Wednesday, December 30, 2020

US Law bans entry to Philippine Officials who imprisoned Maria Ressa

Section 7031 of the 2021 US Spending Law
Section 7031 of the 2021 US Spending Law

Our “Ally” the United States (US) has just passed into Law their 2021 Spending Bill which contains a Provision that bans Philippine Government Officials involved in the imprisonment of Maria Ressa from entering their Country. 

The Section 7031 - Specific Cases Portion of the Law says that, “The Secretary shall apply subsection (c) to foreign government officials involved in threatening, wrongfully imprisoning, or otherwise depriving of liberty independent journalists who speak out or publish about official corruption or other abuses, including Maria Luisa Ressa in the Philippines and El Faro in El Salvador”.

Remember that Maria Ressa is has Dual Citizenship, she has both American and Philippine Citizenship which is one reason that made it easier for the US to interfere in our Internal Affairs on her behalf. 

So, another Instance in the long List of Examples of the US interfering with the Philippines’ Affairs. It’s funny that Dilawan Sections of the Philippine Press is downplaying this piece of News, probably because are protecting the US’ reputation and doesn’t want it to be seen negatively.

This is the same US who abandoned the Philippines back in 2012 in Panatag Shoal when former Philippine President AbNoy Aquino confronted China there. So they abandon us when we needed them, and yet they keep interfering in our Affairs when they want to? How convenient. 

And remember that we are now still under the Administration of Donald Trump, which has only a couple more Weeks in Office until he is replaced by Joe Biden who belongs to the Democratic Party, which is a close Ally of Ressa and the Philippine Opposition. 

SOURCE: Explanatory Statement for Department of State, Foreign Operations, and related Programs Appropriations Bill, 2021 {Archived Link}

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