Friday, July 9, 2021

China’s current and upcoming Investments around South East Asia – July 2021

Nikkei Asia's Headline on China's Investments in SEA
Nikkei Asia's Headline on China's Investments in SEA

Here are some of China’s curent and upcoming Investment Projects around some South East Asian (SEA) Countries: 

* Malaysia: The Chinese Company Risen Energy will invest Usd 10.1 billion in Malaysia’s Photovoltaic Industry

* Laos: China will fund a 580 km Highway in Laos worth Usd 5.1 billion

* Vietnam: From January to April of 2021, China has invested in 61 Projects in Vietnam worth around Usd 1 billion

‘My Notes’
Here in the Philippines, China’s Projects are constantly being attacked by the Americans and their Filipino Dogs using Propaganda, Malice and Intrigue, and when it doesn’t push thru partly because of these, China is again attacked for “… not fulfilling their Promises”.

This creates a vicious, sort of Self-Fulfilling Cycle of “Attack-Fail-Blame-Attack Again”. But despite that, some of China’s Projects are pushing thru, like they have gifted us 3 Bridges already, 2 in Manila, 1 in Davao. 

And some of the Projects they are helping fund are moving forward. Also trade between China and the Philippines continues to grow. 

SOURCE: China outspends US in ASEAN Investment Blitz {Archived Link}

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