime not unique to the Chinese. "Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Foreigners have gone through the same Procedures facilitated by Enablers within our Government," she added.

Coseteng said it would be hard for Illegal Operators to exist without help from Philippine Authorities. "We have yet to see the full force of the Law bring them to justice," she said. Coseteng said the Philippines needs an able Negotiator with China.

"This isn't like negotiating at a stall in 168 (a mall in Divisoria, Manila) where you just bring a Mobile Phone with a Translator and start talking. It's not that simple. These are long-term Discussions that cannot be resolved in two Days. This is about the future of our Country and the next generation. Hot-headedness and one-upmanship have no place here," she said.

"China, to me, is not a bully. It's a large Country, moving forward at high speed while we're still riding a Tricycle. It's a tough situation," Coseteng added.

Here is the Link to the Article on “The Manila Times” Website: 

August 9, 2024: The Global Times reports on how China sees the Philippines’ constant “Joint Patrols” as a Provocations
The Chinese "Global Times" News Publication recently wrote about how it sees the Philippines' continued Joint Military Exercises in the South China Sea (SCS) as Provocations, especially with how it keeps playing up to the Press on how Chinese Forces are supposedly shadowing these Exercises. Here are some selected Excerpts from the Article: 

* “From Wednesday to Thursday, the Philippines, the US, Australia and Canada launched Joint Sea and Air Drills in the South China Sea. Ironically, the Philippines, which has already conducted three Joint Exercises with non-Regional Countries within just 10 Days, again portrayed itself as a "Victim."” 

* “With the aim of testing Troops' Reconnaissance, Early Warning, Rapid Deployments and Joint Strike Capabilities, the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Southern Theater Command on Wednesday organized a Joint Combat Patrol in Waters and Airspace near Huangyan Dao (also known as Huangyan Island) in the South China Sea. However, according to Reuters, the Philippines Military responded by saying three Chinese Navy Vessels had "tailed" the four-Country Exercise.

* “The Military Exercises around Chinese Territory are a serious provocation. China's response is a clear display of its dedication to safeguarding its Maritime Rights and Sovereignty, a Chinese Military Expert who requested Anonymity, told the Global Times.” 

* “The Philippines' allegation against China is merely an Effort to portray itself as a "Victim," with the intention of discrediting China and confusing the International Community, while seeking to garner support from other Countries.

* “The Philippines has made serious Misjudgments on the South China Sea Issue. Following the US' Indo-Pacific Strategy will not safeguard the Interests of the Philippines; instead, it will only become a "Clown" serving US Interests.

Here is the Link to the Article at the GT Website:

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Troll Attacks on my Social Media Accounts, 2023-2024

Photo here

June 8, 2024: Troll Attack, June 7, 2024
So, as you can see from the accompanying Picture, the Anti-China, Pro-United States (US) Troll Farms tried to hack into my Facebook Account again recently. I think they probably tried to do it around just before Midnight of June 7, 2024 when I had gone to sleep already. 

Of course it wasn’t successful, I have gone through these a number of times already all through the Years and I know that Facebook does a pretty good Job of securing Accounts these Days as long as you fully use all of the available Security Measure that they offer. 

Not sure what the Goals of the Trolls are with this, maybe they were actually hoping to hijack my Account, or maybe they just wanted to intimidate me. Anyway, their Attempt ended up as nothing more than a Minor Annoyance for me. I wouldn’t be surprised though if they do something else to try to get to me in some Way. 

These are likely that same Troll Farms that Maharlika said was being paid Php 5 million per Month just to support this certain Administration.  

February 11, 2024: Troll Farms Shut Down Pages on Truth Social and Substack
The combined Pinklawan/Marcostard Anti-China, Pro-US Troll Farms are really very active and are earning their Pay lately as they have been able to do Things like Mass Report and shut down two of my newest Social Media Accounts on Truth Social and Substack, which is quite a shame since I liked using those two with their clean and easy to use Interfaces. 

With Truth Social, my Account was initially banned but I appealed it and they returned it back. However, I found out that I couldn’t upload Pictures or Images anymore, so I decide to just delete it then. But then I also couldn’t delete the Account for some Reason. I already notified them about it by E-Mail, but so far no response back. 

With Substack, the Farms managed to shut it down just a Day after it went Active. I tried to appeal, but so far no reponse yet also. I think the Trolls intentionally made the attack on a Weekend knowing there would be little or no Support. I will give it several more Days and if nothing Happens, then I will just delete my Substack Account.

I am disappointed that Truth Social and Substack allowed themselves to be that easily manipulated by Troll Farms, but maybe just as well since it shows how weak their Systems are against such manipulation. I also shows how this Government is spending the MOOE and Unprogrammed Funds for their Social Media Campaigns …

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