Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Vietnam sentences Man to 8 Years in Jail for Pro-Democracy Posts on Facebook

Vietnam recently sentenced one of its own Citizens to Jail for 8 Years simply for expressing support for Democracy on Facebook.

He was sentenced for broadcasting 110 Hours of Videos and posting 366 Articles that were "defaming the Communist Party and Socialism, humiliating Ho Chi Minh and other Party and State Leaders".

Meanwhile in the Philippines, the Press abuses their Freedom of the Press by being biased and being Propagandists for certain interests day in and day out, and yet Democracy is supposed to be dead already.

Note that despite having an Authoritarian and oppressive Regime, Vietnam has a much lower Poverty Rate than ours, and has a vibrant Economy, getting a lot more Foreign Direct Investments than us.

Vietnam jails Facebook User for pro-Democracy broadcasts
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